Leia o texto abaixo e responda guia do visitante

O National Constitution Center (Centro da Constituição Nacional) é o primeiro e único museu dedicado à história da Constituição dos EUA. Visite nossas exposições, que são repletas de conteúdos e objetos interativos e multimídia que demonstram a importância desse documento revolucionário e o seu impacto em nosso cotidiano.

Ascensão da liberdade "Freedom Rising"

Comece sua visita no Teatro Kimmel e viva a experiência de uma produção premiada que lhe conduz em uma jornada multimídia de 17 minutos através da história da Constituição, desde os seus primórdios até hoje. Imagens impactantes, uma tela de 360 graus e um ator ao vivo irão lhe inspirar a se tornar uma parte ativa de “We the People” (Nós, o Povo).

A História de "We the People"

A História de We the People (Nós, o Povo) leva os visitantes a uma jornada constitucional interativa, usando mais de 100 elementos multimídia para contar a história do documento mais estimado dos Estados Unidos.

Sala dos signatários "Signers’ Hall"

Caminhe entre 42 estátuas de bronze em tamanho real dos 39 delegados que assinaram a constituição e dos 3 dissidentes.

Horário de funcionamento do museu (Eu quero visitar!)

O Museu recebe os visitantes sete dias por semana (exceto no dia de Ações de Graças e no Natal), de segunda a sexta-feira, das 9h30 às 17h; sábado, das 9h30 às 17h; e domingo, das 12h às 17h.

Câmeras fotográficas e filmadoras (Eu quero tirar fotos!)

Fotografias e vídeos de qualquer natureza são proibidos nas áreas de exposição do museu, exceto na Signers’ Hall.

Onde comer? (Estou com fome.)

Aprecie um café da manhã, um almoço e lanches leves no Delegates’ Cafe, durante o horário de funcionamento do museu.

Onde fazer compras? (Eu quero um suvenir!)

A loja do museu National Constitution Center fica aberta a visitantes durante o horário normal de funcionamento do museu. É oferecida uma ampla variedade de produtos.

Como eu me torno um membro? (Eu quero fazer outras visitas!)

Visite o escritório da associação, localizado no salão principal, para saber mais sobre como se tornar um sócio do Center. Os membros têm direito à admissão gratuita, desconto em ingressos da programação noturna, notificação prévia de eventos especiais e muito mais!

Tour pelos dez pontos mais requisitados do Center

1. Grande Saguão de Entrada (Grand Hall Lobby)

Ao entrar nesse grandioso espaço aberto, olhe à sua volta e você notará que há muita pedra e vidro.  A gigantesca janela de vidro que cerca todo o prédio é um símbolo que representa o nosso governo.  Ele não funciona em segredo, e qualquer cidadão consegue ver tudo o que acontece.  A pedra escolhida é a mesma usada para construir o Empire State Building e é símbolo da força de We the People.

2. A Ascensão da liberdade (Freedom Rising)

Comemore o aniversário de 225 anos da Constituição com a apresentação que a juíza do Supremo Tribunal, Sandra Day O'Connor, chama de "os melhores 17 minutos de aula cívica do país". Conheça a produção premiada que leva os visitantes a uma jornada multimídia, explorando a Constituição desde seus primórdios até hoje. Imagens impactantes, uma tela de 360 graus e um ator ao vivo irão lhe surpreender!

3. Central da eleição

À medida que as Eleições 2012 esquentam, você também tem a liberdade de votar, mesmo se ainda não tiver 18 anos! -  nas cabines eleitorais do Center. Deposite o seu próprio voto e faça a sua voz ser ouvida!

4. Juramento Presidencial

Você jura solenemente preservar, proteger e defender a Constituição? Seja empossado como Presidente dos Estados Unidos com essa divertida exibição interativa, localizada no salão de exposições DeVos. A liberdade lhe chama: atenda-a fazendo o juramento.

5. O Fedora de Franklin Delano Roosevelt

O estilo de um presidente vai além de sua política: está até em seu modo de vestir. Não deixe de ver a exposição do chapéu que era a marca registrada de Roosevelt, aproximadamente em 1937.

6. A toga  de O'Connor

Sandra Day O'Connor foi empossada como a primeira mulher do Superior Tribunal de Justiça em 1981, mostrando que as mulheres têm a liberdade de deter a cadeira no mais alto tribunal do país. Conheça a toga original que ela usou entre 1981 e 2003 e prove uma imitação da toga enquanto explora a Tribuna da Suprema Corte e decide os rumos de casos históricos.

7. Estátua de Ben Franklin

Há 225 anos, ocorria a assinatura da Constituição e, hoje, você também pode assiná-la! Não se esqueça de visitar o mais antigo delegado, Benjamin Franklin: ele é o que tem a cabeça mais brilhante, graças aos milhares de visitantes que lustram a sua testa de bronze todos os dias!

8. O jornal The Pennsylvania Packet

Você não pode perder a primeira versão pública impressa da Constituição dos EUA, a qual completa 225 anos este ano, em um jornal da Filadélfia. Não deixe de ver esse duradouro documento da liberdade, o qual se encontra protegido por uma alcova situada logo na saída no Signers’ Hall.

9. Vista do Independence Hall

Deleite-se com a vista espetacular do Independence Hall, a partir do Grand Hall Overlook, localizado no segundo andar do Center. Imagine estar lá há 225 anos, quando foi assinada a Constituição!

10. A Águia e a Árvore da Liberdade

Confira uma extraordinária obra de arte, esculpida em um dos últimos vestígios da Revolução.  Todas as árvores da liberdade em que os colonos encontravam-se para discutir liberdade já morreram, mas artistas esculpiram, em um fragmento da última árvore ainda de pé, uma águia, orgulhosamente o símbolo do espírito estadunidense.

Page 2

Bahia, Brazil (State). Departamento de Estradas de Rodagem. Serviço de Pesquisas Tecnológicas.

O Servico de Pesquisas Tecnológicas do Departamento do Estradas de Rodagem da Bahia. Salvador, 1967. 9 l Hlus. 30 cm. unpriced

BBM 68-1737 1. Title TE42.B3A43



Bahia, Brazil (State). Departamento de

Promoção Agro-pecuária. Divisão de Produção

see Brazil, Superintendência do

Desenvolvimento do Nordeste. Divisão de Abastecimento. Escritório Regional da Bahia.

Pesquisa de comercialização do produto

agricola, algodão. Salvador? 1967,

Bahia, Brazil (State). Departamento Estadual de Esta. tistica.

Cadastro bancário. Salvador,

V. 21 x 32 cm. 1. Banks and banking-Bahia, Brazll (State)-Directories. HG2889.B3A25


Bahia, Brazil (State) Departamento Estadual de Estatística.

Divisão territorial da Bahia. Salvador, 1965. 50 L 31 cm. Cover title.

1. Bahia, Brazil (State)-Administratire and political divisions. 1. Title. JS2423.B3A12 1965


Bahia, Brazil (State) Departamento Estadual de Estatística.

Divisão territorial da Bahia. Salvador, 1968. 37 L tables. 81 cm. unpriced

BBM 69-2 Cover title.

1. Bahia, Brazil (State)-Administrative and political divisions. 1. Title JS2423.B3A47 1968


Bahia, Zacharias Pereira.
As três cruzes e fim do mundo. Rio de Janeiro, 1969.

Bahia, Brazil (State) Comissão de Planejamento 87 p. 16 cm. 4.00

LAOAP 60 8706

Economico 1. End of the world. L Title.

see Bahia, Brazil (State) Secretaria da BT876.B3


Agricultura, Industria e Comércio. A Bahia, Brasil (State).

seringueira na Bahia Salvador, 1960, Centro de Desenvolvimento e Assistência a Pequenas e Médias Indústrias; pedido de assistência apresentado ao

Bahia, Brazil (State) Comissão de Planejamento Programa das Nações Unidas para o Desenvolvimento

Economico (fundo especial). Salvador, 1968. 53 l. 31 cm. unpriced

BBM 09 4 see Guimarães, Silvio. Desenvolvimento Cover title.

econômico e organização social. Bahia, 1964. 1. Centro de Desenvolvimento e Assistência a Pequenas e Médias Industriag. 2. Industrial promotion--Bahia, Brasil (State) 8. United Nations Technical assistance Case studies. HC189.B39A5

73-418482 Bahia, Brazil (State) Comissão de Planejamento

Econômico Bahia, Brazil (State)

see Mahrholz, Wolfgang W Coleção de Instituto de Pesquisas e Serviços Industriais; pedido de

dados para investigacão geológica, .. Šalvador,

Fundacão Comissão de Planejamento Economico, assistência apresentado ao Programa das Nações Unidas

1966. para o Desenvolvimento (fundo especial). Salvador, 1968. (34, 1. tables. unpriced

BBM 004 i. Instituto de Pesquisas e Serviços Industrials. 2. Industrial promotion --- Bahla, Brazil (State) 3. United Nations - Technical Bahia, Brazil (State) Comissão de Planejamento assistance HC188.B3A49


see Proplan, Estímulos fiscais e financeiros

na Bahia, Salvador, 1967. Bahia, Brazil (State)

see Brazil. Pedido de assistência ao Programa de Desenvolvimento das Nações Unidas

Bahia, Brazil (State) Comissão de Planejamento (Fundo Especial). .. Salvador, 1968.

see Sociedade Serete de Estudos e Projetos.

Desenvolvimento industrial da Bahia. Sao Bahia, Brazil (State)

Paulo, 1966see Empreendimentos da Bahia. Centro Industrial de Aratu, plano diretor. Salvador, 1967.

Bahia, Brazil (State) Comissão de Planejamento Econômico.

Departamento de Programação. Setor de Agricultura e

Abastecimento. Bahia, Brazil (State)

Economia baiana, setor agrícola; diagnóstico preliminar. see Estudos e projetos. Salvador, Imprensa Salvador, Fundação Comissão de Planejamento Econômico, Oficial da Bahia, 1970


xill, 79 p. col. Illus. 30 cm.

Cover title. Bahia, Brazil (State). Arquivo Publico.

Summary in Portuguese, English and French.

1. Agriculture Economic aspects Brazil-Bahla (State) 2. Land Guia do Arquivo do Estado da Bahia.

reform-Bahia, Brazil (State) 1. Title Bahia (1967?,


70-405868 187 p. (Bahia, Brazil (State) Arquivo Público. Publicações, 3)

Bahia, Brazil (State) Comissão de Planejamento Econômico. 1. Bahia, Brazil (State)-Hist. Sources-Bibl. Setor de Implantação de Indústrias. 2. Bahia, Brazil (State)-Arquivo Público. 1. Title A Bahia de hoje. Salvador, 1967. InU

NUC 71-41070

1 v. (various pagings) fold. col. map. 32 cm.

1. Bahia, Brazil (State) - Economic conditions. 2. Industrial promotion-Bahia, Brazil (State) 1. Title. HC188.B3A53


78206666 Bahia, Brazil (State). Arquivo Público

see Reichert, Rolf, comp. Os documentos árabes do Arquivo do Estado da Bahia,

Bahia, Brazil (State). Conselho de Desenvolvimento do ReSalvador, Universidade Federal da Bahia.

côncavo (1970,

Conselho de Desenvolvimento do Recôncavo.
Bahia, Brazil (State) Assessoria Geral de Programação e
Orçamento analítico e programação do gasto público para

Bahia, Brazil (State). Conselho Estadual de

Cultura o exercício de 1968 por cotas trimestrais. Salvador, 1967. 683 p. tables. 21 x 25 cm. unpriced

see Revista de cultura da Bahia. Salvador.

(BB 68-1619) 1. Budget-Bahia, Brazil (State) I. Title. HJ2080.5.B3A5 354.81'4'00722 68-109579

Bahia, Brazil (State). Dept. of Industry

and Commerce, State Bahia, Brazil (State). Assessoria Geral de Programaçao

see e Orçamento.

Bahia, Brazil (State). Secretaria da IndúsOrçamento analitico e programação do gasto público para tria e Comercio, o exercicio de 1969 por cotas trimestrias. Salvador, Imprensa Oficial da Bahia, 1969. 271 p. 20 x 24 cmn.

Bahia, Brazil (State) Departamento da Educação Cover title. 1. Bahia, Brazil (State)- Appropriations and expenditures.

Superior e da Cultura I. Title.

see Pôrto de Todos os Santos, abril 1968HJ32.B293

75-258046 Bahia,

Bahia, Brazil (State). Directoria de Estatistica.

Noticia historica e informações estatisticas do Estado da
Bahia. Bahia, Imprensa Oficial do Estado, 1932.

43 p. 23 cm
Includes two chapters from O Estado da Bahla, by T. Sampalo.
L C. copy replaced by microalm.

1. Bahia, Brazil (State)--Statistics. 2. Babla, Brazil (State) -
History, 1. Sampalo, Theodoro Fernandes, 1886 O Estado da Bahia. Selections 1832 II. Title. (HA988.B3A5 1932]

70-266441 Microflm 28978HA

Page 3

Bahl, Roy W

The public finance crisis in West Virginia : some suggestions for reform, by Roy W. Bahl. Morgantown, Office of Research and Development, Appalachian Center, West Virginia University (1969,

21 p. 23 cmn. (West Virginia University. Appalachian Center. Office of Research and Development. Information series, 7) (West Virginia University bulletin, ser. 69, no. 12-5)

Includes bibliographical references.

1. Finance, Public-West Virginia. I. Title. 11. Series: West Virginla University. West Virginla Center for Appalachian Studies and Development Office of Research and Development Informatlon Series 7. HC107.W5W344 no. 7


330.9754s (336.754] (HJ765]


Bahl, Sohan Lal, 1980

Exhaustive commentary on the Delhi land reforms act, 1954, as amended and corrected up-to-dato, by S. L Bahl & J. L. Nijhawan. 1st ed. Delhi, Federal Law Depot, 1970.

Ill, 383, p. forms. 25 cm. Rs 30.00

1. Land tenure-Delhi (Ualon Ter.)-Law. 2. Landlord and ten. ant - Delhi (Union Ter.) 3. Land value taxation - Delhi (Union Ter.) I. Nijhawan, J. L, Joint author. II. Delhi (Unlon Ter.). Laws, statutes, ete, Delbi land reforms act, 1954. 1970. II. Title.

76-915768 rer


Bahlmann, Paul, 1857-1937.

Jesuiten-dramen der niederrheinischen ordensprovinz; von Dr. P. Bahlmann. Leipzig, 0. Harrassowitz, 1896. in.p., Kraus Reprint Ltd., 1968.

iv, 351 p. 24 cm. (Beihefte zum Centralblatt für bibliothekswesen, XV)

Nos. XV-XVIII form v. 6 of the series.

1. Jesuits-Bibl. 2. Jesuit drama-Bibl. 3. Latin drama, Modern-Bibl. (Series) TXU CU-S


Bahl, Roy W

West Virginia local government finance: problems and possibilities, by Roy W. Bahl, Morgantown, Office of Research and Development, Appalachian Center, West Virginia University, 1969.

155, 1, l. 29 cm. (West Virginia University. Appalachian Center. Oitice of Research and Development Research series, 13) (West Virginia University bulletin, ser. 69, no. 10-8)

Bibliography : leaf (158

1. Local finance-West Virginia. I. Title (Series: West Vir gidia. University. West Virginia Center for Appalachian Studies and Development. Office of Research and Development. Research series, 13) HC107.W5A395 no. 13 309.1754'04 s 78-635065


Bahl, Sohan Lal, 1930

Exhaustive commentary on the Indian electricity rules, 1956, as amended by Indian electricity amendment rules, 1965, Indian electricity amendment rules, 1966; being an exhaustive and critical commentary on the Indian electricity rules with all amendments and case law brought up-to-date, by S. L. Bahl. 3d ed., thoroughly rev. and enl., by Brijbans Kishore. Delhi, Federal Law Depot, 1967.

vi, 138 p. forms. 25 cm. R$16

1. Electric engineering-Laws and legislation—Indla. I. KIshore, Brijbans. II. India (Republic) Law, statutes, etc. Indian electricity rules, 1956. III. Title


SA 68 3706


PL 480: I-E-9835 CU HU-EWC

Bahlmann, Paul, 1857-1937.

Die Wiedertaüfer zu Münster. Eine bibliographische Zusammenstellung von P. Bahlmann. Nieuwkoop, B. de Graaf, 1967. 68 p. 215 cm. 1 15.

(Ne 67-23) Yachdruck der Ausgabe Münster, 1894. S. A. aus der Zeitschrift für vaterl. Geschichte und Altertumskunde Westfalens, Bd 51, mit Nachträgen od Register,"

Bibliographical footnotes.

1. Anabaptists-Jünster-Bibl. 1 Title Z7815.A4B33 1067

68-137192 ICN MH-AH

Bahloul, J.

see Israel. Va'adat ḥakirah le-gilui yalde Teman. Din ve-ḥeshbon. 1968.

Bahl, Roy W.

see West Virginia, University. Institute for Labor Studies, Governmental problems in West Virginia Morgantown, 1967,

Bahl, Sohan Lal, 1930–

Commentary on the Delhi development act, 1957 (Act no. 61 of 1937) as amended up to date, by S. L. Bahl. 1st ed., Delhi, Federal Law Depot 1969,

lli, 114 p. forms. 25 cm. 10.00

1. Zoning law - Delhi (Union Ter.) 2. Building lawg --Delhi (Union Ter.) I. Delhi (Union Ter.) Laws, statutes, etc. Delhi development act. II. Title.




Bahl, Sohan Lal, 1930–

S. L. Bahl's The law of central excise; being an exhaustive and critical commentary on the law of the Central excise and salt act, 1944 (Act I of 1944) and the Central excise rules, 1944, as amended upto date with commentary. 2d ed., thoroughly rev., enl., and re-written, by Brijbans Kishore. With a foreword by, M. Hidayatullah, Delhi, Federal Law Depot, 1969.

14, 510 p. forms. 25 cm. 25.00

1. Internal revenue law-India. I. Kishore, Brljbans, Jolnt author. II. India (Republic). Laws, statutes, etc. Ceatral excises and salt act, 1944. 1909. III. Title TV. Title: The law of central excise.




Bahlow, Hans, 1900–

Deutsches Namenlexikon; Familien- und Vornamen nach Ursprung und Sinn erklärt. München, Keysersche Verlagsbuchhandlung (1967,

588 p. 22 cm. (Keysers Nachschlagewerke) Bibliography: p. 588.

1. Vames, Personal-German. 1. Title. CS2541.B3


Bahl, Sohan Lal, 1930

Commentary on the Foreign exchange regulation act, 1947 (Act no. 7 of 1947) as amended to date, by S. L. Bahl. 2d ed.. thoroughly rev., en). and re-written by Brijbans Kishore. Delhi, Federal Law Depot, 1969.

viii, 464 p. forms. 25 cm. 28.00

1. Foreign exchange-Law-India. 1. Kishore, Brisbane, ed. II. India (Republic) Laws, statutes, etc. Foreign exchange regulation act, 1947. 1909. III. Title.




Bahlow, Hans, 1900

Unsere Vornamen im Wandel der Jahrhunderte. Limburg a. d. Lahn, C. A. Starke, 1965.

x, 113 p. 22 cm. (Grundriss der Genealogie, Bd. 4)

1. Names, Personal-German. 1. Title. (Series) CS2375.G3B26


Bahlsen (H.) Keksfabrik

see Hermann Bahlsen.( Fetschr, zum 80, Firmenjubtraum, Hannover, H, Bahlsens Keksfabrik, 1969.

Bahl, Sohan Lal, 1930

Encyclopaedia of all-India rent control manual; containing rent control acts & rules of all states, with up-to -date amendments, by S. L. Bahl. Delhi, Federal Law Depot, 1969.

434 p. forms. 25 cm. 18.00 1. Rent control-India-States. I. Title


76-905329 rer


شرح قصيدة الصاحب بن عباد في أصول الدين ، تأليف جعفر

تحقبق محمد حس ابن احمد البهلولي اليماني المنزلي. آل ياسين. الطبعة 1 بغداد ، المكتبة الاهلبة 1967


Bahlburg, Hartwig Meyer.

see Meyer-Bahlburg, Hartwig, 1937

Bahl, Sohan Lal, 1930

Exhaustive & critical commentary on the Imports & ex. ports (control) act, 1947 (act 18 of 1947) as amended upto-date by S. L. Bahl. 2d ed., thoroughly rev., enl., and rewritten by Brijbans Kishore. Delhi, Federal Law Depot, 1970.

306, 3 p. 23 cm. R$20.00

First ed., 1960, entered under India (Republic). Laws, statutes, etc., and has title: Commentaries on the import & export (control) act, 1947.

*The Customs act, 1962": p. 249-306.

On spine: Bahl's Commentary on the Imports & exports (control) act, 1947.

1. Foreign trade regulation-India. I. Kishore, Brijbans, joint author. II. India (Republic). Laws, statutes, etc. Imports and exports (control) act, 1947. 1970. III. India (Republic). Laws, statutes, etc. Customs act, 1962. 1970. IV. Title. V. Title: Bahl's Commentary on the Imports & exports (control) act, 1947,

343'.54'08702633 72-915767


, JT

.1965 182 p. facsims. 25 cm.

Cover title: Sharh Kasedat as-Sahib Ibn Abbad i usul al-deen, by Jafar al-Buhlooli al-Yamani.

Bibliography: p. 132.

1. Islam-Poetry. 1. al-Sahlb al-Talqani, Abd al-Qasim Ismail Ibn 'Abbad, 936-905. al-Qasidah al-faridah. 11. Al Yasin, Mubammad Hasan, ed. III. Title.

Title romanized : Sharb qaşldat al-Sabib ibn 'Abbåd. PJ7750.B3355

NE 68-1864

Bahlke, George W

1934 The later Auden: from "New Year letter" to About the house, by George W. Bahlke. New Brunswick, N. J., Rut- gers University Press, 1970,

X, 208 p. 24 cm. 7.50 Includes bibliographical references. 1. Auden, Wystan Hugh, 1907-

1. Title. PR6001.U4257


74-98179 SBX 8135-0063-8


Bahm, Archie J

The heart of Confucius; interpretations of Genuine liv. ing and Great wisdom by, Archie J. Bahm. With a foreword by Thomé H. Fang. ¡1st ed., New York, Walker/ Weatherhill, 1969

139 p. illus. 20 cm. 4.50 "A Weathermark edition." Bibliography: n. 155-156. 1. Chung yung 2. Tahsüeh. 1. Confucius.

11. Chung yung Engl sh. 1900. 111. Ta hsüeh. English. 1969. PL2473.27 B3




Bahlman, Dudley W R

The moral revolution of 1688 by, Dudley W. R. Bahlman. Hamden, Conn., Archon Books, (1968, 1957,

vil, 112 p. 22 cm (The Wallace Notesteln essays, no. 2) SBN 208-00491-7 Bibliographical footnotes.

1. Gt. Brit.--Moral conditions. 1. Title. (Series) HN385.B3 1968



Bahl, Sohan Lal, 1930

Exhaustive & critical commentary on the Industries (development & regulation) act, 1951, as amended upto date; with upto date Industries (development & regulation) rules, by S. L. Bahl. 1st ed., Delhi, Federal Law Depot, 1969.

lil, 176 p. forms 25 cm, 18.00

c'over title: Commentary on the Industries (development & regu. lation) act, 1951.

1. Industrial laws and legislation-India. I. India (Republic) Lars, statutes, etc. Industries (development and regulation) act, 1951. II. Title.




Bahlmann, Hellmuth

see Reichel, Wolfgang, Dipl.-Ing. YtongHandbuch; Gasbeton: Planung, Konstruktion und Anwendung. Wiesbaden, Bauverlag 1c1970,

Bahm, Archie J

Organicism: the philosophy of interdependence. New York, 1967,

1251,-284 p.

Reprinted from the International philosophical quarterly, v. 7, no. 2, June, 1967,

1. Organicism (Philosophy) I. Title InU


Bahmut, losyp Adrijanovych.

Рідне слово; розвиток мови й мовознавства в УРСР. Киів, Наук. думка, 1969. 70 p. filus, facsims., ports. 17 cm. 0.23

USSR. At head of title: И. А. Багмут, В. И. Русанівский. Includes bibliographical references

1. Ukrainian language. 2. Linguistic research-History-Ukraine. 1. Rusapivkkyl, Vitalli Makarovych, Joint author. 11. Title.

Title romanized: Ridne slovo. PG3816.83


Bahn, Anita K

Basic statistical terms and concepts for epidemiology; a reference document prepared for the Epidemiology of the Mental Diseases, an institute for mental health statisticians held at the Johns Hopkins University School of Hygiene and Public Health, August 24 - September 3, 1964. Bethesda, Md., National Institute of Mental Health, 1964.

1. Epidemiology. 2. Epidemiologic methods. I. U.S. National Institute of Mental Health. II. Title. CaBVaU


Bahmann, Manfred Kurt, 1930

The development of Luther's principle of ecclesiastical authority (1512-1530) in the German Reformation. (Hartford, 1967.

vii, 308, A68, B8 1. Thesis-Hartford Seminary Foundation.

"A revision of the author's, S.T.M. thesis ... "The development of Lutheran ecclesiology (1512-1530) within its historical context: spiritual authority in Luther's doctrine of the church."

Vita. Bibliography: leaves B1-B8.

Microfilm. Ann Arbor, Mich., University Microfilms, 1968. 1 reel. 35 mm.

1. Luther, Martin, 1483-1546-Theology. 2. Church-Authority. I. Title. CBPL

NUC 71-64840

Bahmut, Iosyp Adrisanovych.

Vydannia tvoriv K. Marksa i F. Enhel'sa na Ukraini; biblioh rafichnyi pokazhchyk. Vyd. 2., dop. Kharkiv, Red. -vyd, viddil knyzhkovoi palaty URSR, 1965.

76 p. 21 cm. In Cyrillic characters.

At head of title: I. A. Bahmut i P.M. Shmorhun.

1. Marx, Karl, 1818-1883--Bibl. 2. Engels, Friedrich, 1820-1895-Bibl. 1. Smorhun, Petro Mykhailovych. CSt-H


Bahmanyār, Ahmad, ed.

see al-Bayhaqı, Abū al-Hasan 'Ali ibn Zayd, 1106-1169 or 70. Tarikh-i Bayhaq. (196-?,

Bahmut, Ivan Adrianovych.

Kusok piroga; rasskazy. Avtoriz, per, s ukrainskogo. Moskva, Sovetski pisatel', 1963.

325 p. illus. In Cyrillic characters,


1. Microbiology-Nomenclature. I. American Dental Association. II. Title. NBUU OKU-M ICU TNJ-M NUC68-18618 NcU-H MBCO NNC-M OU MIU NJR TNJ-M WaU TxDas PPULC Cab VaU

Bahmanyār, Ahmad, ed.

see Muhammad ibn al-Munavvar, fl. 11571202. Muntakh ab-i Asrar al-tawhid ff maqāmát al-Shaykh Abí Sa'id. 1941 or 2, 1320.

Bahmut, Ivan Adrianovych,

Shchaslyvyi den' suvorovtsía Krynychnoho; Hospodari Okhots'kykh hir; povisti. Kyiv, Derzh. vyd-vo dytlachoi lit-ry URSR, 1959.

253 p. illus., col. plates, port.

I. Title. 1. Title: Hospodari Okhots'kykh hir. NNC


Bahn, Arthur N ed.

Microorganisms of dental significance; selected list, 1967. Chicago, American Dental Association (1967)

lü, 81 p. 28 cm. PU-D CtY-M MOKU

NUC 68-488 57

Bahmanyar, Faridůn, tr.

see Corbin, Henry. 1967

Bahnasi, Aḥmad Fathi.

I ! , ,

Bahn, Charles, 1928

The interaction of creativity and social facilitation in creative problem solving. New York, 1964 1967,

iii, 72 1. diagrs., tables. 29 cm. Thesis Columbia University.

Bibliography: leaves 52-54. NNC


تالیف الجرائم في الفقه الاسلامی، دراسة فقهية مقارنة احمد فتحی بهنسي. الطبعة 3، مزیدة. القاهرة مكنبة الوعي العربي، 1988.

267 p 24 cm. 0.55 Bibliography: P. 255-257. 1. Criminal law (Islamic law) 1 Title, Title romanized: al-Jard'lm a al-Aqh al-Islāml.


Bahner, Werner.

Alfred de Mussets Werk; eine Verneinung der bürgerlichen Lebensform seiner Zeit. Halle (Saale) Verlag Sprache und Literatur, 1960. 103 P. 19 cm.

(Wege zur Literatur) (Literatur und Gesellschaft)

Includes bibliographical references

1. Musset, Alfred de, 1810-1857. 1. Title. PQ2372.B3

77-298820 NIC

Bahner, Werner.

Beiträge zur rumänischen Philologie. Hrsg. von Werner Bahner. Berlin, Akademie-Verlag, 1968.

209 p. 24 cm. (Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. Schriften des Instituts für Romanische Sprachen und Kultur, Bd. 5) DM 21.50

(GDB 68-A32-157) Includes bibliographies.

1. Rumanian philology - Addresses, essays, lectures. 1. Title. (Series: Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin. Institut für Romani. sche Sprachen und Kultur. Schriften, Bd. 5) PC607.B3


Bahn, Eugene, joint comp.

see Brooks, Keith, 1923Literature for listening .. and Bacon (1968)

موقف الشريعة من نظرية الدفاع الاجتماعي تأليف أحمد فتحي بهنسي. بيروت : دار الشروق ,? 1970

Bahnasi, Aḥmad Fathi.

, 1

(?, , 159 p. 25 cm. Includes bibliographical references 1. Criminal law (Islamic law ) I. Title

Title romanized : Mawqit al-shari'ah min fazariyat al-difa' al-ijtima'i.


Bahn, Gilbert S

Reaction rate compilation for the H-O-N system by, Gilbert S. Bahn. New York, Gordon and Breach (1968,

vil, 240 p. 22 cm. Reprinted from Pyrodynamics, v. 5, 1987. Includes bibliographies

1. Chemical reaction, Rate of-Tables, etc. 2. Hydrogen-Tables, etc. 8. Oxygen-Tables, etc. 4. Nitrogen-Tables, etc. L Title QD501.B163



Bahner, Werner.

Kurze Bibliographie für das Studium der romanischen Sprachwissenschaft; mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des Französischen. Halle, Saale, M. Niemeyer, 1962.

106 p. 22 cm.

1. Romance languages--Bibliography. 1. Title, Z7031.232


Bahn, Gilbert S., ed.

see Conference on Performance of High Temperature Systems, 3d, Pasadena, Calif., 1964. The performance of high temperature systems New York, Gordon and Breach (1968-69,

259 p. 24 cm. 0.55 Bibliography: p. 249-252.

1. Evidence, Criminal (Islamic law) 2. Witnesses (Islamic law) 1. Title.

Tile romanized: Nazariyat al-Ithbat 11 al-fiqh al-Jinat al-Islâmi.

NE 68 4553 PL 480: UAR-9619

Bahner, Werner.

Die lexikalischen Besonderheiten des Frühromanischen in Südosteuropa. Berlin, Akademie-Verlag, 1970.

124 p. 22 cm. (Sitzungsberichte der Sichsischen Akademie der Winsenschaften zu Leipzig. Philologisch-Historische Klasse, Bd. 115, Heft 3) 9.00M

GDNB... Includes bibliographical references

1. Romanian language-Etymology. I. Title. (Series: Sich. sische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Lelpzig. Phllologisch-Historische Klasse Sitzungsberichte, Bd. 115, Heft 8) AS182.S213 Bd. 115, Heft 3


Bahnasi, Aḥmad Fathi.

I ,


(, 232 p. 25 cm. £18.00 Bibliography: p. 241-243. 1. Punishment (Islamic law) I. Title. Title romanized : al-'Uqubah fī al-fiqh al-Islámi.


العقوبة في الفقه الاسلامی، دراسة فقهية منحررة. تالیف

الطبعة 3. ، مزیدة منقحة بيروت ، دار احمد فتحي بهنسي الرائد العربي ر1970

مقدمه بر جامعه شناسی ایران، نوشته جمشید بهنام رو شابور راسخ. چپ 3. تهران ، انتشارات خوارزمی

301, 2, p. plates, 23 cm, Bibliography: p. 1503


اکتابی که ... عرضه میشود نخستین بار در سال ۱۳۲۹ تحت عنوان طرح مقدماتی جامعه شناسی ایران، انتشار بانت

Bahner, Werner.

Nicolae Balcescu (1819-1852). Ein rumän. revolutionärer Demokrat im Kampf f. soz u. nationale Befreiung (Portr.) Berlin, Akademie-Verl., 1970.

24 p. 22 cm. (Sitzungsberichte des Plenums und der problemgebundenen Klassen der Deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Jahrg. 1970, Nr. 1) 4.50M

ODNB 70-A50-167 Includes bibliographical references.

1. Balcescu, Nicolae, 1819-1852. 1. Serles : Akademle der Wissenschaften, Berlin, Sitzungsberichte des Plenums und der problemgebundenen Klassen, Jahrg, 1970, Nr. 1. DR249.B34834


1. Iran-Social conditions. I. Rasikh, Shapur, joint author. II. Title. III. Title: Jami'ah'shinasi-i Trân.

Title romanized : Muqaddimah bar

Jami'ah'shindsi-l Irån. HX733.5.B35 1970


Bahnan, Mohd. Aris.

Mayat berdarah oleh, Mohd. Aris Bahnan. Chetakan 1. Pulau Pinang, Sinaran Bros. (1968,

91 P. 19 n. 1.40

1. Title. PL5139.B25M13


Bahne, Siegfried.

Archives de Jules Humbert-Droz, textes établis et annotés par Siegfried Bahne.

Dordrecht, Holland, D. Reidel (1970

v. 22 cm. Issued by the International Institute for Social History, Amsterdam.

Contents.-t, 1. Origines et débits des partis communistes des pays latines, 1919-1923. (1970,

Bibliography: t.1, p. 632-639. CSt-H

NUC 71-77524

el-Bahnasawi, Mohamed

see Sherif, Yehia Amin. Manual of forensic medicine and toxicology. 2d ed., Cairo, el-Nasr Modern Bookshop 1968,

Bahner, Werner.

Das Sprach- und Geschichtsbewusstsein in der rumänischen Literatur von 1780-1880. Berlin, Akademie-Verlag, 1967. 150 p. 22 cm.

(Sitzungsberichte der Deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. Klasse für Sprachen, Literatur und Kunst, Jahrg. 1967, Nr. 3) DM 9.80

(GDNB 68-A2-147) Bibliographical footnotes.

1. Rumanian literature-Hist, & crit. 2. Literature and history. 1. Title (Series: Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin. Klasse für Sprachen, Literatur und Kunst. Sitzungsberichte, Jahrg. 1987, Nr. 3) AS182.B3334

Jahrg. 1967, Nr. 3 75-359512 NjR MH NIC CoU TẤU CLU MU ViU CAY

Bahne, Siegfried, comp.

Origines et débuts des partis communistes des pays latins (1919–1923). Textes établis et annotés par Siegfried Bahne. Dordrecht, D. Reidel (*1970,

xliit, 055 p. 23 cm. (Archives de Jules Humbert-Droz, 1) Ne... French, German, or Italian. Doruments from the personal archives of J. Humbert-Droz. Bibliography: p. 632-639.

1. Communism-Europe - History - Sources. 2. Communist par. tles -- History - Sources. 1. Humbert-Droz, Jules. II. Title (Series) HX237.B3

77-530000 ISBN 90-277-0153-9 MH NN InNd Cty NjR ICU CaOTP

Bahnsen, Robert Montgomery.

Angular distributions from the Li6 (Li6, n) c11 reaction at 4.10 MeV. Iowa City, 1966.

v, 93 1. illus. 28 cm. Thesis (Ph.D.)University of Iowa.

1. Nuclear reactions. 2. Lithium-Isotopes. la U


Bahnimptewa, Cliff

see Heard Museum of Anthropology and Primitive Art, Phoenix, Ariz. Dancing Kachinas; a Hopi artişt's documentary. Phoenix ,1971,

Bahr, Ehrhard.

Die Ironie im Spätwerk Goethes; "... diese sehr ernsten Scherze ..." Studien zum West-östlichen Diran, zu den Wanderjahren und zu Faust II. Berlin, E. Schmidt c1972, 216 p. 23 cm.

GDB... Bibliography: p. 191-200.

1. Goethe, Jobann Wolfgang ron, 1748-1892 West östlicher Di. van. 2. Goethe, Johann Woligang von, 1749-1832. Wilhelm Mel. sters Wanderjahre. 3. Goethe, Jobann Wolfgang von, 1749-1832 Faust II. 4. Irony in literature, 1. Title. PT2188.B34

72-335270 ISBN 3-503-00596-X

Bahnmüller, Heinz.

Preise, Kosten und Wirtschaftlichkeit von Gewächshausanlagen. Wolfratshausen, H. Neureuter, 1970.

1 5. (various pagings) illus. 21 cm. (KTBL- Berichte über Landtechnik, 135)

GDB .. "Aus den Arbeiten des Instituts für Wirtschatslehre des Gartenbauer der Technischen Hochschule München in Welhenstephan."

Summary also in English and French. Includes bibliography.

1. Greenhouses Costs. I. Title. (Series: Kuratorium für Techolk und Bauwesen in der Landwirtschaft. KTBL Berichte über Landtechnik, 135) $671.68 no. 135


Bahnson, Agnew H 1915

The stars are too high, by Agnew H. Bahnson,

New York, Bantam Books (1960,
183 p. 18 cm. (A Bantam giant, A2048)

1. Title, CSt

NUC 72-33545

Bahr, Ehrhard Carl Oskar.

diese sehr ernsten Scherze ..." studien zum problem der ironie in Goethes Spatwerk (Divan, Wanderjahre und Faust I). Berkeley, 1968.

viii, 428 1. Thesis (Ph.D. University of California.

Bibliography: leaves 414-428. CU CSt


Bahnmüller, Karl.

Reutlinger Heimatbuch: Neugefasst. Von Karl Bahnmüller 11. Arno Mulot. Mit Zeichn. von Hugo Lange. (3., durehges. Aufl.) Reutlingen, Verlagshaus Reutlingen Oertel u. Spörer (1970). 3:33 p. mus. 20 CD. DM10.80

GDB 71-A12-6229 1. Reutlingen. I. Mulot, Arno, 1904 joint author. 11. Title. DD901.R48B3 1970


Bahoken, Jean Calvin.

Clairières métaphysiques africaines, essai sur la philosophie et la religion chez les Bantu du Sud-Cameroun Paris, Présence africaine, 1967. 124 p. llius 21 ein. 46.80 F

(F 67-9970) Bibliography: p. 119,-121.

1. Bantus - Religion, 2. ('ameroons -- Religion, 3. Folk-lore. Bantu. 1. Title. BL2180.B333


68-96027 MH InU ICU WU

Bahr, Erna.

Molerne Wäschepflege. Verfasser Erna Bahr und Gertrud Luckau. Hrsg. von der Hauptberatungsstelle für Elektrizitätsanwendung, HEA, und der Rationalisierung Gemeinschaft Elektrizitätsanwendung, REA, beim RXW. Frankfurt (M.), Verlags- und Wirtschaftsgesellschaft der Elektrizitätswerke, 1967. 119 p. with illus

21 cm

(Hefte für Elektrizitätsanwendung) 5.80

GDXB 67-444-474 Bibliography: p. 115-118.

1. Laundry. 1. Luckau, Gertrud, joint author. D. Hauptbera. tungsstelle für Elektrizitätsanwendung. m. Rationalisierungs-Ge meinschaft Elektrizitätsanwendung Iv. Title. TT985.B14


Bahr, Ernst, writer on eastern Europe.

Niederschlesien unter polnischer Verwaltung. Von Ernst Bahr und Kurt König. Unter Mitarbeit von Richard Breyer u. a.)

Frankfurt/M., Berlin, Metzner, 1967. xl. 442 p. maps (in pocket)

24 cm.

(Ostdeutschland unter fremder Verwaltung, Bd. 5) DM 39,

(GDNB 67-A28 339) Includes bibliographies.

1. Województwo Wroclawskie, Poland 1. König, Kurt, 192111. Title (Series) DK511.W6383


67-119924 NIC MH MSW CTY ICU

Bahnsen, A., joint author see Als-Nielsen, Jens, 1937-

Measurement of thermal neutron beam densities. Copenhagen (Gjellerups Boghandel) 1966.

Bahr, Ewald.

Fragen an den Frauenarzt. Helfende Ratschläge d. Facharztes. (Bergisch-Gladbach) Bastei-Verl. (1969). 17+ P IS cm. Familie & Leben, Vr. 13) D.12.40

GDNB 70-A 134 1. Gynecology 1. Title.

DNLM: 1. Gynecology ---Popular works. WP 120 B1511 1999 [RG 121.B2]

72-304560 Shared Cataloging with


Bahnsen, Axel, 1933

Proton proton bremsstrahlung at 20 MeV. in.p., 1967 i. e. 1968,

vi, 1101. illus. 29 cm.
Thesis (Ph. D. FUniversity of Rochester. Vita.

"References and footnotes': leaves 82-84. NRU


Bahr, Bengt von.

Studies in the central limit problem. Stockholm, 1966,

3 p. 25 cm. (Kungliga tekniska högskolan, Stockholm. Avhandling. no. 215)

Avhandling-Kungl. Tekniska Högskolan, Stockholm.

Dissertation consists of this summary and 5 papers published in various scientific periodicals.

1. Probabilities. NN


Bahr, Gerhard, ed.

see Deutscher Fussball-Bund. FussballWeltmeisterschaft 1954. Offenburg, F. Burda (1954)

Bahr, Hans Eckehard, 1928– сотр.

Weltfrieden und Revolution; neun politisch-theologische Analysen. Reinbek bei Hamburg, Rowohlt (1968, 814 n 21 min.

(Rowohlt Paperback, 65) Inclu les bibliographical references.

CONTENTS -Frelden ohne Revolution? Von H.-E. Bahr.-Welt. revolution als Friesle, von S. G. Papcke.--Totalitarismus und Imperialismus im Jahre 1987, von H.-J. Benedict.-Zur Pathologie or. ganisierter Friedlosigkeit, von D. Senghaas. - Gewalt und gesellschaftlicher Wandel, yon LA Coser.--Die Lektionen des langen bolssen Sommers, von B. Rustin.-Schalom; dle hebräisch-christ. liche Provokation, von H. P. Schmidt-Schöne Worte jenseits der Fronten? Von H.-J. Benediet.--Herbert Marcuse und die prophetische Tradition, von H.-E. Bahr und H.-J. Benedict.

1 Peace Addresses, essays, lectures. L Title. JX1952.B23


68-118213 ViU CU-S

Bahr, Hermann, 1863-1934,

Zur Überwindung des Naturalismus; theoretische Schriften, 1887–1904. Ausgewählt, eingeleitet und erläutert von Gotthart Wunberg. Stuttgart, W. Kohlhammer (1968,

XII, 244 p. 21 cm (Sprache und Literatur, 46) "Die Auswahl folgt den Texten der bekannten Essaybilnde."

CONTENTS.-Zar Kritik der Moderne-Dle Oberwindung des Naturallsmus.-Studien zur Kritik der Moderne-Renaissance.- Dialog vom Tragischen-Anmerkungen (bibliographical: p. 1997-232) Bibliographie (p. (233)

1. Wunberg, Gotthart, 1930 comp. II. Title PT2603.A33A16 1968


Bahr, Gisela E., ed.

see Brecht, Bertolt, 1898-1956. Die heilige Johanna der Schlachthöfe,.. (Frankfurt am Main, Suhrkamp (1971,

Bahr, Giesela E., ed.

see Brecht, Bertolt, 1898-1956. Im Dickicht der Stadte. (Frankfurt am Main) Suhrkamp (1968)

Bahr, Hans Eckehard, 1928 comp.

Weltfrieden und Revolution. In polit. u. theolog. Perspektive. (Aktualisierte Ausg.) (Frankfurt a. M. u. Hamburg) Fischer-Bücherei (1970).

210 p. 18 cm. (Fischer-Bücherel, 1102. Informationen zur Zeit) DM3.80

GDB 71-A1-245 "Nach dem Rowohlt-Paperback 65 'Weltfrieden und Revolution. Neun politisch-theologische Analysen' Reinbek, 1968."

Includes bibliographical references.

CONTENTS.-Frieden ohne Revolution? von H.-E. Bahr.-Weltresolution als Friede, von S. Papeke.--Zur Pathologie organisierter Friedlosigkelt, von D. Senghaas --Schalom: dle hebriiisch-christliche Provokation, von H. P. Schmidt.--Schöne Worte Jenseits der Fronten? von H.-J. Benedict.

1. Peace--Addresses, essays, lectures. 1. Title. JX1952. B23 1970

70-21811 ISBN 3-436-01302-1 NBuU

Bahr, Howard M

Disaffiliated man; essays and bibliography on skid row, vagrancy, and outsiders, edited by Howard M. Bahr. (Toronto, University of Toronto Press (1970,

ris, 428 p. 24 cm. "Annotated bibliography": p. 911-394.

1. Tramps-Bibliography. 2. Alcoholism-Bibliography. 3. Soclal isolation-Bibliography. 4. Social Isolation--Addresses, essays, lectures. I. Title. Z7164.566B35


73-483312 SBN 8020-1613-8


Bahr, Gladys, ed.

see Two decades of partnership in economic education.

Washington, National Business Education and Joint Council of Economic Education


Bahr, Gunter F., ed.

see Introduction to quantitative cytochemistry. New York, Academic Press, 1966-70.

Bahr, Hans Eckehard, 1928 joint comp.

see Benedict, Hans-Jürgen, comp. Kirchen als Träger der Revolution. Hamburg, Furche-Verlag (1968)

Bahr, Gustave Karl.

A gamma ray transport problem. Cincinnati, 1964.

133 1. illus. 29 cm. Thesis (Ph. D. University of Cincinnati. Bibliography: leaves 132-133.

I. Title. OCU


Bahr, Hans-Eckehard, 1928

see Cornehl, Peter, 1936Gottesdienst und Öffentlichkeit. Furche-Verl. (1970)

Bahr, Howard M

Homelessness and disaffiliation, by Howard M. Bahr under the direction of Theodore Caplow. New York, 1968.

431 1. diagrs., tables. 28 cm.

At head of title: Columbia University. Bureau of Applied Social Research.

"Supported by a grant (MH-10861) from the National Institute of Mental Health, U.S. Public Health Serivce."

Study of The Bowery in New York City.

1. Delinquents-New York (City) 2. New York (City)-Soc. condit.-Bowery. 1. Columbia University. Bureau of Applied Social Research. II. Title. NjR


Bahr, Hans Eckehard, 1928

see Råuker, Friedrich Wilhelm, Im 5. fünften, Jahrhundert nach Wittenberg. (Reinbek b. Hamburg) Rowohlt (-TaschenbuchVerl., 1970)

Bahr, Hans-Dieter.

Das gefesselte Engagement; zur Ideologie der kontemplativen Ästhetik Schopenhauers. Bonn H. Bouvier, 1970.

xl, 246 p. 23 cm. (Abhandlungen zur Philosophie, Psychologie und Pädagogik, Bd. 88)

GDB.. Bibliography: p. 238-243.

1. Schopenhauer, Arthur, 1788-1860 Aesthetics. 1. Title B3149.A4B3

76-106936 ISBX 3-416-00-680-7 GU COU PPIU VIU MOSW NjP

Bahr, Hermann, 1863-1934.

Dialog vom Marsyas. Berlin, B. Marquardt in.d.)

70 p. illus. 17 cm. (Die Kultur, Bd. 4)

I. Title, NcWSW


Bahr, Hans-Dieter.

Kritik der "politischen Technologie." Eine Auseinandersetzung mit Herbert Marcuse u. Jürgen Habermas. Frankfurt (a. M.) Europäische Verlagsanst.; Wien, Europa-Verl. (1970) 101 P. 21 cm. (Kritische Studien zur Philosophie) 7.00

GDB 70-A Bibliography: p. 106-107.

1. Technology-Philosophy. 2. Dialectical materialism. 3. Habermas, Jürgen. 4. Marcuse, Herbert, 1898

1. Title. T14.B33

70-492299 CU-SC

Bahr, Hermann, 1863-1934.

Das Konzert; Lustspiel in drei Akten. Stuttgart, P. Reclam (1961)

143 p. (Reclams Universal-Bibliothek, no. 8646/47)

I. Title. InU MH


Bahr, Howard M

Population, resources, and the future; non-Malthusian perspectives. Edited by Howard M. Bahr, Bruce A. Chadwick and, Darwin L. Thomas. Contributors: Harold J. Barnett (and others. Provo, Utah, Brigham Young University Press 1972,

vil, 352 p. ilius. 23 cm. Includes bibliographies

1. Population-Addresses, essays, lectures. I. Chadwick, Bruce A., Joint author. II. Thomas, Darwin L., Joint author. III. Barnett, Harold J. IV. Title. HB871.B25


72-86043 ISBN 0-8425-1523-2


Bahr, Hans Eckehard, 1928

Kirchen in nachsakraler Zeit. Hamburg, Furche-Verlag (1968)

133 p. lllus., plans. 20 cm. (Konkretionen, Bd. 2) Bibliographical footnotes

1. Church architecture-Philosophy. 2. Architecture, Modern20th century. 1. Title. NA4825.B3

75-388271 MH-AH Tx DaM-P

Bahr, Hermann, 1863–1934.

Kulturprofil der Jahrhundertwende; Essays. Auswahl und Einführung von Heinz Kindermann zum 100. Geburtstag des Dichters. Hrsg. vom Land Oberösterreich und von der Stadt Linz, Wien, H. Bauer-Verlag 1962,

360 R 25 cm. On spine : Essays. Bibliographical footnotes. CONTENTS.-Dialog rom Marsyas.--Grillparzer-FeuchterslebenAdalbert Stifter.-Dle Uberwindung des Naturalismus.--Impressionismus. - Expressionismus. - Dostojewski. -- Otto Brahm. Erinnerung an Burckhard, Mahler. - Otto Wagner. - Klimt.-GIrardi.-Josef Kainz.--Die Duse. -Das Wesen des Burgtheaters.Schauspielkunst. 1. Kindermann,

Heinz, 1894

comp. 11. Title. PT2603.A33A16



Bahr, Howard M

Racial differentiation in American metropolitan areas. Austin, Tex., 1965.

70 1. 28 cm. Thesis (Ph. D. )-University of Texas. Vita. Bibliography: leaves 65-69.

1. Race discrimination-U.S. 2. Metropolitan areas-U.S. I. Title. TXU


Bahr, Hans Eckehard, 1928

Religious motives of American power politics. in. p., n. d. )

16 1. 29 cm.

Translated from Kirchen als Träger der Revolution by Hans-Jürgen Benedict & HansEckehard Bahr, Furche-Verlag, Hamburg, 1968.

1. Christianity and politics. I. Benedict, Hans-Jürgen. II. Title. IEG


Bahr, Hans Eckehard, 1928

Verkündigung als Information. Zur öffentlichen Kommunikation in der demokratischen Gesellschaft. Hamburg, Furche Verlag (1968). 144 p. 19 cm. (Konkretionen, Bd. 1) 7.80

(GDNB 68-A31-14) Bibliographical footnotes.

1. Communication Social aspects. 2. Mase media in religion. 1. Title. HM258.B34


Page 4

Bahr, Klaus, joint author

see Widmaier, Hans Peter. Bildungsplanung Stuttgart, E. Klett (1966)

Bahr al-'Ulūm, Muhammad ibn 'All, ed.

see Ibn al-Jawzí, Abū al-Faraj 'Abd al-Rahman ibn 'Alt, 1116 (ca.)-1201. Akhbår al-ziraf waal-mutamajinm. (1967)

Bahr al-'Ulūm, Muhammad ibn 'Ali, ed.

see al-Nisábūri, al-Hasan ibn Muhammad, d. 1015 or 16. Uqala' al-majānín. 1968.

Bahr, Klaus-Henning.

Zuz Aufzucht spezifisch pathogenfreier Ferkel unter besonderer Berucksichtigung der Substitutionsprophylaxe mit gammaglobulin. Hannover, 1968.

64 p. illus. (Hanover (City) Tierarztliche Hochschule. Inaugural-Dissertation, 1968, no. 71)

Bibliography: p. 48-59.

1. Title. DNAL


Bahr, Rolf.

Die Ergebnisse der Bewässerungsversuche mit Rieselverfahren, Anlagen Eichstetten a. K. und Kutzenberg, sowie Beregnungsverfahren, Anlagen Mahrhof und Lindenhof. Hamburg, Verlag Wasser und Boden, 1967.

120 p. illus. 21 cin. (Schriftenreihe des Kuratoriuins für Kul. turbauwesen, Heft 14)

At head of title : Aus dem Leichtweiss-Institut für Wasserbau und Grundbau der Technischen Hochschule Braunschweig.

"Aus den Arbeiten des Ausschusses zur Bestimmung der Wasser verluste bei Landwirtschaftlichen Bewisserungsanlagen im Kuratorium für Kulturbauwesen, Braunschweig. 1965."

Bibliography: p. 119-120.

1. Irrigation research-Germany. 1. Brunswick (City) Technische Hochschule Carolo-Wilhelmina. Leichtweigg-Institut für Wasserbau und Grundbau. II. Title. (Series: Kuratorium für Kulturbauwesen. Schriftenreihe, Heft 14) S616.G3B3


68–75560 DNAL

Baḥr al-'Ulum, Muhammad Sadiq, ed.

see al-Bahráni, Yusuf ibn Ahmad, d, 1772 ? Lu'lu'at al-Bahrayn fi al-ijazat wa-tarájim rijal al-ḥadith. [1966]

Bahr al-'Ulúm, Muhammad Sadiq, ed.

see al-Bukhari, Sahl ibn 'Abd Allah, fl. 952. Sirr al-silsilah al'Alawiyah. 1962 icover 1963,

Bahr, Leonard F

ATA advertising production handbook, by Leonard F. Bahr. 4th ed. Edited by a com mịttee appointed by the Advertising Typographers Association of America, inc. New York, Advertising Typographers Association of America, c1969,

158 p. illus. (part col.) facsims., typog. specimens. 29 cm.

Bibliography: p. 147-150.

1. Advertising layout and typography. 1. Advertising Typographers Association of America. II. Title, KyU


Bahr al-'Ulum, Muhammad Sadiq, ed.

see Hassün al-Burāqi, Husayn ibn Ahmad, 1845-1914. Tarikh al-Kufah, 1968.

Bahr, Rolf.

Die Ergebnisse der Wasserversuche in Frauenaurach/ Ldkr. Erlangen; analyse des Wässerablaufes, Wasserverbrauch und- bedarf, Rationalisierungshinweise. Hamburg, Verlag Wasser und Boden, 1963.

107 p. illus. (Schriftenreihe des Kuratoriums für Kulturbauwesen, Heft 11)

"Aus den Arbeiten des Ausschusses zur Bestimmung der Wasserverluste bei landwirtschaftlichen Bewässerungsanlagen im Kuratorium für Kulturbauwesen, Braunschweig, 1963.

Bibliography: p. 106-107. CU


Bahr al-'Ulūm, Muḥammad Sadiq, ed,

see al-Khaqani, 'Ali, Rijal al-Khaqaní. ,1968,

Bahr al-'Ulúm, Mubammad Sadiq, ed.

see Warrăm ibn Abi Farris 'Isa al-Ashtari, d. 1208. Tanbih al-khawatir wa-nuzhat al-nawazir. 1969.

Bahr, Leonard F

The Bradley ornaments. (Harper Woods, Mich., Adagio: the Private Press of Leonard F. Bahr, 1967,

cover-title, 119, p. illus. (part col.) 25 cm.

473 copies.

1. Book ornamentation. 2. Bradley, Will H., 1868

I. Adagio Press. II. Title. CTY IaU

NUC68-27945 NN

Bahr, Leonard F

Interpretations and insinuations; or, the image of the Adagio Press as seen graphically by its friends. (Harper Woods, Mich., Adagio Pr., 1965)

14 p. illus.

1. Printers' marks. I. Title. KMK


Bahr, Thomas Gordon, 1940

Electrophysiological responses of the lateral line and heart to stresses of hypoxia, cyanide, and DDT in rainbow trout, East Lansing, 1968.

122 1. illus, Thesis-Michigan State University.

Authorized facsimile by University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, 1970.

Biblography: leaves 119-122.

1. Title. DNAL

NUC 72-14879

Bahr al-'Ulum 'Abd al-'Alf Muhammad ibn

Nizam al-Din Muhammad, 1731 or 2-1810. Fawatih al-rahamüt. 1970 see al-Ghazzall, 1058-1111, al-Mustassa min 'ilm al-usul. ,1970,

Reproduced from X8. copy. Reprint of the ed. published in Teheran, 1272 A. X. 1. Shlites-Doctrines. 1. Title.

Title romanizod: Ghayat al

marám a bujjat al-khisam. BP194.B3 1968


Bahrein. Da'irat al-Māliyah. 4th census of

population, 1965 see Bahrein, Statistical Bureau, . The fourth population census of Bahrain... Manama, 1969.

Bahrdt, Hans Paul.

Industriebürokratie. Versuch e. Soziologie d, industriali. sierten Bürobetriebes u. seiner Angestellten. Zeichn.: Gustav Richter, Unveränd. Nachdr. d. 1. Aufl. mit neuen Vorbemerkungen. Stuttgart, Enke, 1972.

xil, 146 p. illus. 25 cm. (Soziologische Gegenwartstragen, n. F., Nr. 3) DH10.8

GDB T2-A22 Bibliography: p. 145-146.

1. Industrial management. 2. Office management. I. Title. II. Series HD35. B2 1479

72341111 ISBN 432-01189

الطريق إلى الله ، تأليف حسين البحرانی. قدم له مهدي السماوي. السماوة، مكتبة الامام الحسين العامة 1967 من مدى اهل البيت ، 2) .cm


143p. 1. Islamie sermons, Arable.

1. Title. Title romanized: al-Tariq lla Allah,

NE 682581

Bahrein. Finance Dept.

Bahrein. Da'irat al-Maliyah.

Bahrianyi zaspiv; poezií. Uporiadnyky V. Huzhva

ta A. Kryzhanivs'kyi. Red. D. H. Davydiuk, Kyiv, Molod', 1969.

318 p. front. "LKSM Ukrainy 50"

1. Ukrainian poetry-Coll. 1. Huzhva, V., comp. II, Davydiuk, Dmytro Hryhorovych, 1940

ed. MH


Bibliographical footnotes. 1. al-Shabbi, Abu al-Qasim, 1903-1934. 1 Title.

Title romanized: al-Shabbi al-nabi al-majhal. P17862.H 15257

NE 68-4217

Bahrfeldt, Max von, 1880

Der Verlust der Staatsangehörigkeit durch Naturalisation und durch Anfenthalt im Auslande nach geltendem deutschein iind französischem Staatsrechte, von Max Bahrfeldt. Breslau, M. & H. Marcus, 1903.

viii, 64 r 239 cm. (Abhandlungen aus dem Staats- und Verwaltungsrat...

7. Heft) "Verzeichnis der in abgeklirzter Form angeführten Werke": n. vil-TIT

1. Expatriation Germany. 2. Expatriatlon-France 1. Title (Serie Anhandlungen aus dem Stanca und Verwaltungsrecht, mit Ein hluss des Kolonialrechts und des Volkerrechts, Heft 7) JX1926.B2


Bahri, D., ed.

see Mitter, Vishnu. V. Mitter's Police diaries, statements... 6th ed. rev. Allahabad, Law Publishers, 1970.

Bahroun, Sadok.

La planification tunisienne. (Tunis; Maison tunisienne de l'edition, 1968.

135 p. tables, 27 cm.

1. Development planning - Tunisia. 2. Tunisia- Economic conditions, I. Title. CtY-E


Bahrs, Kurt, 1883

Friedrich Buchholz; ein preussischer Publizist, 1768-1843, Berlin, 1907. Vaduz, Kraus, 1965.

8, 102 p. (Historische Studien, 57) MH NIC WU NSUU

NUC68-6327 NjP

Bahya ben Joseph ibn Pakuda, 11th cent. al

Hidäyah ilă fara'id al-qulüb see Saban, Yitshak. Sha'ar ha-teshuvah. (1965,

Bahtijarević, Stefica.

Socijalističko društvo, crkva i religija. Nosioci projekta: Branko Bošnjak, Stefica Bahtijarević Zagreb, Institut za društvena istraživanja Sveučilišta, 1969

v. 29 cm. (Institut za društvena Istraživavanja Sveuellista u Zagrebu. Izvještajl i studije) 25.00Din (v.1)

Y*** (v. 1) Summary in English.

CONTENTS: 1 dlo. Rasprostranjenost religioznosti u zagrebač koj regiji.

1. Zagreb region, Croatia-Religion. I. Bošnjak, Branko, 1923joint author. II. Title. (Series: Zagreb. Univerzitet. Institut za društvena istraživanja. Izvještaji i studije) BR967.Z3B3


? ' ,

(1958 or 9, 719.7"DUDA 349 p. 20 cm.

1. Ethics, Jewish. 1. Ibn Tibbon, Judah ben Saul, 1120-1190, tr. II, Title : Hovot ha-levavot.

Title romanized: Seter Novot ha-levavot. BJ1287.B23H54 1958

HE 68-218

ספר חובות הלבבות [מאת בחיי בן יוסף אבן פקודה, בתרגומו של יהודה אבן תבון. מגה ומתקן לפי המקור הערבי עם מבוא והערות מאת א. צפרוני. נקד י. טופורובסקי. תל-אביב מחברות

Bahtiri, Fetah, 1943–

Kangë për zaden. (Mbulesën e ilustroi Feko Feka). Mitrovicë, Klubi letrar “Trepça,” 1968. 16 p. illus, port 20 cm. 2.00

Yu 68 8357 Poems.

1. Title. PG9621.B3K3


Bahya ben Joseph ibn Pakşuda, 11th cent.


) -, .

(1964, DIDOS 648 21 cm. (nimin duron 731) IL 8.00 Added t. p. in Arabic.

' Ethics, Jewish. L Ibn Tibbon, Judah ben Saul, 1120-1900,

1. Zlfront, Abraham, 1882-1933, ed. m. Title: Hovot haleva vot.

Tulo romanized: Sefer Hovot ha-leyavot. BJ1287.B23H54 1964

HE 67-2203 PL 480: Ls 5578

Bahya ben Joseph ibn Pakuda, 11th cent. Torot ha

see Sefer Torot ha-nefesh. (1966 or 7, 727

Baḥya ben Joseph ibn Paķuda, 11th cent.

399 p. facsims. 25 cmn.

Added t. p.: Tarikh Wasit (History of Wasit) by Aslam Iba Sahl al-Razzaz al-Wasiti, known as Bahshal.

Bibliography: p. 12-18. 1. Wasir Hist. 1. 'Awwid, Kürkis, ed. 11. Title.

Title romanized: Tarikh Wasit D$79.9.W3B3

NE 68-988

Bahura, Gopal Narayan, ed.

see Maharaja of Jaipur Museum. Catalogue of manuscripts in the Maharaja of Jaipur Museum. Jaipur (1971)

תורת חובות הלבבות, חיברו בלשון ערבי בחיי ב"ר יוסף אבן פקודה ותרגמן ללשון הקודש יהודה אבן תבון. מבואר בסגנון קל המכונה לב טוב, עם אוסף הערות וביאורים, מבהר פניני המפרשים בשם פתחי לב נקראים. הכין ... פנחס יהודה ליברמן. ירושלם.


: °

(1968-70 or 71, 728-31 v. 25 cm. Translation of al-Hidayah ilá fara'id al-qulab.

: 1. Ethics, Jewish. I. Lieberman, Pinchas Yehudah, 1929– ed. II. Title.

Title romanized : Torat borot ha-levarot. BJ1287.B23H54 1968

HE 68-3306

PL 480: 18-8307 RPB


জ্যোতি বসু জবাব দাও. লেখক, বহুরূপী, কলকাতা, তুলি-কলম 11969,

1:19 p. 22 cm. In Bengali

Bahti, James Howe, 1923

Personnel integration in the foreign service. (n.p.) 1959.

136 1. Microfilm copy. Original in University of Michigan library, Thesis (Ph. D.) - University of Michigan. "Selected bibliography": leaves 133-136,

1.U.S. - Officials and employees in foreign countries. 2.U.S. Diplomatic and consular service. NjP


Bahti, Tom.

An introduction to southwestern Indian arts & crafts. Photography by K. Camille den Dooven. Flagstaff, Ariz., KC Publications (c1966,

32 p. illus. (part col.) 31 cm. Includes bibliographies.

1. Indians of North America-Southwest, New. 2. Indians of North America-Art. 3. Indians of North America-Indus. I. Title. MiU


Bahushevich, Frantsishak, 1840-1900.

Stikhi. Perevod s belorusskogo. Sost. i avtor predisl, S. Vasilenok, Moskva, khudozh, lit-ra, 1965.

166 p. port. 13 cm. In Cyrillic characters.

1. Vasilíonak, S.I., comp. IU


Bai, Emil G

1908– Fall! Falll, Fall! öwerall; Berichte über den schleswigholsteinischen Walfang am Beispiele der Stadt Elmshorn, 1817-1872 von Emil G. Bai. Hamburg-Garstedt, E. Heinemann (1968,

110 p. Illus, facsim., mapa, port. 29 cm. Bibliography: p. 106.

1. Whalers. 2. Whaling. 1. Title. VM465.B33


Bahus hėvich, Frants is hak, 1840-1900.

Tvory. (Pradmova, padrykhtoúka tekstaŭ i ka mentaryi Stssapana Aleksandrovicha, Minsk, Belarus', 1967.

227 p. port. MH

NUC 70-76827

Bahti, Tom.

Southwestern Indian ceremonials. Flagstaff, Ariz., KC Publications (1970,

64 p. Illus, (part col.), col. map. 31 cm. $2.00 Bibliography: p. 64.

1. Indians of North America-Southwest, New. 2. Indians of North America --Rites and ceremonies 1. Title. E78.57B183




Bahut, Jules

see Elzingre, Jean Marc. L'humour dans les prisons. Yverdon, Case postale 64, 1 Editions des Egraz, ,1969,

Bai, Jumuna.

A sociological analysis of the purposes, structure, development and functions of the International Institute, Detroit, Michigan. Detroit, 1967.

viii, 173 l. 29 cm. Thesis-Wayne State University.

Bibliography: leaves 150-157.

1. International Institute, Detroit. I. Title. MiDW

NU C69-55959

Bahti, Tom.

Southwestern Indian tribes. Flagstaff, Ariz., KC Publications, *1968.

72 p. illus., maps (both part col.) 31 cm. 2.00 Includes bibliographies.

1. Indians of North America-Southwest, New. 1. Title E78.S7B184


68-3118€ MH-P ICU

Bai, Kõichi, 1924 ole - 医事法学への歩み

KG 4045(1970) 416p 22 cm

Bahti, Tom, illus,

see Baylor, Byrd. Before you came this way. New York, Dutton 1969,

1. Title. Title romanized: 1ji högaku e no ayuml.

Bai, Kurt.

Alt om slanking. Hva De behøver å vite for å gå ned i vekt. Spesialitet: En-dags-lyn-dietten. Utg. og redigert av Kurt Bai i samarb. med Svein Rasmussen. Arendal, Kurt Bai's trylleskole, 1966. 64 p. tables. 31 cm. unpriced

(N 67-82) 1. Corpulence. I. Rasmussen, Svein, Jolot author. II. Title. RC628.B285



Basaliev, Topchubek.

Из истории партийного руководства развитием киргизской советской литературы. . Фрунзе, “Кыргызcras," 1969. 128 p. 20 cm. 0.22rub

USSR 70-VKP At head of title: T. basnuen. Includes bibliographical references.

1. Kirghiz literature History and criticism. 2. Communism and literature. I. Title.

Title romanized: Is istoril pa rukovodstva

rasvitiem klrgizskol sovets of literatury. PL65.K55 B3


Balanov, Boris Pavlovich.

La démocratie socialiste soviétique (par, Boris Baianov, Yakov Oumanski fet, Marc Chafir. Sous la direction de Kalinytchev. Moscou, “Progrès," (1969). 846 p. with illus., dlagt. 17 cm. (Escals et documents) 0.97rub

USSR 70 4351 Translation of Советская социалистическая демократик (rs manized : Sovetskata socialisticheska demokratia)

1. Bussla - Politics and government-1963 2 Comandant state. L Umanski, kor Naumovich, Joint author. II. Shar, Mark Arkad'evich, Joint author. IL Title JN6515 1968.B3414


Bai, Kurt.

Kurs i buktaling. Hjemme studie. Illustrert av Odd Hoffenes-Larsen. (Arendal, Kurt Bai's trylleskole, 1966. 98 p. 30 cm. unpriced

(N 67-82) 1. Ventriloquism. 1. Title. GV1557.B3



See Kolyshko, losif losifovich, b. 1862.

Bai, Kurt.

Kurs i hurtig lesning. Arendal, Kurt Bai's trylleskole,

Би; художественный альбомъ. Москва, 1880.

128, L (chladly Illus.) 49 cm. 1. Kolyshko, Iosif Iosifovich, b. 1862.

Title romanized : Baten. NC985.5.K6B3


Balanov, Boris Pavlovich.

Государственный строй Корейской Народно-Демократической Республики. Москва, Гос. изд-во юрид. AUT-, 1957.

71 . Mus. 0 cm. (Государственный строй стран мира) Al head of title: 6. Ba HOB, M. Wadup.

1. Korea (Democratic People's Republic) - Politics and porern ment.

1. Shair, Mark Arkad'evich, joint author. 11. Title

Title transliterated : Gosudarstvennyi strol Ketel

skol Narolno-Demokraticheskol Kepolikl JQ1729.5.A98C423

57-479341 rev

1. Rapid reading, LB1050.5.B28

Bai, Kurt.

Lærebok i trylleri og kortkunster. Arendal, Kurt Bai's trylleskole, 1966. 80 . Illus, 29 cm. unpriced

(N 87-92) 1. Tricks 2. Card tricks L Title. GV1547.B19



Baíàndin, N

Stepnaia zvezda. ,Ocherk o zhizni Ch. Valikhanova. By, N. Baiandin, B. Sokpakbaev. Alma-Ata, Kazgoslitizdat, 1960.

79 p. illus. T.-P. and text in Kazakh.

Russian title from colophon and Knizhnaía letopis', no. 48, 1960 item 71063.

1. Valikhanov, Chokan Chingisovich, 18351865. I. Sokpakbaev, B. MH


Balanov, Boris Pavlovich.

Коммунистическая партия и комсомол, Москва, Гос. из,1-во полит. лит-ры, 1954.

45 p. 21 cm.

1. Kommunisticheska partins Sovetskogo Soitza. 2. Vsesoruzay! leninskil kommunisticheskil soruz molodezhi.

Title transliterated: Kommunisti

cheskata partita i konsorbol JX6598.K73:26

55-33110 ! rey

Baiandur, S., ed.

see Istoriia armianskogo sovetskogo teatra. Erevan, 1967.

Basanov, Boris Pavlovich.

1а знамени красном-серп и молот. Москва, “ЗнаHie,” 1969.

64 p. 17 cm. (Новое в жизни, науке, технике. Серия: МNOAEXmas, 11)

At head of title: B. I. Ba HOB. Bibliography: p. 163,

1. Russia--Social conditions1945 2. Russia-Politics 400 government-1953– & Kommunisticheskan pertina Sovetskogo Soinza. 1. Title

(Series: Novoe shizni, nauke, tekhnika Serina: Molodezhnana, 1989, 11)

TWle romanized: Na za meal Eras

Dom-sert 1 olotok HQ768.N6 1969, no. 11

74 480695

Bai, Kurt.

Skal vi danse? Arendal, Kurt Bai's trylleskole, 1966. 84 p. diagrs. 30 cm. uopriced

(N 67-32) Cutouts inserted.

1. Ballroom dancing. 1. Title. GV1751.B16



Baiano, Enrico.

Lineamenti della riforma tributaria. Sulla base del testo della Delega legislativa al Governo della Repubblica, ap provata con la legge 9 ottobre 1971, n. 825, inserita nella Gazzetta ufficiale n. 263 del 16 ottobre 1971. Reggio Emilia, A cura della Camera di comnercio industria artigianato e agricoltura, 1971. 161, xxx p. 24 cm. L1400

It 72-May At head of title: Enrico Baiano, Guido Margiotta.

1. Tuxation-Italy-Law. I. Margiotta, Guido, joint author. II. Italy. Laws, statutes, etc. Legge 9 ottobre 1971, n. 823. III. Title


Bay, Roland Davydovich

see Upravlenie sledíashchimi élektroprivodami. 1969.

Balànov, Boris Pavlovich.

Народная Корея на пути к социализму. Москва, Гос. 13.1-во полит, лит-ры, 1959.

142 p. 20 cm. Includes bibliography.

1. Korea (Democratic People's Republic)-Economie coditicos. 1. Title.

Title transliterated: Narodian

Korea sa puti k sotsialiins. HC468.A2B3

5945994 1 rev

Bai, Shi-i

see Pai, Shih-i.

Baranov, Akhsan.

Ищу молодость. Лирич. повесть. Авториз. пер. с татар. н. Нефедова. Ил.: Э. М. Шагаев). Москва, "COB, incareb," 1971. 238 p. with illus. 17 cm. 0.31rub

USSR 71-VKP 1. Title.

Title romanized : Ishchu moladost'. PL63.T39B25


Bai, Werner.

Kompendium om ankerplader. Horsens, Ingeniørskolen i Horsens, 1968. 12 I. illus. 29 cm. 2.88

D 68 51 1 Coucrete footings.

I. Title. TA775.B 18


Basanov, Akhsan

Slyshu golos vekov; (poema i legenda, Kazan', Tatknigoizdat, 1962.

Balanov, Boris Pavlovich.

Soviet socialist democracy by, B. Bayanov, Y. Umansky and, M. Shafir. Russian text edited by F. Kalinycher, Translated from the Russian; edited by M. Saifulin;. Moscow, Progress 1968, 253 p.21 cm. Illus, coat of arms. 1.21

USSRTranslation of Советская социалистическая демократи (го manized : Sovetskafa sotsialisticheska demokratia)

Bibliographical footnotes 1. Russia - Politics and government -- 1988 2 Copimaalt

I. U'manskil, fatov Naumovich, joint author. II. Shafir, Mark Arkad'evich, Joint author. III. Title. JN6515 1968.B3413

320.9 47

70-470709 rer


Page 5

Baião, Domingos Vieira

see Vieira Baião, Domingos.

Baião Esteves, A

see Esteves, A

Baibekova, Éra Mukhamedovna, joint author

see Zufarov, Kamildzhan Akhmedzhanovich. Regenerassisā slizistoi zheludka pri obshchem gamma-obluchenii. 1969.

Baiar, o

G Квартира и ее убранство. О. Г. Баяр, Р. Н. БлашкеBI14. Москва, Гос. изд-во, лит-ры по строительству, архитектуре и строит, материалам, 1962.

110 p. illus. (part col.) 29 cm.

At head of title: Академия строительства и архитектуры СССР. Центральный научно-исследовательский и проектно-экспериментальный институт индустриальных, жилых и массовых культурнобытовых зданий. .

1. Interior decoration. 1. Blashkevich, Raisa Nikiforovna. IT. Title.

Tulla romanised: Kvartiral ee ubranstvo. NK2115.B25

68-128506 NNC

Baibakov, Nikolai Konstantinovich.

о государственном плане развития народного хозяйства СССР на 1968 год и планах развития народного хозяйства СССР на 1969 и 1970 годы; доклад и закрчительное слово на 3. сессии Верховного Совета СССР 7. созыва 10 и 12 октября 1967 года. Закон Сорза Советских Социалистических Республик о государственном плане развития народного хозяйства СССР на 1968 год и планах развития народного хозяйства СССР на 1969 x 1970 годы. Москва, Изд-во полит. лит-ры, 1967.

47 p. 20 cm. At head of title: H, K. Baibakos.

1. Russia-Economic policy-1966– 1. Russia (1923U.S. S. R.) Laws, statutes, etc. Zakon ... O gosudarstvennom plane razviti narodnogo khoxsa stva SSSR na 1988 god. 1. Title. IL Title: Zakon Soroza Sovetskikh Socialisticheskikh Respubliko gosudarstvennom plane razviti narodnogo khozta Istva SSSR

Title romanised: O gosudarstvennom plane

razviti narodnogo khoz A Istva SSSR. HC336.23.B32


Ba ibel Stori bilong ol Pikinini, Madang, New Guinea, Kristen Pres Inc., 1966.

4 v. illus. (col.) (Arch books)

Contents: 1v. l, God I helpim Daniel, by Jane R. Latourette, 7V.2, Haus antap long ston, by Jane R. Latourette. 70.3, King Em I singaut, by Virginia Mueller, 7V.4, Pis I kisim Jona, by M.M, Brem,

1. Pidgin English-Texts. 2. Bible stories, Mela nes ian. I, Latourette, Jane. II. Title. CU-SC


Baiardi, Giorgio Cerboni

see Cerboni Balardi, Giorgio.

Baibakov, Nikolai Konstantinovich.

(Государственном плане развития народного хозяйства СССР на 1969 год. Доклад и заключит. слово на пятой сессии Верховного Совета СССР седьмого созыва 10 и 13 дек. 1968 г.-Закон Союза Советских Социалистических Республик о Государственном плане развития народного хозяйства СССР на 1969 год. Москва, Полит13,jar, 1968, 48 p. 20 cm. 0.05

USSR 69-VKP At head of title: H. K. Banbakor. 1. Russia-Economie policy-1986

1. Russia (1923– U.S. S. R.) Laws, statutes, etc. Zakon ... O gosudarstvennom plane razvitina narodnogo khoz Istva SSSR na 1989 god. 1. Title Title: Zakon Soroza Sovetskikh Sofisialisticheskikh Respublik o gosudarstvennom plane razviti narodnogo khoza Istva SSSR.

Title romanized: 0 gosudarstvennom plane raz.

vita parodnogo khozta Istva SSSR HC336.23.B33


Balasanov, Dilavar Bilalovich.

Автоматическое регулирование и управление в городских газовых сетях. Москва, Стройиздат, 1970. 192 p. with diagrs. 20 cm. 0.50rub

USSR 70-VKP At head of tіdе: Д. Б. Баясанов, Г. М. Гурвич. Bibliography: p. 188-190

1. Gas distribution-Automation. 1. Gurvich, Genrikh Mikhallovich, Joint author. II. Title.

Title romanized : Avtomaticheskoe regulirovable

I upravlenie v gorodskikh gazovykh setakh. TP757.B253


Balasanov, Dilavar Bilalovich.

Автоматизация газорегуляторных станций магистральных газопроводов. Ленинград, “Недра,” Ленингр. отдhue, 1969. 240 p. with diagrs. 22 cm. 0.85

USSR 70-VKP At head of title: A. 6. BarcanoB, 3. A. Kep MOB. Bibliography: p. 237-238,

1. Gas distribution - Automation. 2. Gas, Natural - Pipe lines. 1. Kerimov, Zul'fugar All-ogly, joint author. 11. Title.

Title romanized: Avtomatizatsisa gazoregulator

nykh stanfall magistral'nykh gazoprovodov. TP757.B26


Baiborodin, lo

V Электрооптический эффект в кристаллах и его применение в приборостроении. Москва, Машиностроение, 1967.

79 p. lllus 17 cm. At head of title: 10. B. BarbopOANH » C. A. Capaxa. Bibliography: p. 77–78,

1. Crystal optics. 2. Crystals-Electric properties. 1. Garazha, 8. A., joint author. IL Title.

Tule romanized: Elektroopticheskil effekt kristal

lakh i ego primenenie v priborostroenil. QD941.B26


Balasanov, Dilavar Bilalovich

see Aleksandrov, Aleksandr Vasil'evich, fl. 1954

Primenenie elektronno-vychislitel'nykh mashin disa rascheta i upravlenia v sistemakh dal'nego transporta gaza, 1970.

At head of title: N.K. Baibakov.

I. Russia (1923 U.S.S.R). Laws, statutes, etc. NSYU MOSW CaOTU

NUC71-93593 CU-SB MH VIU

Baibulatov, Begaly Baībulatovich.

от кочевья к социализму. (Из истории оседания кочевого и полукочевого населения Киргизии в 1917-1937 гг.) Фрунзе, “Кыргызстан,” 1969. 167 p. 21 cm, 0.62rub

USSR 70-2850 At head of title: 5. BabyATOB, Includes bibliographical references

1. Agriculture Economic aspects Kirghizistan. 2. Land tenure Kirghizistan.

1. Title.

Title romanizod: Ot kocher'na k sofalallzmu. HD2105.K5B33

73-527022 MIEM

Baidin, Sergei Stepanovich.

Гидрология устевой области Невы. Под ред. С. С. Байдина. Авторы: Н. А. Скриптунов и др.) Москва, Московское отд-ние Гидрометеоиздата, 1965. 382 p. lllus.

27 cm. At head of title: Главное управление гидрометеорологической службы при Совете Министров СССР. Государственный океанографический институт. Невская устьевая гидрометеорологическая станция.

1. Neva Liver. 2. Oceanography-Finland, Gulf of. 1. Skrip tunov, N. A. II. Title.

Title romanized : Gidrologia ust'ovol oblasti Ners. GB1308.N4B3


In Cyrillic characters.

At head of title: Leningradskii gosudarstvennyi universitet im. A.A. Zhdanova.

1. Nizāri Quhistani, Sa'd-al-Din, d. 1320. I. Leningrad. Universitet. MH CU NNC


Baidin, Sergei Stepanovich, ed.

see Gidrologiíà i gidrokhimiíà morei Y ust'ev rek. 1970.

Baīburina, G

ПА Геология Вого-Уральской нефтегазоносной об асті. Глибиногр. указатет.. Уфа, Банкнигоиздат, 1968. 1.01

USSR 0 VKP 11 head of title: Министерство культуры БАССР. Республиканская библиотека им. Н. К. Крупской. Библиографический One.n.

Dr. I. Balburina, L I. Nazirova and N. A. Skorobogachera.

1. Petroleum-Geology--Russia -- Volga-Ural region-- Bibliography. 1. Wazirova, I. I., joint author. II. Skorobogacheva, N. A., joint author, IU. Bashkir A. S. S. R. Respublikanska biblioteka. Bibliograficheskil otdel. IV. Title.

Title romanized : Geologia Volgo

l'ral'skol neftegazonospol oblasti. 21*3.P+13:3

79-56 1959

Baidaev, A

Contes et légendes de Bulgarie, par A. Bajdaov. Préséntés par Robert Philippon. Illustrations de Jean Giannini. Paris, F. Nathan, 1966.

256 p. Allur., col plates. 18 cm. (Collection des contes et 16 gendes de tous les pays ) 7.70 F

(F67-7280) Cover Illustrated in color.

"Contes ... réunis et traduits en russe par A. Bajdaev ... publiés en 1951 aux Editions d'Etat à Moscou."

Translated from Russlan.

1. Tales, Bulgarian. 1. Title. GR253.B3

398.2 09497"7

68-81744 NjP

Baidin, Sergei Stepanovich, ed. see Mikhailov, V


fl. 1965Bibliografisa po gidrologii morskikh ust'ev rek,


Baidal, Mikhail Kharlampievich.

Метод составления прогноза погоды на вегетационный период для территории Казахстана. Ленинград, . Гидрометеоиздат, 1971.

24 p. with diagrs, and maps. 22 cm. 0.15rub USSR 71-VKP At head of title: M. X, banaan. Bibliography: p. 23

1. Long-range weather forecasting. 2. Meteorology, AgriculturalKazakhstan 1. Title.

Title romanized : Metod sostavlenira prognoza

na vegetatsionnyi period dlia

territorit Kazakhstans. QC997.R35


Baydíūk, Pavel Vracheslavovich

see Tekhnologicheski rezhim pererabotki khlopka-syrtda sovetskikh sortov. 1968.

Baichev, lisa, comp.

Транспортни злополуки; текст, съдебна практика и 1штера гура. Сборник). Съставителя: Илия Байчев, Венцеслав Очков. София, Наука и изкуство, 196в.

175 p. 23 cm.

“Включени подбрани съдебни решения на Наказателните отделения на Върховния съд на НРБ до октомври 1965 г., отнасящи се до транспортните злополуки (автомобилен и железопътен транспорт).

Bibliography: p. 172-173.

1. Liability for traffic accidents-Bulgaria-Cases. 1. Ochkov, Ventsexlar, joint comp. 11. Bulgaria. Vårkhoven Sod. m. Title.

Tulle romanized: Transportni zlopolukl.


Baidebura, Pavlo Andrisovych, 1901

Молодой запев. . Повесть и рассказы. Авториз. пер. с укр. П. Панченко. Москва, “Сов, писатель,” 1968). 288 p. with illus._17 em.


USSR 68-VKP At head ot title : Павло Байдебура.

CoxTENTs. —Гобелен. — На пароходе.—Земля.-Универсал гетмана Богдана. — Шахтерские посланцы. —Первый террикон. —Подарок.Портрет. — Молодой запев. — Шахтерская честь. — В последнюю минуту.--Весенней ночью. Сын,— Молитва. Огонь земли. I Title.

Tilla romanized: Molodol zaper. PG3948.B24M6


Baidya, Huta Ram.

Farm irrigation and water management: principles and practices. Kathmandu, Royal Nepal Academy (1968,

IT, -, vili p. Ius., maps, port. 23 cm. Rs 21.25 Bibliography: p. (235-236.

1. Irrigation farming. 1. Title. (SB112]




Baidebura, Pavlo Andrisovych, 1901

V ohon' zemli; povist'. Kyiv, Rad. pys'mennyk, 1967.

162 p. illus. MH IU


Baidya, Huta Ram.

A peep into Nepal. Ist ed. Kathmandu, Dept. of Inforination, His Majesty's Govt. of Nepal, 1970.

x, 72 p. 92, p. of Illus. (part col.), maps. 19 cm. Rs13.00

1. Nepal. 1. Title. DS485.N4B16



Baichorov, Magomet Kyskhaevich.

Ullu K"arachaida, roman. Cherkessk, Stavropol' kitab izd-nu K"arachai-Cherkes beliumiu, 1967.

325 p. port. Title also in Russian: V Bol'shom Karachae.

1. Karachay language-Texts. InU


Baichwal, F. R. , joint author

see Desai, Maganlal Bhagwanji, Survey of the nature and extent of non-farm employment in Thana district. New Delhi, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, 1969,

Baidyev, Sanzhara.

Mgnovenie; stikhi i poemy. Perevod s kalmytskogo Daniila Dolinskogo i Viktora Strelkova, Elista, Kalmytskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1965.

78 p. 14 cm, In Cyrillic characters.

I. Dolinski, Daniil Markovich, 1925- II. Title. IU


Baiculescu, George

see Publicaţiunile periodice româneşti
(zia re, gazete, reviste)... Bucuresti, Socec, 1913-

Baider, Alberto.

Mixed problems for hyperbolic equations: the propagation of singularities.

in.p., 1971. 106 I. diagrs. 30 cm.

Thesis (Ph. D.)-Massachusetts Institute of Technology,

Vita, Bibliography: leaves 104-106.

1. Differential equations, Partial-Numerical solutions. 2. Functions, Exponential. 3. Singularities (Mathematics) I. Title. MCM

NUC 72-88645

Baida, lurii

see Picard, Leo, 1900 Stratigraphic position of the 'Ubeidiya formation. Jerusalem, 1966.

Baidyev, Sanzhara.

Utro. ¡Perevody. Elista, Kalmytskoe knizh. izd-vo, 1966.

30 p. port. (Sovremennaia poeziia Kalmykii) MH


Baier, Jan.

I beceda výživy a hnojení rostlin. Předml.: František Duchoň. Obr.: Zbyněk Weinfurter. 2., přeprac., rozš. a upr. vyd. Praha, SZN, t. Mír 3, 1969. 400, p. illus. (part col.) 20 cm. (Rostlinná výrobn) 16.00

Cz 70-SKO Bibliography: p. 398-401,

1. Fertilizers and manures. 2. Solls. 3. Plants-Nutrition. 1. Title S633.B24 1969


Baier, Roland V.

see Tables of radial spheroidal wave functions, Washington, Naval Research Laboratory, 1970,

Baier. Evgenis rakovlevich.

Опыт изготовления и применения напряженно-армированных железобетонных конструкций. Москва, 1957.

28 cm. (Передовой научно-технический и производственный опыт. Тема 55: Бетонные и железобетонные конструкции)

At head of title: Государственный научно-технический комитет Совета Министров СССР. Академия наук Союза Социалистических Республик. Филиал Всесоюзного института научной и технической информации. Е, Я. Байер.

1. Prestressed concrete. 1. Title (Series: Peredovol nauchno tekhnicheskil i proizvodstvennyl opyt. Tema 55: BetonDye I zhelezobetonnye konstruksil)

Title romanked: Opyt Izgotovlenina i prime

benima naprázhenno-armirovannykh

zhelezobetonnykh konstruktsil T4.P3 t. 55


Baier, Gerd.

Mecklenburg. Ausgew. u. erl. von Gerd Baier. Aufn. von Klaus G. Beyer. (München, Berlin) Deutscher Kunstverl. (1971).

xlv, 123 D. (p. 1-352 illus.), map. 20 cm. (Deutsche Kunstedenkmäler, ein Bildhandbuch Bd. 8) DM88.00

GDB 71-A "Dieser Band behandelt die Bezirke Neubrandenburg, Rostock und Schwerin."

1. Art--Mecklenburg. 2. Mecklenburg-Description and travel Guide books. I. Beyer, Klaus G., 1922– Illus, II, Series. N6876.M5B3


Baier, W

Estimating yield components of wheat from calculated soil moisture, by W. Baier and George W. Robertson,

n.p., 1967. 617-630 p. illus., tables. 25 cm.

Reprinted from Canadian journal of plant science, v. 47. DAS


Baier, Gerd

see Baier-Schröcke, Helga. Die Schlosskapellen des Barock in Thüringen. 2..

neu bearb. Aufl.) Berlin, Union-Verlag, 1967.)

Baier, Kirsten,

The broad statutory term. Berkeley ,1970,

V, 85 1. Diss. -University of California.

1. Judicial review. 2. Judioal review-Euro- pean Economic Communities. 3. Administra - tive law. 4. Administrative law-European Economic Communities, 1. Title. CU-L


Baier, Gerd

see Institut für Denkmalpflege. Denkmale der Geschichte und Kultur. Berlin, Henschelverlag, 1969.

Baier, Kurt, ed.

see Values and the future; the impact of technological change on American values, New York, Free Press (1969,

Baier, Hans, ed.

see Börsenverein der Deutschen Buchhändler. Börsenverein der Deutschen Buchhändler zu Leipzig. (Leipzig, Börsenverein d. Deutschen Buchhändler) 1968.

Baier, w

Relationships between soll moisture, actual and potential evapotranspiration. Ottawa, National Research Council of Canada, Associate Committee on Geodesy and Geophysics, Subcommittee on Hydrology , 1967?,

155-204 p. illus. 25 cm. Cover title,

"Published in Proceedings of Hydrology Symposium no. 6, soil moisture, November 1967."

Bibliography: p. 182-191.

1. Soil moisture. 2. Evapotranspiration, I. Title. NNBG


Baier, Hans, ed.

see Verlage der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik, Leipzig, Börsenverein der Deutschen Buchhandler, 1967.

Baier, Martin.

Wims Schule auf Java; das selbstlose Leben des Willem Labruyere in Indonesien. Stuttgart, Evang. Missionsverlag, 1969.

14 p. 21 cm. (Von fernen Ufern, Heft 75)

1. Labruyere, Willem, 1926-1968. 2. Missions Java. 1. Title. II. Series. NIC


Baier, Walter, joint author

see Graul, Emil Heinz. Weltraummedizin... Frankfurt/M., Ullstein (1970)

Baier, Hans, ed.

see 20 ,Zwanzig Jahre VEB Fachbuchverlag Leipzig. 1949-1969. (Leipzig, Fachbuchverlag, 1969.)

Baier, Otto.

Textilwarenkunde für Verkäufer. 6., verb. Aufl. Hit 368 Billern. Leipzig, Fachbuchverlag VEB, 1966. table (in pocket) 24 cm. DM 12.

(GDB 16-A18-541) 1. Textile industry and fabrics. 1. Title. TS1H5.B25 1966



Baier, Hans, 1937

Modifizierte Verteilungsfunktionen in der Theorie der Elektronenvielfachstreuung. Seibersdorf, Austria, Physikinstitut, Reaktorzentrum der Oesterr. Studiengesellschaft für Atomenergie (1967)

9). 30 cm. Bibliography: leat 9.

1. Electrons-Scattering. 2. Distribution (Probability theory) 1. Title QC721.B128



Baier, Walther, 1903–

Haftpflicht und Gewährschaft im Fortpflanzungsgeschehen der Haustiere. Von, Walther Baier fund, Kurt Walser. Berlin u. Hamburg, Parey, 1968. 114 p. 23 cm. DM 20.

(GDB 68-A28-379) Bibliography: P. 1110,-112.

1. Veterinarians--Legal status, laws, etc.-Germany (Federal Republic, 1949 Walser, Kurt, joint author. 11. Title.

70-353688 DNLM

Baier, Otto.

Textilwarenkunde für Verkäufer. 8., liberarb. Aud. Leipzig, Fachbuchverlag (1971, 388 p. illus. 24 cm. 12.0031

GDNB.. Bibliography: p. 377.

1. Textile industry and fabrics. I. Title. TS1445.B25 1971



Baier, Willy.

Die steuerliche Betriebsprüfung. Ein Handbuch für die Praxis Pearb. von Willy Baier und, Herbert Fähnrich. Unter Mitwirkung von Hans Sigl. Mit einer Einführung von Wilhelm Hartz. 2. Aufl. Stuttgart, Fachverlag für Wirtschafts- und Steuerrecht Schäffer, 1963. xviii, Sp. 2,5 cm. 97.00

GDB 67-A33-111 Shrifumverzeichnis": p. xxvll-rxvill. 1. Auditing 2. Tar accounting Germany (Federal Republic,

'1. Fähnrich, Herbert, joint author. II. Title. IIF3667.B2323 1963

70-374527 NNC-L

Băieşu, Ion.

Fotbalul, joc de bărbați. Coperta: Ion Dogar-Marinescu). București), “Stadion,” 1971.

17 cm. lel 4.00

R 71-1622 1. Soccer 1. Title GV943.2.B34


1 India-Pakistan Conflict, 1963. 1 Title

Title Fognized: l'arti <bã, mujahid.

Baier-Schröcke, Helga.

Die Schlosskapellen des Barock in Thüringen. (Von Helga Baier-Schröcke. Bearb. von Gerd Baier. 2., neu bearb. Aufl.) (Berlin, Union-Verlag, 1987.)

30 p. with illus. 17 cm. (Das Christliche Denkmal, Heft 58) DN1.50

GDNB 67-A44345 Cover title. Bibliography: p. 182 1. Chapels. Thuringla. 2. Archltecture Baroque-Thuringla... 3. Church architecture-Thuringla. I. Baler, Gerd. II. Title (Series) NA4790.C55 Heft 58


Baier-Schröcke, Helga.

Der Stuckdekor in Thüringen vom 16. bis zum 18. Jahrhundert. Mit 322 Abbildungen und 4 Grundrissen. Berlin, Akademie-Verlag, 1968.

vil, 145 P., CIIIVII p. of Illus. 28 cm. (Schriften zur Kunstgeschichte, Heft 10) DŇ 58.

(GDB 68-A22-812) Rev, and enl. ed. of the author's thesis, Leipalg, 1967. Bibliography : p. 139-145.

1. Decoration and ornament, Architectural-Thuringla. 2. Stucco. L Title. (Series) NA3690.B28 1968



Băieşu, Ion.

Sufereau împreună. Nuvele. Ediţia a 3-a, revăzută. Coperta de Emilia Boboia;. Bucurestij, „Cartea Ro mânească, 1971. 271 p. 20 cm. lel 7.23

R 72-1034 CONTENTS: Sufereau impreund.-Treizeci i opt cu doi.-Chi. timia.-Malorul i moartea.-Papuc.---Fătu s plsica.-Meclul de adio. Acceleratorul,

1. Title PC840.12.A4S8 1971


Mirzā Sīmābi, Mirza Hasan Beg, 1907

Baig, Mirza Luqman.

Company meetings by, M. Luqman Baig.
Ka rachi, Pakistan Law House (c1970,

xiii, 271 p. 24 cm.

1. Stock and stockholders-Pakistan. I. Title. MH-L


Baierl, Helmut Johannes, 1926–

Fünf Geschichten vom Dreizehnten ron, Helmut Baierl in Zusammenarbeit mit Erwin Burkert und Herbert Fischer, Berlin, Henschelverlag, 1963.

20 p. 19 cm. (Ialentheater)

CONTENTS; Radlo DDR.-ND.--Die richtige Sprache.-Fachleute.- Der Grenzginger.

I. Title. PT2662.A38F8


Baig, Nafees, 1941

Pattern of company management in India. 1st ed., Aligarh, Navman Prakashan (1971,

vill, 202 p. 23 cm. R$30.00

A revision of the author's unpublished thesis, Aligarh Muslima Unirersity, with title : The pattern of company management in lodia sine 1836 and its socioeconomie implications.

Bibliography: p. 1183r-190.

1. Executives--India. 2. Industrial management-lodia. 1. Title HF5500.3.I 5B3




Baif, Jean Antoine de, 1532-1589. Les amours de Francine

par, J. A. de Baïf. Edition critique par Ernesta Caldarini. Genève, Droz; Paris, Minard, 1966-67.

2 v. 19 cm. (Textes littéraires français, 118, 139) Bibliographical footnotes,

CONTENTS. -- 1. Sonnets. unpriced (F 66-4857) - 2. Chansons. unpriced (F 67-10679)

1. Caldarini, Ernesta, ed. II. Title. PQ1665. A63


Baig, Samuel, 1910 joint author see Sánchez, José, 1905

Scientific and technical dictionaries of the Spanish and English languages New York, The New York public library, 1944,

Baierl, Helmut Johannes, 1926

Stücke. Von, Helmut Baierl. Christoph Funke: Uber Helmut Baierl. Berlin, Henschelverl., 1969.

242 p. 22 cm. (Dramatiker der Deutschen Demokratischen Re publik) 7.80

GDNB 70-A20-229 CONTESTS. - Die Feststellung. - Frau Flinz. - Der Driezehnte. Johanna von Döbeln. PT2662.A38A6 1969


Baig, Tara Ali.

The moon in Rahu: an account of the Bhowal Sannyasi Caso. London, Asia Publishing House, 1968. xi, 371 p. 23 cm. 42/

BW-28143 1. Title PZA.B149 Mo


76-486103 (PR6052.A318)

MARC SBN 210-33812-1

Baïf, Jean Antoine de, 1532-1.359.

The chansonnettes en vers mesures of Jean-Antoine de Baf. I critical ed. by Barbara Inne Terry. State College? Miss., 1966, 1,241 1.

12 m. Seimpl State University studies in foreign languages and literatures, Dept. of Foreign Languages, Do. 1)

Stamped ont p.: Birmingham, Alabama, Birmingham Printing Co., 1336.

Includes bibliographical references.

1. Terry, Barbara Anne, ed. IT. Title ( Series: Mississippi. State University Dept. of Foreign Languages. Studies in foreign languages and literatures, no. 1) PQ 1665. A055 1966


Baierlein, Josef.

Der Hennenmetzger. Eine Erzählung aus d. Oberpfalz. Von, Joseph Baierlein. Kallmünz (Opf.) Lassleben (1971, 124 p. 17 cm. DM3.80

GDB 72-AS 1. Title PT2662.A39H4

72-325618 ISBN 3-7847-8106-5

Baig, Tara Ali.

The moon in Rahu; an account of the Bhowal sannyasi case. Bombay, New York, Asia Pub. House (1969, 1968,

XI, 371 p. 23 cm 25.00

1. Title PZA.B149 Mo 3

76-906263 (PR6052.A318)


Baierlein, Josef.

Oberpfälzische Geschichten/ Joseph Baierlein. Kallmünz (Opf.): Lassleben (1971). 216 p. ; 17 cm. DM14.90

GDB 72-A32 1. Title PT2603.A33702

72-352851 ISBX3-7847-8103-3

Baif, Jean Antoine de, 1532–1589.

Poems; selected and edited by Malcolm Quainton. Oxford, Blackwell, 1970, Ixxx, 168 p facsims. 19 cm. (Blackwell's French texts)

B 70-27849 French text, English Introd, and notes. Bibliography: p. 108-XXXX

1. Quainton, Malcolm, ed. PQ 1665.A6 1970


74-857391 ISBN 031-00700-8


Baigachev, I N

Spasitel' mira; evangelie dlià deter. Rim, Izd-vo Sales, 1956,

88 p. illus. (part col.) At head of title: I.N. Basgachev.

1.Jesus Christ-Biog. Juvenile literature. I. Title. CU


Baigell, Matthew.

A history of American painting. New York, Praeger Publishers (1971,

288 illus. (part col.) 22 ctn, (Praeger world of art series) $9.95

Bibliography: p. 269-271.

1. Painting, American--History. 1. Title. XD205.B2




Baigent, Gary, 1941

The unseen city; one hundred and twenty-three photo graphs of Auckland. Auckland, Blackwood & Janet Paul; San Francisco, Tri Ocean Books, 1967) 122 p. of illus. 22 x 28 cm. $3.75 X 2

(NZ 67-26) 1. Auckland, X. Z-Descr.Vlews. 1. Title DI 130.A8B23



Baikie, David Adamu, 1931

The effects of single and combined pictorial cues on the perception of depth by children aged five and six from two socio-economic groups. Bloomington, Ind., 1969.

116 p. illus. Thesis (Ed.D.)-Indiana University.

Vita. InU


1. Baika Tanki luigaku. The reports of studies

Baika Tanki Daigaku. The reports of studies

see Baika Tanki Daigaku. (Baika Tanki Daigaku kenkyū kiyo)


Baigorria, Guillermo.

El control de Rhizoctonia solani Kühn con funguicidas orgánicos en almácigos de tomate. Buenos Aires, Secretaría de Estado de Agricultura y Ganadería de la Nación, Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria, 1967.

9.-39 p. illus. 23 cm. (Revista de investigaciones agropecuarias. Serie 3: Patologia vegetal, r. 4, no. 2)

Cover title. Summary in Spanish and English.

"Trabajo de texis para optar al grado académico de magister scientine en fitopatologia. Originalmente fue presentado bajo el titulo El control de la enfermedad de las almácigas por medio de funguicidas orgánicos,

Bibliography: p. 38-39.

1. Rhizoctonia solani. 2. Tomatoes-Diseases and pests. 3. Seeds-Disinfection. 1. Title. (Series) SB599.R15 vol. 4, no. 2 635.6'42'944 68-48356 DNAL

Baikie, James, 1866–1931.

Egyptian papyri and papyrus-hunting. With 32 illus. by Constance N. Baikie. Freeport, N. Y., Books for Libraries Press 1971,

324 p. Illus. (part fold.), tacaims. 23 cm. Reprint of the 1925 ed. "Graeco-Roman papyrl": P. 223, 320.

1. Egyptian language-Papyri. 2. Manuscripts, Greek (Papyrl) 1. Title. PJ1488.B3 1971


76–152972 ISBN 0-8969-5724-5


Baigorria, Santiago F

El tacuaral; relatos de Caza y Selva. Buenos Aires (Buschi Saici, 1965.

Baikie, James, 1866–1931.

A history of Egypt from the earliest times to the end of the XVIIIth dynasty. Freeport, S. Y., Books for Libraries Press 1971,

2 . Illus., mape (1 fold.), ports. 23 cm. Reprint of the 1929 ed. Bibliography: v. 2, p. 389-392.

1. Egypt-History-To B. C. 332, I. Title, DT85.B3 1971


79_157323 ISBN 0-8309-5782-2


Байкал. Фотоальбом. Фото Э. Брюханенко и др.)

MoCKBA, "Mucab," 1971. 1143 p. with illus. 71 x 24 cm. 2.49rub

USSR 71-VKP Caption title.

Prepared by G. I. Galazil, E. N. Novoselov, and T. X. Ovchinnikora.

1. Baikal, Lake-Description and travel-Vlews. 1. Galazit, Grigoril Tranovich. 11. Xoroselov, Evgenil Nikolaevich, III. Orchin. nikova, Taisin Nikolaerna. IV. Bridkhanenko, Edgar Dmitrievich.

Title romanized : Balkal. DK771.B3B3


Balkalov, A.

see Strany zarubezhnoi Evropy.

Baikie, William Balfour, 1825-1864

see Symposium on Systemic Mycoses, University College Hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria, 1967. Systemic mycoses (proceedings). Boston, Little, Brown (1968)

Baikie, William Balfour, 1825-1864

see Symposium on Systemic Mycoses, University College Hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria, 1967. Systemic mycoses ...

London, Churchill, 1968.

Baijal, Shiam Narain, 1913–

एक लो, एक दर्द; इन्कमटैक्स के प्राधार पर एक नवीन सामाजिक उपन्यास. लेखक श्याम नारायण बैजल. लखनऊ, मंजु प्रकाशन (1966)

108 p. 19 cm. 3.75

Balko, Vasilii Paramonovich.

Osennia sa i predposevna sa obrabotka pochvy. Moskva, Rossel'khoz izdat, 1966.

62, 12, p. illus. Bibliography: p. 62-63)

1. Tillage. I. Title. DNAL


Байкальский рифт. Отв. ред. Н. А. Флоренсов, Москва, "Hayka." 1968. 175 p with illus, 21 cm. 1.22

(USSR) At head ot title: Академия наук СССР. Сибирское отделение. Институт земной коры. .

Added t. p.: Balkal rift zone. Table of contents also in English. Includes bibliographies

1. Geology--Russia-Balkal Lake region, 2. Geophysics-RussiaBaikal Lake region. 1. Florensov, N. A., ed. 1. Akademia nauk SSSR Sibirskoe otdelenle. Institut zempol kory. IL Title: Balkal rift zone.

Tillo romanized: Balkal'skil rift. QE315.B27


Page 6

Baikov, Nikolai Apollonovich, 1872

Черный капитан; ханньжурская быль-роман из жизни заахурцев по охране Кит. Вост, жел, дор. 1901–10 rr. 2. 113,1. bpuben, 1959.

163 p. 24 cm. 1. Title.

Tulle romanised: Chernyl kapitan. PG3476.B253C48 1959

71-208637 NN IU la U MEU

T.-P. and text in Kirghiz. Russian title from colophon.

1. Folklore-Kirghizistan. MH

NUC 71 -15609

Baikonurov, Omirkhan Aimagambetovich.

Основы горной геофизики; геофизические методы исследований, , применяемые при разработке MeCTOрождений полезных ископаемых. . Алма-Ата, Изд-во “Наука” Казахской ССР, 1970.

325 p. 23 cm. 2.35rub

At head of title: Академия наук Казахской ССР. Казахский Политехнический институт имени В. И. Ленина. О. А. Байконуров, В. А. Мельников.

Bibliography: p. 310-324,

1. Prospecting-Geophysical methods I. Mel'nikov, Viktor Alekseevich, joint author. II. Title.

Title romanized : Osnovy gornol geofizikl. TN269.B25


Baikuntha Kumar Bhowmik

see Bhowmik, Baikuntha Kumar.

Baikov, Nikolai Apollonovich, 1872

Mes chasses dans la Taïga de Mandchourie par, Nicolas Baïkor. Traduit du russe par Boris Aratov. Avec 15 photos et 26 dessins de l'auteur. Paris, Payot, 1988.

204 D. Ius., ports. 23 cm. (Bibliothèque géographique)

1. Hunting-Manchuria. 1. Title, SK213.B314


Lacoul, Vaikunth Prasad, 1906–

Baikonurov, Omirkhan Asmagambetovich.

Пластинчатые конвейеры для скальных пород и руд. Anna-Ara, “Hayka," 1970. 192 p. with Illus. 21 cm. 1.50rub

USSR 70-VKP At head of title: Академия наук Казахской ССР. Казахский политехнический институт. О. А. Байконуров, А. А. Зарубинский.

Bibliography: p. 187-190 1. Mine haulage. 2. Conveying machinery. I. Zarubinskil Aleksandr Aronovich, joint author. II. Title.

Title romanized: Plastinchatye kon velery

dia staal'nykh porod i rud. TN335.B25

74 861211

Baikov, Uzbek Mavmotovich.

использование сточных вод в системе за воднения пластов. Москва, “Недра," 1968. 88 p. with diagra. 20 cm. 0.22

USSR 89-VKP At head of title: y. M. BaixoB, N. B. Epepoba. Bibllography: p. 85-86

1. 011 feld fooding. 2. Petroleum waste. 1. Eferova, Liudmila Vasil'evna, Joint author. 11. Title.

Title romanised: Ispolizovanie stochnykh rod. TN871.B238


Bail, Albrecht.

Normung und Vergütung der Leistung in den landwirtschaftlichen Produktionsgenossenschaften. Von A. Bail 4., völlig veränderte Aufl. Berlin, Deutscher Landwirt. schaftsverlag (1968). 440 p. 22 cm. 19.00

GDNB 9-A2-558 First-3d eds. published under title: Normung. Bewertung. Ver gütung der Arbeit in den LPG.

Bibliography: p. 423-483.

1 Collective farms Germany (Democratic Republic, 1949 ) L Title. HD1492.G2B3 1968 338.7'63'09431


Bail, Joe Paul.

A study of the innovative aspects of emerging off-farm agricultural programs at the secondary level and the articulation of such programs with technical college curriculum in agriculture by, Joe P. Bail, and, William H. Hamilton. Ithaca, N.Y., College of Agriculture, Agricultural Education Division, Dept. of Education, Cornell University, 1967.

1. Agriculture-U.S.-Study and teaching. 2. Agricultural education-U.S. 1. Hamilton, William H., joint author. II. Cornell University. New York State College of Agriculture. III. Title.


Baikov, Vladimir Sergeevich

see Narodnoe khozíaistvo sosialisticheskikh stran v tyssàcha devíat'sot shest'des sàt sed'mom godu. 1968.

Baikov, Grigorií Danilovich.

Sovershenstvovanie sviazei torgovli s promyshlennost'íu. (By, G.D, Baikov. Moskva, Ekonomika, 1967.

76 p. illus,

1. Ukraine-Comm. 2. Ukraine-Indus. MH CU MU TU

NUC 70-77563

Baikova, Liudmila Stepanovna.

Бессоюзные предложения в языке Н. М. Карамзина. . Tapty, 1963.

31 p. 22 cm (Ученые записки Тартуского государственного университета, вып. 132)

At head of title: 1. C. Baňkoba, Includes bibliographical references,

1. Karamzin, Nikol Mikhallovich, 1706-1826. 2. Russian language--Syntax. 1. Title.

(Series: Tartu Ulikool. Toimetised, vihik 132)

Title romanized; Bessoruznye predlozhenllà

v fazyke N. M, Karamzina. AS262.T22A25 no. 132

66-34686 MiU

Baikov, I. s.

see Nizkochastotnye gidrodinamicheskie neustoichivosti neodnorodnoi plazmy s tokom. 1967.

Bail, Joseph, 1862-1921.

Joseph Bail, 1862-1921; Emile Boulard, 18611943... ,etc., Vente, Hotel Drouot, Paris, 11 décembre 1970. (Paris, 1970,

16 p. illus. 24 cm.

At head of title: Maitres de la tradition a l'aube du XXeme siècle.

1. Boulard, Emile, 1861-1943. 1. Hotel Drouot, Paris. MH

NUC 72-8705

Bail, Mary Lizzie Norman

see Norman-Bail, Mary Lizzie.

Baikov, Ivan Vladimirovich.

Антимарксистская сущность маоизма. . Москва, “ЗнаHie," 1970.

22 cm. (Новое в жизни, науке, технике. Серия: ИстоPur, 8) 0.09rub

USSR 70-VKP At head of title: M. B. Bahkoa, Includes bibliographical references,

1, Chiuri-kuo kung ch'an tang. 2. Communist revisionist, 3. Mao, Tretung. 1883

1. Tytle. (Series: Novoe v zhizal, pauke, tekhnike. Seria : Istorija, 1970, 8)

Titlo romanised: Antimarksistska

sushcbpost' maoizma, 1410.N652 1970, no. 8

71-542220 MH

Baikova, Liudmila Stepanovna.

Структура и стилистическая направленность бессоюзных предложений в языке Н. М. Карамзина. Таллин, Barryc, 1967.

147 p. port. 20 cm.

At head or title: Таллинский педагогический институт им. Э. Вильде. л. с. Байкова. . 1. Karamzin,

Mikhallovich, 1706-1826. 2 Russian language--Sentences. 3. Russian language--Style. L. Title.

Title romanised: Struktura i stilisticheska napra

vlennost' bessoiuzaykh predlozhenil v Azyke. PG3314.Z8B3

72-231545 MiDW MH ICU NIC CY CU-SB

Bail and Remands in Custody, Justice Conference

see Justice Conference on Bail and Remands in

Custody, London, 1965.

Bail and summons: 1965. Institute on the Operation of

Pretrial Release Projects, New York; proceedings of October 14-15, 1965, and Justice Conference on Bail and Remands in Custody, London; proceedings of November 27, 1965. Washington, 1966.

XXX, 262 p. 23 cm.

The New York conference was presented by the National Conference on Bail and Criminal Justice: the London conference was prexented by Justice, British Section of the International Commission of Jurists.

1. Bail-U. S. 2. Ball-Gt. Brit. I. Institute on the Operation of Pretrial Release Projects, New York, 1985. Proceedings. 1968. 11. Justice Conference on Ball and Remands in Custody, London, 1965,

Proceedings. 1908. III. National Conference on Ball and Criminal Justice, Wash

ington, D. C., 1964. IV. Justice (80clety) KF9632.A75B33



Bailard, Fred.

Merchandizing privacy: the California recreation subdivision, by Fred Bailard and Bull Billick, Stanford, 1971.

46 1.

1. Reservoirs California-Recreational use, 2. Land subdivision California, I Billick, Bill. II, Title, CSt-Law


Baila de Ronco, Juana.

Argentina y América; libro de lectura para quinto grado. Buenos Aires, Kapelusz, S.A. (1957)

187 p. illus.

1. Spanish language-Readers. 1. Title. KEmT


Bailbé, Jacques.

Agrippa d’Aubigné, poète des "Tragiques" ... Caen, Association des publications de la Faculté des lettres et sciences humaines de l'Université de Caen, 1968.,

Ixxll, 406 p. 25 cm. (Publications de la Faculté des lettres et sciences humaines de l'Unlversité de Caen, t. 12) 50 F

(F 88 8027) Illustrated cover. Bibliography: p. (469,-480. 1. Aubigné, Théodore Agrippa d', 1562-1630. Les tragiques. (Series; Caen, France. Unlversité. Faculté des lettres sciences humaines. Publications, t 12) PQ1603.A73B3

68-143383 ICU

Bailenson, George.

The relaxed patient; a manual of sedative techniques. Philadelphia, Lippincott (1972,

xlil, 200 p. illus. 27 cm. $16.00

1. Anesthesia in dentistry. 2. Sedatives. 1. Title. RK510.B28


77-173257 ISBN 0-397-30202-3


Bailey, Alfred Marshall, 1894

Birds of Colorado see Bailey, Alfred Marshall, 1894Pictorial checklist of Colorado birds (Denver) Denver Museum of Natural History, 1967.

Bailey, Alice Anne (La Trobe-Bateman) 1880–1949, ed.

Letters on occult meditation, received and edited by Alice A. Bailey. New York, Lucis Pub. Co. (1966) 375 p. illus.

24 cm. 1. Occult sciences. I. Title. IU NBuU


Bailey, Adrian, 1928

The cooking of the British Isles, by Adrian Bailey and the editors of Time-Life Books Photographed by Anthony Blake. New York, Time-Life Books (1969, 208 p. col. illur., 1 col. map. 29 cm. (Foods of the world)

Recipes. (Now York, Time-Lifo Books (1969, 104 p. 23 cm. (Foods of the world) Pages 100-104 blank for "Notes."

TX717.B35 Suppl. 1. Cookery, British. L Blake, Anthony, illus. 1. Time Lite Books.

II. Title. TX717.B35




Bailey, Alfred Marshall, 1894

Field work of a museum naturalist, 1919–1922, by Alfred M. Bailey. Denver, Denver Museum of Natural History, 1971.

19? p. illus. 24 cm. (Denver Museum of Natural History, Museun pictorial no. 22)

CONTENTS: Alaska: Southeast.---- Alaska : Far North.--Bibliog. raphy (p. 191-192)

1. Natural history-Alaska. I. Title. II. Series: Denver. Museum of Natural History. Museum pictorial, no. 22. QH105.A4B3




Bailey, Alice Anne (La Trobe-Bateman) 18801949,

Problems of humanity. 13d, rev. ed.) New York, Lucis Pub. Co. (1964)

181 p. 18 cm,

1. Social problems. 2. Reconstruction (1939-1951) 1 Title. IU ViU COU

NUC68-35 323 KU LU TXU IEN Or PS

Bailey, Alan Paterson.

A comparative survey of economic conditions in two pastoral areas of South Australia (with particular reference to the provision of credit) by A. P. Bailey. Canberra, Bureau of Agricultural Economics (1952,

70 p. 6 illus., 5 maps (1 col.) 34 cm.

1. Agriculture-Economic aspects-South Australia. 2. Agricultural credit-South Australia. 1 Title HD2177.B3




Bailey, Alice Anne (La Trobe-Bateman) 1880-1949.

The reappearance of the Christ. New York, Lucis Pub. Co. (1960,

208 p. 24 cm.

1. Second advent. 2. Jesus ChristTheosophical interpretations. I. Title. IU


Bailey, Alfred Marshall, 1894

Pictorial checklist of Colorado birds; with brief notes on the status of each species in neighboring States of Nebraska, Kansas, Sew Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming, by Alfred M. Bailey and Robert J. Niedrach. Denver, Denver Museum of Natural History, 1967.

168 p. Illus, map (on lining paper). 124 col. plates. 32 cm.

A condensation of the authors' Birds of Colorado, published to 1985.

Bibllography: p. 153-163.

1. Birds-Colorado-Pictorial works. L. Niedrach, Robert J., joint author. II, Balley, Alfred Marshall, 1894 Birds of Colorado. III. Title. QL684.C6B35



Bailey, Alan Robert.

Foundry metallography: an elementary analysis of the microstructure and properties of selected foundry alloys, by A. R. Bailey and L. E. Samuels. Betchworth, Metallurgical Services Laboratories Ltd, 1971.

1, 311 p. (4 fold.). 28 cm. (Annotated metallographic speci. mens. Special series: studies in technology) £3.60 B 72-06705

1. Metallography. 2. Alloys. I. Samuels, Leonard Ernest, 1922Joint author. II, Title. TN690.B234


72-181756 ISBN 0-9301621-5-9


Bailey, Alice Ann (Latrobe-Bateman), 1880-1949,

The reappearance of the Christ, by Alice A. Bailey. New York, Lucis Publishing Co.; London, Lucis Press (1962, c1948,

189, 12, p. 19 cm. "Fourth printing."

1. Second advent. MH-AH

NUC 70-51531

Bailey, Alice Anne (LaTrobe-Bateman) 1880-1949.

The soul and its mechanism; the problem of psychology. New York, Lucis Pub. Co. (1965)

165 p. 24 cm. Bibliography: p. 158-160.

1.Occult sciences. 1. Title. IU


Bailey, Alan Robert.

The structure and strength of metals: an elementary practical course involving the correlation of microstructure and properties in 32 specially prepared specimens, by A. R. Bailey. Bletchworth (Sy.), Metallurgical Services, 1967.

vill, 120 p. Illus. (some col.), tables, diagra. 25 cm. (Annotated metallographie specimens. Special series: exercises in materials science) 32/

(B 67-29019) Bibliography: p. 118.

1. Jetals-- Testing. 2 Hardness-Testing. 3. Metals---Heat treatment. 1. Title. TA460.B18



Bailey, Alice Anne (La Trobe-Bateman) 1880-1949,

Discipleship in the new age, New York, Lucis Pub. Co. (1966)

2 v. 24 cm.

1. Occult sciences, L. Title, Or U


Bailey, Alice Anne (La Trobe-Bateman) 1880-1949,

A treatise on cosmic fire. New York, Lucis Pub. Co. (1967, c1962,

xxvi, 1367 p. illus. 22 cm.

1.Occult sciences. I. Title: Cosmic fire, NEUU MB CU

NUC 68-29138

Bailey, Alan Robert.

A text-book of metallurgy. millan, 1967. 561 p. illus,

22 cm. 2d ed.

1. Metallurgy. MU

Bailey, Alice Anne (La Trobe-Bateman) 1880-1949.

Education in the new age. New York, Lucis Pub. Co., London, Lucis Press Ltd. (1965, c1954,

xv, 174 p. 24 cm. "Fifth Printing 1965."

I. Title. NBUU


Bailey, Alice Anne (La Trobe-Bateman) 18801949.

A treatise on white magic; or, The way of the disciple. New York, Lucis Pub, Co. (1967, c1951)

705 p. 24 cm.

1.0ccult sciences. 1. Title: White magic. II. Title: The way of the disciple. CLSU NjP MB

NUC69-628 96

Bailey, Alice Anne (La Trobe-Bateman) 1880-1949.

A treatise on white magic; or, The way of the disciple. 9th ed., New York, Lucis Pub. Co. (1969,

1. Occult sciences. I. Title: White magic. II. Title: The way of the disciple. KMK


Bailey, Barbara Ann, 1940

Histology and histochemistry of the embryonic chick mandible following X-irradiation. Norman, Okla., 1970.

ix, 134 1. illus. Thesis-University of Oklahoma. Bibliography: leaves 120-124.

Photocopy of typescript. Ann Arbor, Mich., University Microfilms, 1971. 21 cm.

1. Chick embryo. 2. Mandible. 3. Irradiation. 1. Title. NIC


Bailey, Benjamin H

Characteristics of high school seniors as related to subsequent college attendance, by Benjamin H. Bailey. Investigators: Harold A. Gibbard (and, Stanley 0. Ikenberry. Morgantown, Division of Education, West Virginia University, 1966.

116 1, 85 , 28 cm.

"Cooperative research project no. 2152." Research performed under contract with the U. S Office of Education.

"An analysis of achievement, motivational, and perceptual variables between high school seniors who do and do not attend college, by Rogers McAvoy" : leaves 1-85, 2d group.

Includes bibliographies.

1. College attendanceWest Virginia. 2. College characteristics Inder. 3. College students' socio-economic status. 1. McAvoy, Rogers. An analysis of achievement, motivational, and perceptual variables between high school seniors who do and do not attend college. II. Title. LC148.B3


68-63301 OKentC IU OU NIC KMK N ICU ViU

Bailey, Alice Anne (LaTrobe-Bateman) 1880-1949

see Patañjali. The light of the soul. New York, Lucis Pub. Co. (1965)

Bailey, Ben Edward.

Constructing classroom tests in music. Northbrook, II., Whitehall Co.,1971,

93 n. fllus. 23 cm. Includes bibliographies

1. Musical ability -- Testing. 1. Title, ML3838.B15


71-126990 ISBN 0-87058-020-0


Bailey, Allan Raymond, 1943

A computerized standard cost and variance analysis model for improved cost control. Los Angeles, 1969.

xii, 205 1. illus,

Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of California at Los Angeles.

Typewritten (photocopy) Vita. Includes bibliography.

Photocopy available from University Microfilms.

1. Electronic data processing-Cost control. 2. Cost control. 1. Title. CLU

NUC 70-84796

Bailey, Alvin Cornell, 1938

Yielding of unsaturated soils. Auburn, Ala., 1967.

ix, 115 1. illus., plate. 28 cm. Typescript. Thesis (Ph.D.)-Auburn University. Vita.

"References"': leaves 95-96. ААР


Bailey, Ben Edward,

The development and validation of a test of listening skill. Ann Arbor, University Microfllms (1970,

Microfilm copy (positive) of typescript.

Collation of original, as determined from fllm: xill, 310 p.

Thesis-Northwestern University, 1967. Bibliography: leaves 134-150.

1. Music-Instruction and study. I. Title. PPT

NUC 72-88647

Bailey, Bernadine (Freeman) 1901–

The captive nations, our first line of defense, by Bernadine Bailey. Chicago, Chas. Hallberg (1969,

191 pillus 18 cm. 0.75

1. Communist countries. 1. Title. D847.B3


75-89497 SBN 87319 013-6


Bailey, Andrew C., joint author see Barrett, Richard F

Taxation, 2d ed. St. Paul, West Pub. Co., 1970.

Bailey, Annetta, joint author

see Dunn, Lucille. Steps in clothing skills. Peoria, nl., C. A. Bennett Co. (1970,

Bailey, Ben Edward,

The development and validation of a test of listening skill. Evanston, 1967; ¡Ann Arbor, University Microfilms, 1971,

xiii, 310 1., 22 cm. Thesis-Northwestern University. Photocopy of typescript.

1. Music-Instruction and study. 2. Musical ability-Testing. 1. Title. CLSU

NUC 72-886 48

Bailey, Bernadine (Freeman) 1901–

José, by Bernadine Bailey. Boston, Houghton Mifflin 1969,

141 p. illus. 21 cm. (Merit books)

Life in Chicago appears very bleak for a twelve-year-old Puerto Rican boy when his father loses his job, his poor grades force him to go to summer school, and his own part time job keeps him from a special celebration.

11. Puerto Ricans in the United States Fiction, 1. Title PZ7.B1504Jo


68 26990


Bailey, Anthony.

In the village. (1st ed., New York, Knopf, 1971. 221 p. 22 cm. $5.85

1. Stonington, Conn. 1. Title. F104.58513 1971


77–136478 ISBN 0-394-13041-1


Bailey, Bernadine (Freeman) 1901

Picture book of Alabama, by Bernadine Bailey. Pictures by Kurt Wiese. Rev. ed. Chicago, A. Whitman, *1966.

32 p. illus. (part col.), map. 1721 cm. (Her The United States books)

1. Alabama-Juvenile literature, 1. Wlese, Kurt, 1887 illus. II. Title. F326.3.33 1966

j 917.61

68 4254 RP

Bailey, Anthony.

The light in Holland. (1st ed. New York, Knopf, 1970.

vill, 203, vil p. illus, map. 22 cm. 6.95 Bibliography : p. 261-263.

1. Netherland Civilization, 2. National characteristics, Dutch. 1 Title. DJ71.B26




Bailey, Ben Edward,

A survey of the teaching of aural-oral skills in bachelor of arts programs accredited by the National Association of Schools of Music, by Ben Edward Balley. Tougaloo, Miss., Tougaloo Collage, 1968.

27 p. tables. Bibliography: p. 27,

1. Music in universities and colleges-Mississippi. 2. Music-Instruction and study-U.S. 1. National Association of Schools of Music. II. Tougaloo, Miss. Southern Christian College II. Title. MSSM

NUC 71-41094

Bailey, Anthony.

The thousand dollar yacht. Illustrated by Peter Tripp. New York, Macmillan (1968,

214 p. Illus., map (on lining paper) 21 cm. 1. Yachts and yachting.

1. Title. GV812.5.B3A3


68-10812 NjP MB RP Wa

Bailey, Bernadine (Freeman) 1901–

Picture book of Arkansas, by Bernadine Bailey. Pictures by Kurt Wiese. Rev. ed. Chicago, A. Whitman, •1967.

30 pillus, (part col.), map. 17 x 21 cm. (Her The United States books)

1. Arkansas Juvenile literature. 1. Wiese, Kurt, 1887Dlus, 11. Title. F411.3.B3 1967

j 917.67

68-4253 RP

Page 7

Bailey, Emma.

Better living cookbook, by Emma Bailey and the Prevention editors. ¡Emmaus, Pa., Rodale Press, 1971,

72 p. lllus. 22 cm. Cover title: Prevention's better living book, Pages 69-71 blank for "Recipes."

1. Cookers. I. Prevention, II. Title. TX715.B 152




Bailey, Edd H 1904

The century of progress: a heritage of service, Union Pacific 1869-1969 by, Edd H. Bailey. New York, Newcomen Society in North America. 1969.

24 p. lllus., ports. 23 cm. (Newcomen address, 1989)

Delivered at a national meeting of the Newcomen Society held at Omaha, Neb., Sept. 9, 1969

1. Union Pacific Railroad-History--Addresses, essays, lectures. 1. Title. (Series) HE2791.U55B3




Bailey, Earl L

1924 Computer support for marketing, a progress report; : survey by Earl L. Bailey. (Now York, National Industrial Conference Board, 1969,

84 p. 23 cm. (Experiences in marketing management, no. 22) 1.50 (to members) 6.00 (to non-members)

"A survey by the Conference Board." 1. Electronic data processing-Marketing Management. L Title. (Series) HF5006.E9 no. 22 658.8'001'8



Bailey, Earl L., 1924 joint author see Forman, Lewis W

The role and organization of marketing research.. [New York) The Conference Board (1969)

Bailey, Edith Marcia Fisher

see Bailey, Marcia Fisher, 1939

Bailey, F

J Introduction to semiconductor devices; diodes, bipolar transistors, JFETS, IGFETS, SCRs and integrated circuits by, F. J. Bailey. London, Allen and Unwin, 1972. 3-238 p. Illus. 23 cm. Index. £8.06

B 72-11946 Includes bibliographies

1. Semiconductors, 1. Title. TK7871.85.B34


72-186179 ISBX0-04-621016-4;0-04-621017-2 (pok.)


Bailey, Francis Lee, 1933–

Bailey, Earl L., 1924

joint author see Hopkins, David S 1921

Customer service; a progress report. New York, The Conference Board (1970,

Bailey, Edward Weldon, 1898–

Texas law of wills, by Edward W. Bailey. Kansas City, Mo., Vernon Law Book Co., 1968.

2 v. 27 cm. (Texas practice, v. 9-10)

1. Wills Texas. 1. Title, (Series) KFT1280.T4 vol. 9-10



Bailey, Faith Coxe.

Two directions; based upon research done by Margaret Noffsinger Wenger. Rochester, N. Y., Baptist Missionary Training School, c1964,

1. Baptists-Missions. I. Wenger, Margaret Noffsinger. II. Baptist Missionary Training School. KMK


Bailey, Frank Edgar, 1904–

British policy and the Turkish reform movement; & study in Anglo-Turkish relations, 1826–1853. New York, H. Fertig, 1970.

xiv, 312 p. Mus. 24 cm. (Harvard historical studies (v. 51,) 11.00

Originally published in 1942. Bibliography: p. 293-303

1. Turkey-Foreign relations-Gt. Brit. 2. Gt Brit.--Foreign rela. tions-Turkey. 3. Turkey-Commerce-Gt. Brit. 4. Gt, Brit.-CommerceTurkey, 1. Title

(Series) DR562.B3 1970




57 1. Thesis-McGill University ?

1. Liability for nuclear damages. 2. Aeronautics. CLL


Bailey, Earl L., 1924 joint author see MacDonald, Morgan B

The firstline sales supervisor (New York, National Industrial Conference Board, 1968,

Bailey, Francis Evans.

The Ann Wilson cook book; over seven hundred recipes from the popular cookery pages of Western homes and living. Vancouver, Mitchell Press (1958)

257 p. illus. 24 cm.

1. Cookery. I. Western homes and living. II. Title. NB Mid NN


Bailey, Frederic William, d. 1918, comp. Early Massachusetts marriages prior to 1800 ...

Ed. by Frederic W. Bailey. New Haven, Conn., Bureau of American Ancestry (1897–1914,

3 v. Vol. 3 has imprint: Worcester, Mass., F. W. Balley.

CONTENTS.-1st book. As found on the official records of Worcester County, 1897.-2d book. As found on the official records of Plyinouth County, 1900.-3d book. As found on ancient court records of the counties of Middleser, Hampshire, Berkshire and Bristol, 1914.

1 Registers of births, etc.-Massachusetts. L Title F63.B15


Bailey, G

R An evaluation of the line-intersect method of assessing logging residue, by G. R. Bailey. Ottawa, Dept. of Fisheries and Forestry of Canada, 1969.

36 p. 28 cm. (Forest Products Laboratory, Vancouver, BC. IRformation report, VP-X-23)

Cover title. Bibliography: p. 26.

1. Forests and forestry - British Columbia - Mensuratlon 2. Lumbering--British Columbia. 1. Title (Series) TS800.F585 VP-X-23 634.9'8'08 s 72-486693


Bailey, Francis Lee, 1933–

Complete manual of criminal forms, Federal and State iby, F. Lee Bailey and, Henry B. Rothblatt. Rochester, N. Y., Lawyers Co-operative Pub. Co., 1968.

lix, 835 p. forms. 26 cm. (Criminal law library)

1. Criminal procedure-U. S.-Forms. 1. Rothblatt, Henry B., joint author. IL. Title. KF9616.B3


68-20403 C NJR

Bailey, Frederic William, d. 1918, comp.

Early Massachusetts marriages prior to 1800. Baltimore, Genealogical Pub. Co., 1968.

3 r. iu 1. 23 cm.

Reprint of the 1897-1914 ed., with a reprint of the 1900 ed, of Plymouth County marriages, 1692-1746 (54 p. at end)

CONTENTS.--Ist book. As found on the official records of Worcester County, 1897.--20 book. As found on the official records of Plymouth County, 1900.-3d book. As found on ancient court records of the counties of Middlesex, Hampshire, Berkshire, and Bristol, 1914.

1. Registers of births, etc.-Massachusetts L. Plymouth County marriages, 1692-1746. IL. Title. F63.B16




Bailey, Garrick Alan, 1940

Changes in Osage social organization: 1673-1969.

in.p., 1970. 284 1. 6 fold. maps in pocket at back. Thesis (Ph. D.)-University of Oregon. Vita. Bibliography: leaves (243,-261.

1. Indians of North America-Osage Indians. 2. Indians of North America-Social life and customs. I. Title. OrU

NUC 71-27434

Bailey, Francis Lee, 1933–

Defending business and white collar crimes: Federal and State by, F. Lee Bailey (and, Henry B. Rothblatt. Rochester, N. Y., Lawyers Co-operative Pub. Co., 1969.

xxvill, 740 p. forms. 26 cm.

1. Commercial crimes--U. S. 1. Rothblatt, Henry B., Joint author. II. Title. KF9350.B3




Bailey, Francis Lee, 1933–

The defense never rests, by F. Lee Bailey with Harvey Aronson. New York, Stein and Day ,1971,

262 p. 25 cm. $7.95

1. Trials (Murder)-U. S. I. Aronson, Harvey. II. Title. KF221.M8B3

346.73'0924 [B] 70-179487 ISBN 0-8129-141-X


Bailey, Francis Lee, 1933–

The defense never rests; the art of cross-examination by F. Lee Bailey. Ann Arbor, Graduate School of Business Administration, University of Michigan c1971,

36 p. ports. 24 cm, (The Sixth annual William K. Jicinally memorial lecture)

1. Cross-examination-United States-Addresses, essays, lectures. 1. Title. II, Series: William K. Melnally memorial lecture, 1971. KF9658.B3




Bailey, Frederick George.

Gifts and poisons: the politics of reputation; edited by F. G. Bailey. Oxford, Blackwell, 1971,

vil, 318 123 cm. index. (l'avilion series, social anthropology ) £2.00

B 71-26177 Bibliography: p. 3082-307.

1. Villages - Europe - Case studies. 2. Interpersonal relations. 3. Social values. 4. Europe Social life and customs. 1. Title HN373.5.B35


78-149138 ISBN 0-631-13800 3:0-631-13830-7 (pok.)


Bailey, George Samuel.

Gene duplication in salmonid fishes: biochemistry and genetics of lactate dehydrogenase and malate dehydrogenase. , Berkeley, 1969.

X, 2021. illus. Thesis (Ph.D.-University of California.

Bibliography: leaves 198-202. CU


Bailey, Francis Lee, 1933

Handling narcotic and drug cases by, F. Lee Bailey and, Henry B. Rothblatt. Rochester, N. Y., Lawyers Co -operative Pub. Co., 1972.

IX, 549 p. 26 cm. (Criminal law fibrary) Includes bibliographical references.

1. Narcotic laws- United States. 2. Trial practice United States. I. Rothblatt, Henry B., Joint author., II. Title. KF3890.B3




Bailey, Frederick George.

Les Règles du jeu politique, étude anthropologique, par F. G. Bailey .. Traduit par Jean Copans. Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 1971.

275 p. 22 cm. (Bibliothèque de sociologle contemporaine) 33.00F

F 71-9718 1 edition." Translation of Stratagems and spoils. Bibliography: P 247-252.

1. Leadership. 2. Power (Social sciences) 3. Political sociology. 4. Political psychology. 1. Title. JA76.B2514


Bailey, George W

Role of soils and sediment in water pollution control. Washington, U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Federal Water Pollution Control Administration, Southeast Water Laboratory, 1968

Bailey, Francis Lee, 1933–

Investigation and preparation of criminal cases, Federal and Sate by, F. Lee Bailey (and, Henry B. Rothblatt. Rochester, N. Y., Lawyers Co-operative Pub. Co., 1970.

xxiv, 552 p. forms. (part col.) 26 cm. (Oriminal law library) Bibliography : p. 506-514.

1. Trial practice-U. S. 2. Criminal procedure--U. S. 3. Practice of law-U. S. 1. Rothblatt, Henry B., joint author. 1. Title. KF9655.B3

343 .0973'03



Bailey, Frederick George.

Stratagems and spoils; a social anthropology of politics iby, F. G. Bailey. New York, Schocken Books (1969,

xiv, 240 p. 23 cm. (The Pavilion series Social anthropology) 6.50

Bibliography: P 227,-233.

1. Leadership. 2. Power (Social sciences) 3. Political sociology. 4. Political psychology. 1 Title J.176.B25 1969


70–75221 FTaSU NBUU COU NjP NjR


Includes bibliographies.

1. Water-Pollution Research. 2. Soil-Aggregation. 1. U.S. Federal Water Pollution Control Administration. Southeast Water Laboratory. II. Title, DNAL NIC

NUC71-43 093

Bailey, Francis Lee, 1933–

Successful techniques for criminal trials ,by, F. Lee Bailey sand, Henry B. Rothblatt. Rochester, N. Y., Law. yers Co-operative Pub. Co., 1971.

xxl, 604 p. 26 cm. (Criminal law Ibrary)

An expansion of H. B. Rothblatt's Successful techniques in the trial of criminal cases, published in 1961.

Includes bibliographical references.

1. Trial practice-U. S. I. Rothblatt, Henry B., joint author. II. Rothblatt, Henry B. Successful techniques in the trial of criminal cases. III. Title. KF8915.B34




Bailey, Frederick George.

Strategems and spoils: a social anthropology of politics by, F. G. Bailey. Oxford, Blackwell, 1969. xiv, 210 p. 22 cm, (Pavilion series) 36/

B••• Bibliography: p. 227-233

1. Leadership. 2. Power (Social sciences) 3. Political sociology. 4. Political psychology. 1. Title. JA76.B25


69–14381 SBN 631-11770-9


Bailey, Gerald.

Problems of peace. London, Ginn, 1970.

160 p. lllus. (some col.), col. maps, ports. 22 cm. teder. (The World today! £0.575

B 71-01825 Bibliography: p. 157-158.

1. Peace. I. Title. JX1963.B18


72-190479 ISBN 0-602-21188 3


Balley, Frederick George, ed.

see Gifts and poison... New York, Schocken Books , 1971,

Bailey, Gerald, ed.

see Great Britain-USSR Association. The Great Britain-U.S.S, R, handbook. London, Great Britain-USSR Association, 1968.

Bailey, Francis Walter John.

Fundamentals of engineering metallurgy. 14th ed.) London, Cassell (1967)

198 p. illus. 23 cm. Includes bibliography.

1. Metallurgy. 1. Title: Engineering metallurgy. MU


Bailey, Frederick George, ed.

see Gifts and poison, Oxford, Basil Blackwell , 1971,

Bailey, Gerald Earl

The winnowing winds; a novel. New York, Manyland Books 1967

135 D. 23 cm.

1. Title. PZ4.B1515 Wi


Bailey, Frederick Randolph, 1871-1923.

Bailey's textbook of histology by, Wilfred M. Copenhaver and Richard P. Bunge and, Mary Bartlett Bunge. 16th ed. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins 1971,

xv, 745 p. fllus. (part col.) 27 cm. Includes bibliographies

1. Histology I. Copenhaver, Wilfred Monroe, 1898 II. Bunge, Richard P., 1833 IIL Bunge, Mary Bartlett. IV. Title. V. Title: Textbook of histology. QM551.B24 1971


79-127303 ISBN 0-683 020730


Bailey, Frederic William, d. 1918, comp.

Early Connecticut marriages as found on ancient church records prior to 1800. Baltimore, Genealogical Pub. Co., 1968.

7 v. in 1. 23 cm.

**Reprint of the 1896–1906 ed., with additions, corrections, and Introduction by Donald Lines Jacobus, and with integrated errata."

1. Registers of births, etc.-Connecticut. 2. Marriage licensesConnecticut.

1. Title F93.B16



Bailey, Gilbert E

California's disappearing coast: a legislative challenge, by Gilbert E. Bailey and, Paul S. Thayer. Berkeley, Institute of Governmental Studies, University of California, 1971.

xl, 99 p. Illus. 23 cm. $3.00 Includes bibliographical references.

1. Shore protection Law and legislation-Callfornla. 1. Thayer, Paul S., joint author. II. Callfornia. University. Institute of Gov. ernmental studies. III. Title. KFC786.B34


7+170336 ISBN 0-877T2-083-5


Bailey, Hamilton, 1894–1961.

Bailey & Love's Short practice of surgery. 14th ed.; revised by A. J. Harding Rains and W. Melville Capper; consulting editor McNeill Love; with chapters by John Charnley, William P. Cleland and Geoffrey Knight. London, H. K. Lewis, 1968. XI, 1270 p. 1038 illux (incl. 266 col.). 26 cm. 84/

(B 69 05420) Bibliographical footnotes,

1. Surgery 1. Love, Robert John McNeill, 1801 joint author. 1. Rains, Anthony J. Harding, ed. M. Capper, W. Melville, ed. Iv. Title. v. Title: Short practice of surgery.

NLM: 1. Surgery. WO 100 B154s 1968 (RD31)


68-69889/SC DNLM-Shared Catalog.

ing NNC-M N

Bailey, Gordon Burgess, 1934

<-Dialkyl amino acid transaminase: purification and mechanism. Gainesville, University of Florida, 1966.

viii, 122 1. illus. 28 cm. Manuscript copy. Thesis-University of Florida. Vita. Bibliography: leaves 114-121.

1.Aminotransferases. 1. Title. FU-HC


Bailey, Sir Harold Walter, 1899–

Zoroastrian problems in the ninth-century books, by H. W. Bailey. Oxford Eng. Clarendon Press (1971, III, 245 p. 23 cm. (Ratanbai Katrak lectures)

B... Reprint, with new Introd. and index, of the 1943 ed. Includes bibliographical references.

1. Zoroastrianism. 2. Avesta-Criticism, interpretation, etc. I. Title. II. Series: Oxford University. Ratanbal Katrak lectures. PK6190.B3 1971




Bailey, Hamilton, 1894–1961.

Bailey & Love's short practice of surgery. Rov. by A. J. Harding Rains and W. Melville Capper. With chapters by John Charnley, William P. Cleland, and Geoffrey Knight. 14th ed. Philadelphia, Lippincott (1968,

xi, 1270 p. Illus, (part col.) 26 cm. Bibliographical footnotes

1. Surgery. 1. Love, Robert John McNellr, 1891 Jolnt author. 11. Rains, Anthony J, Harding, ed. I. Capper, W. Melville, ed. Iv. Title. v. Title: Short practice of surgery. RD31.B358 1969



Balley, Gordon Raymond, 1930

Log allocation by dynamic programming. Vancouver, 1970.

206 1. (National Library of Canada. Canadian theses on microfilm, no. 6963)

Thesis-University of British Columbia. Bibliography: p. (113)-114. Microfilm copy.

1. Automatic data processing. Lumbering. I. Title. II. Series. DNAL

NUC 72-88651

Bailey, Hamilton, 1894–1961.

Bailey & Love's short practice of surgery. 15th ed.; revised by A, J. Harding Rains and W. Melville Capper; with specialist chapters by Geoffrey Knight, William P. Cleland and Michael A. R. Freeman; consulting editor McNeill Love. London, H. K. Lewis, xll, 1296 p. illus. (some col.). 26 cm. Index. £8.50

B 71-28803 1. Surgery

1. Love, Robert John McNeill, 1891 joint author. II. Rains, Anthony J. Harding. III. Capper, W. Melville. IV. Title. V. Title: Short practice of surgery.

(DNLA: 1. Surgery. WO 100 B154s 1971) (RD31.B358 1971] 617

77-502454 ISBN 0-7186-0380-X

MARO Shared Cataloging with


Bailey, Harry A comp.

Ethnic group politics, edited by Harry A. Bailey, Jr. and, Ellis Katz. Columbus, Ohio, Merrill (1969,

IVI, 331 p. Illus 23 cm. (Merrill political science series) Bibliographical footnotes

CONTENTS.-Historical perspectives on the American ethnic group by 0. Handlin.-Religious group conflict, by W. Herberg.-The two worlds of race: a historical view, by J. H. Franklin.-Membership in social groupings, by A. Campbell and other r-The way of the ethnic in politics, by R. E. Lane.-The political socialization of the American Negro, by D. Marvick-American Jews and the Presidential vote, by L H. Fachs-The Negro voter in northern Industrial cities, by 0. Glantz.- Catholic voters and the Democratic Party, by S. Greer. Bosses, machines, and ethnic politics, by E. E. Cornwell.-Two Negro politicians: an Interpretation, by J. O. Wilson.-The ex-plebes, by R. A. Dahl.-The new men, by R A. Dahl-Ethnic politics and the per. sistence of ethnte identification, by M. Parenti.-Black nationalism: conclusions and trends, by E. U. Essien-Udom.- Black power, by 8. Carmichael and C. Hamilton.-Beyond the melting pot, by N. Glazer and D. P. Moynihan.

1. Voting-U. S.-Addresses, essays, lectures. 2. Elections U. S.-Addresses, essays, lectures 1. Katz, Ellis, 1988

Joint comp. II. Title. JK 1967.B35


73-85819 SBN 675-00436-4


Bailey, Gordon Wallace, 1922–

Dry run for the hangman; the Versailles-Leipzig fiasco, 1919–1921, feeble foreshadow of Nuremberg. College Park! Md., 1971.

vi, 419 L 28 cm. Thesis-University of Maryland. Vita. Bibliography : leaves 387-419.

1. War crime trials--Leipzig. 1921. 2. Versallles, Treaty of, June 28, 1919 (Germany) I. Title. D626.G4B3




Bailey, Harry A

The rate-making function in Kansas public utility regulation by, Harry A. Bailey, Jr. Lawrence, Governmental Research Center, University of Kansas, 1967.

(Governmental Research Center, University of Kansas. Special report series, no. 152)

Bibliographical references Included in "Footnotes" : p. 19-20.

1. Public utilities Kansas Rates I. Title, (Series: Kansas University. Governmental Research Center. Special report, no. 152) KFK285.Z9B3

353.9781'008703 67-65398 N C

Bailey, Guy.

The fatal chance: twelve cases from the notebook of a crime pathologist; with a foreword by Edgar Lustgarten. London, P. Davies, 1969. , 174 p. 23 cm. 42/

B 60-18058 1. Murder Collections. LTitle, HV 6499.B3


75-431290 SBY 132-01090-4


Bailey, H E

Annual inspection report to the Oklahoma Turnpike Authority. Oklahoma City.

v. 28 cm. Report year ends Oct. 1. Reports for

cover the Oklahoma Turnpike Sys tem and Will Rogers Turnpike.

1. Express highways-Oklaboma--Yearbooks. 1. Oklaboma. Turnpike Authority, HE356.05B3



Bailey, Hamilton, 1894–1961.

Emergency surgery. Edited by T. J. McNair. 8th ed. Baltimore, Williams and Wilkins Co., 1967.

xv, 10-6 p. illus, (part col) 26 cm,

1. Surgery, Operative. 1. McNair, Thomas Jaffrey, ed. n. Title. (RD32.B3)


68-202/CD Printed for Card Div. TxDaS UU IaU OU NcU-H

Bailey, Helen I.

see Mathisen, Ole Alfred, 1919Statistical data and vital parameters of the Kvichak Naknek sockeye salmon catches. Seattle, Fisheries Research Institute, University of Washington, 1969.

Bailey, H H

The effects of atmospheric scattering and absorption on the performance of optical sensors by, H. H. Bailey and L. G. Mundie. Santa Monica, Calif., Rand Corp., 1969.

all, 29 p. fllus. 28 cm. (Rand Corporation Memorandum RM5838-PR)

"Research supported by the United States Air Force under Project RAND Contract no. 744620-67-C-0045—monitored by the Directorate of Operational Requirements and Development Plans, Deputy Chief of Staff, Research and Development, HQ USAF."

Bibliography: p. 29.

1. Optical Instruments. 2. Atmosphere, Upper. 3. Light-Scatter. ing. 1. Mundie, Lloyd George, 1916 joint author. 11. Title. (Series : Rand Corporation. Research memorandum RM-5938-PR) Q180.A1R36 no.

5938 681.4 78-11365


Bailey, Sir Harold Walter, 1899– ed.

Khotanese texts, edited by H. W. Bailey, 2nd ed. London, Cambridge U.P., 1969 25 cm.

(Rik Indo-Scythlan stadio) 15/-/- (v. 1) ($45.00)

B 69-19828 (v.1) Vol. 1 without author series note.

Preliminary text in English; text in Khotanese, Tibetan and/or Sanskrit.

1. Khotanese languages Texts. 1 Title P911.K5B3


73-487055 SBN 521-06961-0 (v.1)


Bailey, Helen Miller.

Fifteen famous Latin Americans by, Helen Miller Bailey cand, María Celia Grijalva. Englewood Cliffs, N. J., Prentice-Hall (1971,

ml, 190 p. lllus. (part col.), col, mape, col. plates, ports. 24 cm.

Brief biographies of Afteen Latin Americans who, as political leaders, artists, writers, musicians, and soldiers, contributed to the development of their respective countries

Bibliography: p. 178-181.

1. Latin America - Blography - Juvenlle literature 1. Latin America-Biography I. Grijalva, María Cella, Joint author. II. Title. F1407.B32

920.08 (920)

76-22258 ISBN 0-13-314600 X


Bailey, Helen Miller.

Latin America; the development of its civilization by, Helen Juiller Bailey rand, Abraham P. Nasatir. 2d ed. Englewood Cliffs, N. J., Prentice-Hall (1968,

822 p. lllus., maps, ports. 24 cin. Includes bibliographies.

1. Latin American Civilization, 1. Nasatir, Abraham Phineas, 1904 joint author. 1. Title. F1408.B16 1968


67-12678 NjP Kyu KMK DPU

Page 8

Bailey, Ib Emil.

Dansk-engelsk handels- og fagordbog. For erhvervslivet, administrationen og forvaltningen. Af I. E. Bailey. Ko benhavn, Schønberg, 1972. 521 p. 22 cm. kr 196.50

DT1. Commerce - Dictionaries -- Danish. 2 Danish language tionaries-English. I. Title. HF1002.B2725

72-339840 ISBN 87-570-0033-8

Balley, Henry Clay.

Indians of the Sacramento Valley, as written by Henry Clay Bailey in 1852. Notes on the Palm Springs Cahuilla Indians, by Bonnie Jean Prather. Bloomington, Calif., 1959.

1v. (various pagings) 29 cm. (San Bernardino County Museum Association. Quarterly, v. 7, no. 1)

1. Pa iute Indians Social life and customs. 2. Cahuilla Indians. 3. Indians of CaliforniaSacramento Valley. I. Prather, Bonnie Jean. Notes on the Palm Springs Cahuilla Indians. II. Title, (Se ries) CU-B


Bailey, Herbert Smith.

The art and science of book publishing, by Herbert S. Bailey, Jr. (1st ed. New York, Harper & Row (1970,

XII, 216 p. lllus. 22 cm. 7.85 Bibliography: P. (203,-208

1. Publishers and publishing. L Title Z278.B15




Bailey, Db Emil.

Engelske juridiske tekster og formularer. Til brug red den videregående handelshøjskoleundervisning. Ved I E Bailey. København, Schønberg, 1970. 183 p. 23 cm. kr 39.78

DO Bibliography: p. 155. 1. Forms (Law)-Ot. Brit. I. Title

75 559017 ISBN 87-570-0650-8

Bailey, Henry J

1916 Cases on commercial transactions : secured transactions. Prepared by Henry J. Bailey III. Salem, Or., 1971,

323, S-52 1. 30 cm.

At head of title: Willamette University College of Law, Salem, Oregon.

1. Security (Law)-U. 8.-Cases. I. Willamette University, Salem, Or. College of Law. II, Title. KF1049.B3 1971

346'.73'07402643 76-23874


Bailey, Herbert Sternbergh.

Teaching physics on closed circuit television. Syracuse, Syracuse University; Ann Arbor, Mich., University Microfilms, 1969,

vi, 116 1. illus., 23 cm. Photocopy. Thesis (Ed.D.)-Syracuse University. Bibliography: 113-116.

1. Physics-Study and teaching. 1. Title, OKentu


Bailey, Ib Emil.

Juridiske tekster til brug ved den videregående handelshøjskoleundervisning i sprog. Ved, I. E. Bailey, Erik Lund og, Halvor Skov. København, Schønberg, 1999.

150 p. 23 cm. 28.20

1. Forms (Law)-Denmark. L Land, Erik, 1924 Joint az thor. IL Skov, Halvor, 1918 Joint author. m. Title


Bailey, Henry J 1916

The law of bank checks. 3d ed., rev. and enl. Boston, Banking law journal, 1962.

653 p 24 cm. Previous editions by John Edson Brady.

1967 Supplement. Boston, Banking law journal, 1967.

X, 151 p. 24 cm. Corer title: Brady on bank checks.

KF960.B3 Suppl. 1. Checks-U. S. I. Brady, John Edson. II. Title. III. Title: Brady on bank checks. KF960.B3


62-52438 rev 1 CNNC-L MH-L Cty-L RPB CLL NÄR

Bailey, Higgins Dee.

An exploratory study of selected components and processes in educational organizations, (Berkeley, 1966.

ix, 255 l. illus. (part fold.)

Thesis (Ed, D, in Educational Administration)-University of California,

Bibliography: leaves 218-225. CU


Bailey, Ivor N

Lester Piggott, champion jockey. London, A. Barker 1972,

156 p illus. 22 cm. €1.85

1. Piggott, Lanter, 1985SF336.P5B34

7989.4009944 (B) 72-188033 ISBN 0-213-90431-3


Bailey, James Martin, 1929–

1. Korean War, 1950-1953-Personal narratives, American. 2. Korean War, 19501953–Prisoners and prisons. I. Title. MiU


Bailey, Henry J., 1916

see Encyclopedia of banking laws Banking law journal, 1964.

Bailey, James Osler, 1903–

Bailey, J Russell.

Alderman Library additions and alterations, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Va., 1965-1966. Orange, Va., 1965

1 box. 75 x 62 cm.

Containing floor plan for buildings, stacks and furniture; specifications for labor and materials required for the construction set no. 2 & 5, and specifications for steel bookstack equipment.

Department of Housing & Urban Development Project no. VA-4-0063.

1. Virginia. University. Library. 2. Library architecture. I, U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development. II, U.S. Housing and Home Finance Agency. III. Title. ViU


Bailey, Jack H

The ICARUS complex, by Jack H. Bailey. Now York, Dodd, Mead (1972,

281 p. 22 cm. $8.85

I. Title. PZA.B1523 Ic


72-3917 ISBN 0-896-06539-2


Bailey, James Martin, 1929

The steps of Bonhoeffer; a pictorial album by, J. Martin Bailey and, Douglas Gilbert. Philadelphia, Pilgrim Press (1969

128 p. illus., ports. 90 cm. 6.85

1. Bonhoeffer, Dietrich, 1906-1945. L Gilbert, Douglas, Joint author. 1. Title. BX4827.B57B3




Bailey, Jack H

The number two man, by Jack H. Bailey. New York, D. McKay Co. 1968 370 P. 21 cm. $5.95

1. Title PZA.B1523Xu


68-57443 (PS3552.A37)

Balley, John A

Career development concepts: significance and utility. Reno, University of Nevada, College of Education, Nevada Research Coordinating Unit, 1967.

161. 28 cm. Cover title.

1. Vocational guidance. I. Nevada. University. Nevada Research Coordinating Unit. II. Title. NvU


Bailey, James Nathan.

The development of nominating procedure in Massachusetts, 1800-1824; political practice and intellectual inertia.

in.p., 1969.
1v. Honors thesis-Harvard.

1. Massachusetts-Hist. -1789-1860. 2. Massachusetts-Political parties. MH


Bailey, Jackson H.

see Asia Society. Asia: a guide to paperbacks. Rev. ed. (New York, 1968.

Bailey, Jackson William, 1906–

Encyclopedia of labeling meat and poultry products, by J. W. Bailey. (1st ed., St. Louis, Freezer Provisioning (1970,

203 p. 22 cm. $8.00

1. Bent Industry and trade-Dictionaries. 2. Ment-LabelingDictionaries L. Title. TS1955.B34




Bailey, James Osler, 1903

Pilgrims through space and time; trends and patterns in scientific and utopian fiction, by J. O. Bailoy. Foroword to the reprint ed. by Thomas D. Clareson. Westport, Conn., Greenwood Press 1972, c1947,

ix, 341 p. illus. 22 cm. Bibliography: p. 325-333.

1. Science fiction History and criticism. 2. Science fiction--Bibliography. 1. Title. [PN3448.S45B27 1972). 809.3'876

76-38126 ISBN 0-8371-6323-4


Bailey, Jackson William, 1906–

Veterinary handbook for cattlemen, by J. W. Bailey. 4th ed. New York, Springer Pub. Co.,1972,

vil, 531 p. lllus. 24 cm.

1. Cattle Diseases. I. Title. 11. Title: Handbook for cattlemen. SF961.B2 1972


70-161129 ISBN 0-8261-1284-0


Bailey, John A

1918– A proposal for a regional transportation agency for the Chicago metropolitan area by, John A. Bailey. Chicago, Center for Research in Urban Government, Loyola University, 1970.

20 p. 23 cm. (Loyola University, Chicago. Center for Research in Urban Government. CRUG, DO. 14) 1.00

Includes bibliographical references. 1. Chicago metropolitan area--Transit systems.

1. Title (Series) JS308.L6 no. 14

352.008'08 s



Bajley, James Osler, 1903–

The poetry of Thomas Hardy: a handbook and commentary, by J. O. Bailey. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press 1970,

sirlil, 712 p. 24 cm, 15.00 Bibliography: p. 675-892.

1. Hardy, Thomas, 1840-1928-Handbooks, manuals, etc, 1. Title. PR4753.B27


77–97015 SBN 8078-1135-1


Bailey, James A., ed.

see Recent advances in wildlife nutrition... Fort Collins (1970,

Bailey, James Blair.

Pesticide information and safety manual (by, J. Blair Bailey and John E. Swift. Berkeley, University of California, Division of Agricultural Sciences, 1968.

147 p. illus.

1. Pesticides-Toxicology. 2. Pesticides Safety regulations. I Swift, John Edward, writer on entomology, joint author. II. California. University. Division of Agricultural Sciences. II. Title. Wa CU CU-SC CU-M CSt NUC70-36353 ICarbs

Bailey, James R

1919The sky suspended by, Jim Bailey. Foreword by Peter Townsend. London, Hodder & Stoughton (1965,

166 p. 23 cm, Autobiographical. First published in Cape Town in 1964 under title: Eskimo Xel.

1. World War, 1939-1945-Aerial operations, British. 1. Title. D786.B23 1965


66-6845 rev NN MH

Bailey, John Cann, 1864-1931.

The claims of French poetry; nine studies in the greater French poets. Freeport, N. Y., Books for Libraries Press (1967

XV, 313 p. 22 cm. (Essay Index reprint series) Reprint of the 1909 ed.

CONTENTS. - Introductory. - English taste and French dramaMarot.-—Ronsard --La Fontaine.---André Chénler.-Victor Hugo.--Leconte de Lisle.--Heredia.

1. French poetry--Addresses, essays, lectures. 1. Title. PQ405.B3 1967


67-30195 KMK

Bailey, James R

see General Dynamics Corporation. Electric Boat Division, A study of flow reduction and treatment of waste water from households. Washington, Federal Water Quality Administration, 1969.

Bailey, John Cann, 1864-1931.

The continuity of letters. Freeport, N. Y., Books for Libraries Press (1967,

vill, 273 p. 22 cm. (Essay Index reprint series) Reprint of the 1923 ed.

CONTENTS. -Life and art in English poetry.-The grand style; an attempt at a definition. --Shakespeare's historie. - Prometheus in poetry.-Don Quixote; a tercentenary lecture.- A mistaken view of Wordsworth. - Thackeray and the English novel. - Napoleon In poetry.--Poetry and commonplace.

1. English poetry-Hist. & crit. 2. English Literature Hist & crit 3. Shakespeare, William, 1584-1616 - Histories. 4, Style, Literary. 1 Mtle. PN511.B3 1967



Bailey, James F

Definition of stage-discharge relation in natural channels by step-backwater analysis, by J.F. Bailey and H. A. Ray. Washington, U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1966.

iv, 24 p. illus., 24 cm, (U.S. Geological Survey. Water-supply paper 1869-A)

River hydraulics. Bibliography: p. 24.

1.Stream measurements. 2. Channels (Hydraulic engineering) I. Ray, Herman A., 1925joint author, II. Title. DI-GS


Bailey, Johnny Matt, 1940

A study of left-prime ideals in topological rings. Austin, Tex., 1968.

iv, 81 1. 29 cm.

Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of Texas at Austin.

Vita, Bibliography: leaf 81.

1. Ideals (Algebra) 2. Rings (Algebra) 1. Title: Left-prime ideals in topological rings. TXU


Bailey, Joseph A., joint author

see Lahue, Kalton C New York, Amphoto (1972)

Bailey, Kenneth P

1912The American adventure (by, Kenneth Bailey, Elizabeth Brooke and, John J. Farrell. San Francisco, Field Educa. tional Publications, (1970,

88 351 p. lllus. (part col.), col. maps, ports. (part col.) 27 cm.

An intermediate textbook tracing the history of the United States from the discovery of the continent by Vikings to the present day.

The main work, also issued separately, is preceded by the author's Teacher's manual with special tp.

Bibliography: p. 63 (1st group)

1. U. S.--History Juvenile ilterature. 1. U. S.-History, L Brooke, Elizabeth, Jolot author. II. Fs John J., joint author. III. Title E178.3.B17


78-94834 ISBN 0-514-02410-0


Bailey, John M.

see Architects' Renewal Committee in Harlem, Inc. Housing in central Harlem. (New York, c1967,

Bailey, Joseph A., joint author see Lahue, Kalton C

Glass, brass & chrome; the American 35 mm miniature camera. Norman, Univ. of Oklahoma Press 1972,

Bailey, John Marshall, 1940

Response disorganization and breadth of observation in acute and chronic schizophrenics, normals under high drive, and normal controls. Bloomington, Ind., 1970.

Bailey, Kenneth Vye.

Exploring the past by, K. V. Bailey. Line drawings by Denis Jills. London, Studio Vista (1965,

80 p. illus. 22 cm. (Knowing and doing)

Describes how historians and archaeologists locate, study, and pre serve the remains of the past and suggests how the reader can find and explore historic locations on his own.

1. Archaeology Juvenile literature 11. Archaeology L Mills, Denis, illus. 11. Title. (CC165)




Thesis (Ph.D.)-Indiana University.

Vita. InU

NUC 70-84788

Bailey, John Marvin, 1913–

Two supply cooperatives serving low-income farmers; • preliminary analysis in Appalachia by John M. Bailoy. Washington, Farmer Cooperative Service, U. S. Dept. of Agriculturo 1966 Iv, 19 p. lllus.

(U. S. Farmer Cooperative Service General report no. 138)

1. Cooperative socletier - Appalachian region. 1. Farmers' cooperative purchasing associations. Appalachian Mountains. Farmers' purchasing power

1. Title

(Series) (HD1491.U6A382 no. 188]

Agr 67-48

MARO U.S. Nat'l Agr. Libr.

A280 201226 no. 188

Bailey, Joseph Cannon, 1899–

Seaman A. Knapp: schoolmaster of American agriculture, New York, Arno Press, 1971 ,c1945,

port. 24 cm. (American education: Its men, ideas, and Institutions, Series II

Originally presented as the author's thesis, Columbia, 1944, which was issued as no. 10 of Columbia University studies in the history of American agriculture,

Bibliography: p. 281,-290.

1. Knapr. Seaman Asahel, 1833-1911. 2. Agriculture U.S. 3. Agricultural extension work-U. S. 1. Title. II. Series III, Series: Columbia University studies in the history of American agriculture, no. 10. S417.K6B3 1971

630°.924 [B]

73-165702 ISBN 0-405-03091-4


Bailey, Leona G.

see DuFail, Noel, 1520?-1591, Propos rustiques of Noel du Fail. Lawrence, 1971,

Bailey, Leaonead Pack, comp.

Dissertations completed at Saint Louis University (through 1964) on microfilm at University Microfilms, Inc. St. Louis ?1 1965.

Iv. (unpaged) 28 cm.

1. St. Louis University-Bibl. 2. Dissertations, Academic-U.S.-Bibl. I. Title. MOSW

NUC 68-81215

Bailey, K.V.

see World Health Organization. Regional Office for the Western Pacific, Pilot project in applied nutrition... | Manila, 1966.

1. Indians of North America --Southwest, NewHist. 2. Indians, Treatment of Southwest, New. 3.Slavery in the U.S.-Southwest, New. 4.Southwest, New-Hist. 1. Title. InU


Bailey, Margaret Emerson, 1880–1949.

The wild streak. Freeport, N. Y., Books for Libraries Press 1970,

310 p. 21 cm. (Short story Index reprint series) Reprint of the 1932 ed.

1. Title. PZ3.B1536Wi 7


72-106248 (PS3503, A48)

MARO SBN 8369-3281-1 FU

Bailey, Liberty Hyde, 1858-1954, comp.

Hortus second; a concise dictionary of gardening, general horticulture and cultivated plants in North America, compiled by L. H. Bailey and Ethel Zoe Bailey. (New ed., rev, and reset, New York, Macmillan (1960, c1941,

778 p. illus. 26 cm.

A new work, set in different type and format from the author's Hortus, published 1930, but including most of the material in the former work. Plants in cultivation to the close of 1939 and the beginning of 1940 are included in this edition. cf. p. 5.

1. Gardening-Dictionaries. 2. Botany-Dictionaries, L Bailey, Ethel Zoe, joint comp. II. Title, MB


Bailey, Lynn Robison, 1937

The long walk; a history of the Navajo wars, 1846-68, by L. R. Bailey. Pasadena, Cal., Socio-Technical Books, 1970.

xtii, 254 p. illus., maps, ports. Pibliography: p. 1239,-248.

1. Nava ho Indians-Wars. I. Title. II. Title: A history of the Navajo wars, 1846-1868, CaOTP NOU CSt In U

NUC 71-27436

Bailey, Marilyn Jones, joint comp.

Jones, Marion Wynne, 1898Hugh Morrison of Venango County, Pennsylvania Madison ? Wis.,

Bailey, Martin J

National income and the price level; a study in macroeconomic theory by, Martin J. Bailey. 2d ed. New York, McGraw-Hill, *1971,

ix, 278 p. 23 cm. Includes bibliographical references,

1. Macroeconomics. 2. National locome. 1. Title. HB171.5.B17 1971




Bailey, Martin J

The optimal full-employment surplus, by Martin J. Bailey. Washington, Brookings Institution, 1972.

649-061 p. illus. 23 cm. (Brookings Institution. Reprint 240) Cover title. Bibliography: p. 660-661.

1 Full employment policies. I. Title. IL Brookings Institu. tion, Washington, D. C. Reprint 240. HD5706.B27




Bailey, M

H Extreme temperatures in Virginia, by M.H, Bailey (state climatologist, U.S. Weather Bureau and, J.H. Tinga. Blacksburg, 1968.

13 p. map, tables. 28 cm. (Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg. Research Div. report 128) DAS


Bailey, Martin J., ed.

see The Taxation of income from capital, Washington, Brookings Institution (1969)

Bailey, Mary.

A dictionary of cut flowers; flower arrangements and sketches by the author, photographs by Kenneth Welfare. London, Barker, 1969. 17. 88 p. 32 plates 23 cm. 30/

B 69-15314 1. Flowers Dictionaries. 2. Flower arrangement. L Title SB403.2.B3


79-427144 SBN 213-76186-8


Bailey, Mary Christena Hart

Bailey, Christena Hart, 1888–

Bailey, Luther Lee, 1921

A study of kinds of information furnished to union representatives by selected Texas manufacturers in collective bargaining. Austin, Tex., 1963.

xix, 349 1. tables.
Film reproduction (positive.) Thesis-University of Texas. Vita.

Bibliography: leaves 318-321. 1. Communication in management-Case studies. 2. Labor contracts, Collective-Case studies. NN


Bailey, Maurice Howard.

Britain and world affairs in the twentieth century by, Maurice H. Bailey. Edinburgh, W. and R. Chambers, 1971. VI, 198 p

Alus., maps, ports. 24 cm. Index. $1.50 B 71-15040 Bibliography: p. 189.

1. Gl. Brit.-Foreign relations-20th century. 2. World politics20th century.

1. Title. DA566.7.B2


79–877962 ISBN 0-500-75001-0


Bailey, Nathan, d. 1742.

An universal etymological English dictionary (1721) New York, G. Olms, 1969.

1 v. funpaged) 20 cm. (Anglistica & Americana, 52)

"Reprografischer Nachdruck der Ausgabe London 1721."

1. English language-Dictionaries. I. Title. GU


Bailey, Page.

Commitments and consequences; a Christian account of human experience. Ist ed. Philadelphia, Lippincott ,1968,

xli, 302 p. 22 cm. $3.95 Bibliographical footnotes 1, Christianity-Philosophy.

1. Title BR100.B33


68–19477 NjPT NcD

Bailey, Max Allen, 1939

The role of the high school principal in selected Indiana high schools. Bloomington, Ind. , 1970.

Bailey, Patrick.

The Norwich area : a description of the 0. S. one-inch sheet 126: Norwich. Sheffield (343 Fulwood Rd, Sheffield S10 3BP), Geographical Association, 1971.

30 p. 8 plates, Illus., maps. 25 cm. (British landscapes throazh maps, 14) £0.40

B 71-UTOS Bibliography: p. 30.

1. Norwich region, Eng.--Description and travel 1. Title IL Series. GA791.B7 no. 14


79-18858 [DA670.N82)


MARC ISBN 0-900396-39-7

Bailey, Nemadji Beth, 1892

Meal planning and service. Rev. Peoria, Ill., C.A. Bennett Co. (1964)

318 p. illus. (part col.)

Previous editions published under title: Meal planning and table service. ОСІ


Thesis (Ed.D.)-Indiana University.

Vita. InU

NUC 71-27438

Bailey, Norman G

Cisterns for rural water supply in Ohio. Columbus, 1959.

21 1. illus. (part col.) Includes bibliography.

1. Water-supply, Rural. I. Title. OCICS


Bailey, Milton Julian, 1925

Changes in curriculum and organization for instruction in selected junior high schools since 1957. Washington, 1968.

110 1. illus. 22 cm. Thesis-George Washington University. Bibliography: leaves 105-110.

Photocopy. Ann Arbor, Mich., University Microfilms, 1969.

1. Curriculum change. 1. Title. Ja AS

NUC 70-65073

Bailey, Paul B

Nonlinear two point boundary value problems by, Paul B. Bailey, Lawrence F. Shampine (and, Paul E. Waltman. New York, Academic Press, 1968.

xiii, 171 pillus, 24 cm. (Mathematics in science and engl. Deering, v, 44)

Includes bibliographies.

1. Boundary value problems 1 Shampine, Lawrence Fjeint author. 11. Waltman, Paul E., joint author. III. Tille. Series) QA372.B27



Bailey, Oran F., 1925 joint author

see Ross, Woodrow James, 1912- Soil survey , Roosevelt County, New Mexico. (Washington, Govt. Print. Off.) 1967.

Oscar see New York. State University College, Buffalo. Found objects; mid-century genre. (Buffalo, State University College at Buffalo, 1965)

Bailey, Paul Dayton, 1906

The armies of God by, Paul Bailey. Garden City, N. Y, Doubleday, 1968.

fx, 300 p illus. 22 cm. $5.95 Bibliography: R (285,-291.

1. Hormons and mormonism-History, Military. L Title BX8611.B317



Bailey, Nathan, d. 1742.

Dictionarium britannicum (1730) Hildesheim, New York, G. Olms, 1969.

1 v. (unpaged) 30 cm. (Anglistica & Americana, 50) Original t. p. reads: Dictionarium britanni

Collected by several hands, the mathematical part by G. Gordon, the botanical by P. Miller. The whole revis'd and improv'd... by N. Bailey ... London, Printed for T. Cox, 1730.

1. English language-Dictionaries. I. Gordon, George, fl. 1728. II. Miller, Philip, 1691-1771. FMU MIEM DeU GU CSt

NUC70-54976 NjR

Page 9

Bailey, Richard.

Problems of the world economy. Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1967. 202 p. 18 ctn. (Pelican books, A901) 4/6

(B67-19302) Bibliography : p. 183-195

1. Economic history--1945 2. International economic relations.

1. Title HC59.3333


67-109646 MH-PA NÄR MH-BA

Bailey, Pearl.

The raw Pearl. (1st ed., New York, Harcourt, Braco & World (1968)

208 p. ports. 22 cm

1. Musicians-Correspondence, reminiscences, etc. 1. Title. MLA20.B123A3

784'.0924 67-11963/MN

Bailey, R Wayne.

History and management of the wild turkey in West Virginia, by R. W. Bailey and K. T. Rinell Charleston, West Virginia, Division of Game and Fish, 1968.

ix, 59 p. illus, maps, tables. 23 cm. (West Virginia. Division of Game and Fish. Bulletin, no. 6)

"Based primarily on work done under Federal Ald to Wildlite Research Project W-39-R."

Bibliography : p. 55-59.

1. Wild turkeys-West Virginia. 1. Rinell, Kermit T Joint author. IL West Virginia. Division of Game and Fish. III. Title. (Series)


MARC West Virginia. Unlv.


Bailey, Pearl.

The raw Pearl. New York, Pocket Books (1969, c1968)

189 p. ports. 18 cm.

1. Musicians-Correspondence, reminiscences, etc. I. Title. OU IU


Bailey, Pearl.

Talking to myself. 1st ed., New York, Harcourt Brace Joranovich 1971,

viv, 233 p. 22 cm

1. Musicians-Correspondence, reminiscences, etc. I. Title. ML120.B123A33


78-153679 ISBN 0-13-187990-7


Bailey, Ralph Edgar, 1893–

Fight for Royal Gorge. Maps by James MacDonald. Frontispiece by Franz Altschuler. New York, W. Morrow (1968)

192 p. maps, port. 22 cm.

A biography stressing the railroad career of the man whose lite time ambition was to conquer the Rocky Mountains with his own rallroad,

Bibliography: P. (1907-192.

1. Palmer, William Jackson, 1836-1909. 11. Palmer, William Jack son, 1836-1909. 2. Rallroads History, 1. Title HE2754.P28 B3

385.0924 [92] 68-20659


Bailey, Richard.

The rich and the poor nations. London, Edward Arnold, 1970. VI, 74 p. illus. 22 cm. index. (Arnold's general studies)

B 70-16484 Bibliography : p. 71.

1. Underdeveloped areas. 2. Economie assistance. L. Title. HC59.7.327


70-516712 SBN 7131-1617-X


Bailey, Pearle Provine, 1881-1970.

The history of the Coffeeville Methodist Church, 1824 1970: the community and people who contributed to our start and growth and the beginning of Methodism in the l'nited States and the South, with connecting links of state and local history, compiled by Pearle Provine Bailey. Coffeeville ! Miss., 1970,

xili, 190 p. Illus, ports. 24 cm. Bibliography: p. 190.

1. Coffeeville United Methodist Church. I. Title. BX8481.C64B3




Bailey, Ralph Edgar, 1893–

Wagons l'est ward! The story of Alexander Majors. Map by James MacDonald. Frontispiece by Richard Cuffari. Ker York, Morrow 1969,

188 p. illus, map. 22 cm. 4.25

A biography of the man whos wagon freighting business played a major role in opening up the American West.

Bibliography : p. 177-179.

1. Majors, Alexander, 1814-1900-Juvenile literature. ¡1. Majors, Alexander, 1817-1900, I. Title. F591.J2413




Bailey, Richard C

Kern County place names, by Richard C. Bailey. Bakersfield, Calif., 1967.

map (on lining papers) 24 cm. "Twenty-ninth annual publication of the Kern County Historical Society and the County of Kern, through its Museum."

1. Xames, Geographical-California-Kern County. 1. Kera County Historical Society, Bakersfield, Calif. II. Title. F868.K3B32




Bailey, Percival, 1892–

A classification of the tumors of the glioma group on a histogenetic basis with a correlated study of prognosis, by Percival Bailey and Harvey Cushing. New York, ArgosyAntiquarian, 1971.

173 p. illus. 24 cm, Reprint of the 1926 ed. Bibliography : p. 168-171.

1. Brain-Tumors. I. Cushing. Harvey Williams, 1869-1939), joint author. II. Title. RD663.B3 1971




Balley, Percival, 1892

Harun al-Rashid. Chicago, Chicago Literary Club, 1966,

32 p. 23 cm, (Chicago Literary Club, Club papers, 74)


300 copies. ICN

NUC 72-33715

Bailey, Reeve Maclaren, revised list of the

fishes of Iowa in Harlan, James R

lowa fish and fishing. 4th ed. Des Moines, 1969, c1951.

Bailey, Richard W

English stylistics; a bibliography by, Richard W. Bailey and Dolores M. Burton. Cambridge, Mass., M. I T. Press (1968,

wl, 198 p. 24 cm. 1. English language Style--BIBL 2. Rhetoric-BIBL

1. Title. Z2015.S7B2


67-27343 NjR

Bailey, Percival, 1892–

Up from Little Egypt. Chicago, Buckskin Press, 1969. XII, 265 p. porta. (part col.) 24 cm. Autobiographical. "Publications by Percival Balley": p. 250-265.

1. Title. R154.B14A3




Bailey, Reeve Maclaren

see American Fisheries Society. Committee on Names of Fishes. A list of common and scientific names of fishes

3d ed. Washington. 1970 , C1960,

Bailey, Richard W., joint comp.

see Doležel, Lubomir, comp. Statistics and style. New York, American Elsevier Pub. Co., 1969.

Bailey, Rosemary Eva.

Pharmacology for nurses by, Rosemary E. Bailey. Ird ed. London, Baillière Tindall, 1971. siil, 359 p. 19 cm. index. (Nurses' aids feries) £1.25

B 71-01 1. Pharmacology. 1. Title.

DNLM: 1. Pharmacology --Nursing texts. QV 4 B1554 1971 (RM125.B27 1971) 615'.1'024613

70-501884 ISBN-7020-0367-0 Shared Cataloging with


Bailey, Robert, d. 1958.

The story of the Parish Church of St. Mary, Princes Risborough. 3d ed. Gloucester, British Publishing Co., 1967. 44 p. illus,

19 cm. 1/-

(B 68-08324) Includes bibliographical references.

1. Princes Risborough, Eng. Parish Church of St. Mary, 1. Title DA683.P7B3 1967

914.25 75


Bailey, Roy Alden.

Stratigraphic nomenclature of volcanic rocks in the Jemez Mountains, New Mexico, by R.A. Bailey, R.L, Smith, and C.S. Ross. Washington, U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1969,

iii, 19 p. illus., map. 24 cm. (U.S. Geological Survey. Bulletin 1274-P)

Contributions to stratigraphy. Bibliography: p. 19.

1. Geology, Stratigraphic-Tertiary. 2. Geology, Stratigraphic-Quaternary. I. Smith, Robert Leland, 1920 II. Ross, Clarence Samuel, 1880

II. Title. DI-GS

NUC 70-107743

Bailey, Robert C

How to start and operate a mail-order antiques business, by Robert C. Bailey. Spring City, Tenn., Hillcrest Shop, (1972,

72 p. mus. 28 cm. $8.95

1. Mail-order antiques business. 2. Art objects-Catalogs 1. Title. NK1133.3.B3




Bailey, Ronald W

comp. Black business enterprise; historical and contemporary perspectives, edited by Ronald W. Bailey. New York, Basic Books ,1971,

XX1, 361 p. illus. 25 cm. $12.30

CONTENTS: Foreword, by J. Bond.--Introduction/Black business enterprise: reflections on its history and future development, by R. Bailey.--The evolution of Negro business, by J. A. Plerce. Roots of the integrationist-separatist dilemma, by R, Kinzer and E Sagarin.--Negro business: myth and fact, by S. Drake and H. Cayton.--Negro business: a social myth, by E. F. Frazier - The Black economy, by H. Cruse. - Vitalize Black enterprise, by R. McKersie.-The limits of Black capitalism, by F. D. Sturdivant.-"What do people want" by R. F America, Jr.-Making capitalism work in ghettos, by L. L Allen.The myth and irrationality of Black capitalism, by J. Boggs-Toward controlled developmentul Black America, by R. E. Wright-Small business and economie de. velopment in the Negro community, by A. F. Britnmer.--- Brimmer and Black capitalism: an analysis by C. Tate.Ghetto economic development and industrinlization plan (Ghellplan), by D. S Me. Laurin.--Economic development planning for American urban slums, by B. Harrison. --Conjoining Black revolution and private enterprise, by A. Schuchter.- Equality of economic opportunity through capital ownership, by L. 0. Kelso and P. Hetter. Cooperatives and or people in the South, by A. Ulmer.-- Magnets of profit: a prie gram for categorical corrective incentives, by T. L Crock-Cun. munity development corporations: # new approach to the poverty problem, by Harvard law review.-The social unity of Black enter. prise, by G. Green and G. Faux.- Alternatives to the gildel ghetto, by J. F Kain and J. J. Persky.-- Economic derelopment: Hleration and literallsm, by A. Haber.-The Black manifesto: total control as the only solution to the economic problems of Black people, hy J. Forman.- Toward an overall assecement of our alternatises, by R. Browne. --Black economic theration under capitalism, by R. Anderson.-Bibliographical notes (p. 345,-347)

1. Yegroes all businessmen - Addresses, essays, lectures 2. Negrups-Economic conditions.Addresses, exas. lectures 3. Black power-U. S.-Addresses, essays, lecturer 1. Title. E185.8.B145


76-147008 ISBN 0-486-00800-6


Bailey, Royston, joint author

see Foren, Robert. Authority in social casework. Oxford, New York, Pergamon Press (1968)

Bailey, Robert Earl, 1938

The chemistry of N-halohexamethyldibilazanes and base catalyzed rearrangements of organosilyhydrazines.

in.p., 1965. 143 p. 29 cm. Thesis (Ph. D.)-University of Wisconsin. Vita. Includes bibliography.

1. Hydrazines. I. Title. II. Title: Base catalyzed rearrangements of organosilyhydra- zines. WU


Bailey, Rubelia Johnson, 1926–

The relationship of educational background, socio-economic status, level of aspiration and intelligence to success in business education, ¡Philadelphia, Pa., c1965, 1964.

vii, 166 1. Thesis (Ed.D. Temple University. Bibliography: leaves ,160,-166.

Microfilm (positive) Ann Arbor, Mich., University Microfilms, 1965. 1 reel. 35 mm.

1. Academic achievement. I. Title. NdU


Bailey, Rosalie Fellows, 1908

Dutch systems in family naming, New YorkNew Jersey. Washington, National Genealogical Society (c1965, 1954.

21 p. geneal. tables. 26 cm. (National Genealogical Society. Genealogical publications no. 12)

Reprinted from the National Genealogical Society quarterly, March 1953, December 1953.

I. National Genealogical Society. WHi


Bailey, Robert Edward, 1920

Differences in the person-social problems of Negro and Caucasian secondary school students. Gainesville, 1970.

x, 203 1. illus. 28 cm. Thesis (Ed. D.)-University of Florida. Vita, Bibliography: leaves 195-202.

1. Social classes. 2. Race problems. 3. High school students,Florida. I. Title. FU


Bailey, Rufus William, 1793-1863

see Butter, Henry, 1794-1885. The scholar's companion ... A new ed., thoroughly rev. Philadelphia, E, H. Butler & co., 1866.

Bailey, Rufus William, 1793-1863

see Butter, Henry, 1794-1885. The scholar's companion ... A new ed. , thoroughly rev. Philadelphia, J. H. Butler & co., 1873.

Bailey, Robert Eugene.

A dynamic reactivity effect on compressible fissile media, Lafayette, Ind., Purdue University, 1963.

90 p. (University microfilms, 64-4926) Thesis (Ph.D.)-Purdue University.

Microfilm copy, Ann Arbor. MnCS


Bailey, Rosalie Fellows, 1908–

Pre-revolutionary Dutch houses and families in northern New Jersey and southern New York. With a new foreword by the author. With an introd. by Franklin D. Roosevelt. Photography by Margaret De M. Brown. New York, Dover Publications (1968,

612 p. Illus. 24 cm. $.5.00 Prepared for the Holland Society of New York.

A companion volume to Dutch houses in the Hudson Valley before 1776 by H. W. Reynolds published in 1920.

Bibliographs: p. 883-184.

1. New Jersey-Historie houses, etc. 9. New York (State) Historic houses, etc. 3. Dutch in New Jersey. 4. Dutch in New York (State) 1. Holland Society of New York. 11. Title. II. Title: Dich houses and

families NA7235. X7H62

1968 974.9 68-20053

Bailey (Russell D.) and Associates, Utica, N. Y.

Historic sites and buildings in the Hudson River Valley; a report. Prepared for the Hudson River Valley Commission. Utica, N. Y., 1966 ?,

iv, 105 p. illus. , maps. 28 cm.

1. New York (State) Hudson River Valley Commission. PU-FA

NUC68-486 87

Bailey (Russell D.) and Associates, Utica, N. Y.

The master plan, Camden, N. Y. (Prepared in cooperation with Camden Town Planning Board and New York State Department of Commerce) Utica, N. Y., 1965.

1. Master plan-Camden, N. Y. 1. Camden, N. Y. Town Planning Board. DHHF


Bailey, Sydney Dawson.

British parliamentary domocracy by, Sydney D. Bailey. 3d ed. Boston, Houghton Mifflin (1971,

vill, 218 p. Illus. 21 cm. Includes bibliographies. 1. Gt. Brit.-Polities and government-1945-

I Title. JN321.B318 1971


71-131144 ISBN 0-393-04130-9


Bailey, Stephen Kemp.

Disruption in urban public secondary schools, by Stephen K. Baiiey. Washington, National Association of Secondary School Principals , 1970,

VI, p. 20 ein. $2.00

"An abridged report of a study conducted by the Syracuse Univer. sity Research ('orporation."

1. High school students-U. S. 2. Student strikes-U. S. 3. Collective bargaining-Teachers-L'. S. I. Syracuse University Research Corporation. II. Title. LA229.B23




Bailey, S W

Air temperatures in the Australian wheat belt and their relationship to the aeration of stored grain, by S. W. Bailey. Melbourne, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, 1968.

illus. 25 cm.

(Division of Entomology. Technical paper no. 9)

Aus.. Bibliography: p. 24.

1. Grain aeration. 2. Atmospherie temperature Australla-Obser. vations. 3. Wheat-Storage. I. Title (Series: Australla. Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization. Division of Entomology. Technical paper no. 9) SB921.A29

595.7'008 s



Bailey, Sydney Dawson.

British parliamentary democracy by, Sydney D. Bailey. 3rd ed., revised up to June 1970. London, Harrap, 1971. viii, 248 p. illus. 21 cm. index. €1.80

B 71-12213 Includes bibliographies. 1. Gt Brit.---Politics and government-1945

I. Title JN321.B318 1971b


72-850099 ISBN 0-245-50595 4


Bailey, S.W.

see American Geological Institute. AGI short course lecture notes: Layer silicates... Washington (1967)

Bailey, Stephen Kemp.

ESEA; the Office of Education administers a law by, Stephen K. Bailey and Edith K. Mosher. (1st ed. Syracuse, N. Y. Syracuse University Press (1968,

ull, 893 p. Ius. 24 cm. $10.00

“Public law 89-10, 89th Congress, H. R. 2362, April 11, 1985: AR act to strengthen and improve educational quality and educational op portunities in the Nation's elementary and secondary schools”: D. 235-268.

Bibliography: p. 379-387.

1. Federal ald to education-U. S. 2. U. S.Odice of Education 1. Mosher, Edith K., Jolnt author. 11. U. S. LAW, statutes, etc. Elementary and secondary education act of 1985. I. Title KF4137.B3


68-27692 MB COU

Bailey, S. Waldo

see Arnold, Herbert Julius, 1905Bartholomew's Cobble, Sheffield, Massachusetts. in. p., Trustees of Reservations, 1957,

Bailey, Sydney Dawson.

Chinese representation in the Security Council and the General Assembly of the United Nations. br Sydney D. Bailey. Brighton, University of Susses (Institute for the Study of International Organisation), 1970.

131. 33 p. 30 cm. (University of Sussex. Institute for the Study of International Organisation. Monographs, 1st ser., no. 1) £0.75 ($2.000.S.)

B11-08171 Includes bibliographical references,

"Chinese representation at the United Nations: supplement ... 1971" (6 p.) inserted.

1. Uniteul Nations-China. 1. Title. II. Series: Brighton, Eng. University of Sussex. Institute for the Study of International or ganizations. ISIO monographs, first series, no. 1. JX1977.2.C5B3


72-190768 ISBN 0-900479-00-0


Bailey, Sydney Dawson.

A guide to Switzerland for school visits, by S. D. Bailey. London, Blackie ,1963,

vili, 1.52 p. illus., maps (part fold.) 17 cm.

1. Switzerland-Description and travel-Guide-books. 1. Title. DQ16.B23


Bailey, Shirley R

Bottle town, by Shirley R. Bailey. Ilus, by Richard N. Bailey. Photos. by author. Millville, N. J., 1968, 100 P

jllus. 22 cın. Bibliography: p. 100.

1. Bottles-Collectors and collecting. 2. Bottles --Prices. 1. Title, NK5440.B6B3



Bailey, Stephen Kemp.

Some universals of administration by, Stephen K. Bailey. Lahore, Pakistan Administrative Staff College, 1967.

13 p. 25 cm. Rs 0.75

“Lecture delivered ... at the Pakistan Administrative Staff College, Lahore on February 22, 1964 ... published in Pakistan Administrative Statt College quarterly, vol. u, numbers 3-4, September-December, 1964."

1. Public administration. 1. Title. JF1351.B25 1967


SA 68-6731 PL 480: P-E-1297

Bailey, Sydney Dawson.

A história das Nações Unidas (de) Sydney D. Bailey. (Traduçao de Joao Paulo Monteiro. Rio de Janeiro) Lidador (1965)

21 cm. (Biblioteca de cultura geral)

Translation of The United Nations, a Short Political Guide.

1. United Nations. ViU


Bailey, Sydney Dawson.

Peaceful settlements of disputes; ideas and proposals for research by, Sydney D. Bailey. New York, United Na. tions Institute for Training and Research 1970,

fil, 67 p. 23 cm. $1.00 Includes bibliographical references,

1. Pacific settlement of International disputes. 1. Title JX4473.B3




Bailey, Stanley Carl,

Experimental studies on the instability of círcular cylindrical shells. (Stanford, Calif, į 1967.

xix, 256 p. illus., diagrs., tables, Thesis (Ph. D. Stanford University. Bibliography: P. 158-168,

1. Shells (Engineering) 2. Metals-Fatigue, L Title: Instability of circular cylindrical shells. L. Title: Circular cylindrical shells, CSt


Bailey, Sydney Dawson.

Prohibitions and restraints in war by, Sydney D. Bailey. London, Oxford University Press for the Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1972. xlll, 101 p. 21 cm. Inder £3.00

B T2-11731 Includes bibliographical references,

1. War (International law) 1. Title. JX4511.223


72-186242 ISBN 0-19-215196-7: 0-19-285056-3 (pbk.)


Bailey, Thomas Grahame, 1872-1942

see Kellogg, Samuel Henry, 1839-1899. A grammar of the Hindi language... 13d ed., London, Routledge & K. Paul (1965)

Bailey, Sydney Dawson.

La Secretaría de las Naciones Unidas por, Sidney D. Bailey. 1. ed. México, Editorial Diana, 1966 1c1965,

170 p. chart. 18 cm, (Colección Moderna, 54)

Translation of The Secretariat of the United Nations.

Bibliography: p. 155-170.

1. United Nations, Secretariat. FMU


Bailey, Terence.

The processions of Sarum and the Western Church. Toronto, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 1971.

I, 208 p. lllus., facsim., music. 25 cm. (Pontifcal Institute of Medlaeval Studies Studies and texts, no. 21)

Bibliography: p. 196-201.

1. Catholie Church, Liturgy and ritual Processional. 2. Catholie Church. Liturgy and ritual. Processional (Salisbury)

L Title. II. Series: Toronto. University. St. Michael's College Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies. Studles and texts, Do. 21 ML 3093.B25




Bailey, Thomas Melville, 1912-1949.

Highlights: Hamilton history by, T. M. Bailey (and, Charles Carter. Hamilton, MacNab Circle (1971?,

15 pieces in envelope, illus. Title from envelope. Includes bibliography.

1. Hamilton, Ont. -Hist. L Carter, Charles Ambrose, joint author. L. Title. CaOTP


Bailey, Thomas Melville, 1912

The laird of Dundurn. Hamilton, W.L. Griffin, 1968,

40 p. illus, CaOTP


Bailey, Sydney Dawson.

Voting in the Security Council by, Sydney D. Bailey. Bloomington, Indiana University Press *1969,

vil, 275 p 24 cm. (Indiana University International studies) 10.00

Documents included in appendices (p. 106-236) Bibliography : p. 287, 280.

1. United Nations. Security Council. 2 United Nations-Voting. 1. Title. (Series: Indiana University. International studies) JX1977.B227


69–15990 SBN 259-36275-X


Bailey, Thomas Andrew, 1902 comp.

The American spirit; United States history as seen by contemporaries. Selected and edited with introductions and commentary by Thomas A. Bailey. 2d ed. Boston, Heath (1967, *1968,

IXÍ, 982, Vip Mus., maps. 24 cm. Companion to the autbor's The American pageant. Includes bibliographical references.

1. U. 8.--Hist. Sources. 1. Title. E173.B24 1968


68-15317 NIC NjP ScCleA NBuU FTaSi MB IU TxFTC RB

Bailey, Thomas Melville, 1912

Up and down Hamilton, 1770's to 1970's; a history in pictures, by Thomas Melville Balley and Charles Ambrose Carter. Hamilton, W.L. Griffin, 1971,

1 v. (unpaged) chiefly illus. CaOTP

NUC 72-33459

Bailey, Thomas Andrew, 1902–

The art of diplomacy; the American experience by, Thomas A. Bailey. New York, Appleton-Century-Crofts (1968,

Xll, 303 p. 21 cm. Bibliography: p. 289-288.

1. U. S.-For, rel. 2. U. S.-Diplomatic and consular service. 1. Title. JX1407.B23



Bailey, Thomas Melville, 1912 ed.

see Macnab, Sophia Mary, 1832-1917. The diary of Sophia Macnab. Hamilton, Ont., W. L. Griffin, 1968.

Bailey, Temple.

The radiant tree, and other stories Freeport, N. Y., Books for Libraries Press (1970,

317 p. 21 cm. (Short story Index reprint series) Reprint of the 1984 ed.

CONTENTS.--The radiant tree-Nmber-line.-The buccaneer. Side dish.- A certato rich woman. Since the days of Jacob.-- Early to rise. ---In Carroll County.

1. Title PZ3.B156Rad 5


78–116932 [P83503.A514]

MARC SBN 8300-3434-2 AU TX FTC FU PSt

Bailey, Thomas Andrew, 1902–

Democrats vs. Republicans; the continuing clash, by Thomas A. Bailey. Ist ed., New York, Meredith Press (1968,

xl, 179 p. 21 cm.

1 Democratic Party. 2. Republican Party. L Title JK2316.B3



Bailey, Thomas Pearce, 1867–1949.

Race orthodoxy in the South, and other aspects of the Negro question. New York, Negro Universities Press 1969,

3863 tu. Reprint of the 1914 ed.

1. Vegrope Southern States. 2. C. S.-Race question. 1. Title. E185.61.B14 1969


75-88422 SBX8371-1848-4


Bailey, Terence.

The ceremonies and chants of the processions of the Western Churchs with special attention to the practice of the Cathedral Church of Salisbury Seattle, 1968.

340 1. music. Thesis (Ph.D. University of Washington.

Bibliography: leaves (330,-340. Wa U CaB VaU


Bailey, Thomas Andrew, 1902

A diplomatic history of the American people ,by, Thomas A. Bailey. 8th ed. New York, Appleton-Century-Crofts (1969,

X1, 1015 p. illus, maps. 24 cm. Bibliography: p. 942-1015.

1. C. S.-Foreign relations. 1. Title E183.7.129 1969


79-77535 SBN 390-05027-X


Bailey, Terence

The ceremonies and chants of the processions of the Western Church; with special attention to the practice of the Cathedral Church of Salisbury. Seattle, Wash., 1968.

vi, 340 1. diagrs., facsims., music, 22 cm. Thesis-University of Washington.

Xerographic copy. Ann Arbor, Mich., University Microfilms, 1969.

Bibliography: leaves (330,-340.

1. Chants (Plain, Gregorian, etc.)-Hist. & crit. 2.Catholic Church-Liturgy and ritual. 3.Church music-Catholic Church-Hist, & crit. 1. Title. ΙΕΝ


Bailey, Thomas Andrew, 1902

Essays diplomatic and undiplomatic of Thomas A. Bailey. Edited with a pref. and introd. by Alexander DeConde and Armin Rappaport. New York, Appleton-Century-Crofts (1969,

IV, 256 p. lllus. 22 cm.

"Writings of Thomas A. Bailey": p. 253-256. Bibliographical footnotes.

1. U. 8.-- Forelgn relations-Addresses, essayr, lecturer. L De Conde, Alexander, ed. 11. Rappaport, Armin, ed. m Title. E183.73203


69-17917 SBN 390-05038-9


Bailey, Thomas B.

see New Mexico. Dept. of Education. Final report to the New Mexico State Board of Education on the project: Designing education for the future, Santa Fe, 1969.

Bailey, Terence.

The ceremonies and chants of the processions of the western church, with special attention to the practice of Cathedral Church of Salisbury. Seattle, Wash. , 1968.

vi; 340 1. illus. , music. Microfilm (positive)

Original in the University of Washington Library. Thesis

University of Washington. Vita, Bibliography: leaves (330,-340. 1. Chants (Plain, Gregorian, etc.)

I. Title. CU


Bailey, Vern Dixon.

Fielding's politics. Berkeley, 1970. 285 1. Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of California.

Bibliography: leaves 265-285. CU

NUC 72-88667

Bailey, Vernon, 1864-1942.

Mammals of the southwestern United States (with special reference to New Mexico) New York, Dover Publications (1971)

I, 412 p. lllus., maps, 22 plates. 22 cm. $3.86

Originally published in 1981 under title: Mammals of New Mex. ico.

Bibliography: p. 386–390.

1. Mammals-New Mexico. I. Title QL719.N6B3 1971 599.09 789

70-156908 ISBN 0-486-22739-1


Bailey, Warren R

Economic considerations in crop insurance by Warren R. Bailey and Lawrence A. Jones. Washington, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, Economic Research Service 1970,

iv, 87 p. Plus 26 cm. (U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, Economic Research Service ERS-447)

Bibliography: p. 85-86.

1. Insurance, Agricultural-Crops--U. S. 1. Jones, Lawrence Arthur, 1908 joint author. II. Title. (Series) HG9968.C7B3




Bailey, William A

ICES LEASE-I: a problem oriented language for slope stability analysis; user's manual, by William A. Bailey and, John T. Christian. Cambridge, Mass., Soil Mechanics Division and Civil Engineering Systems Laboratory, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1969.

iv, 56 p. illus. 29 cm. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology. School of Engineering. Dept. of Civil Engineering. Research report no, R69-22)

Soil mechanics publication no. 235. NcRS KyU

NUC 71-40354

Bailey, Vernon Leslie, 1941

Resonant electron effects on nonlinear oscillations in a collisionless plasma. in.p: 1 1968,


Thesis (Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering) Northwestern University.

1. Plasma (Ionized gases) 2. Oscillations. 3. Nuclear magnetic resonance. ΙΕΝ


Bailey, Warren R

Organizing and operating dryland farms in the Great Plains: summary of regional research project GP-2 by Warren R. Bailey. Washington, Economic Research Serv. ice, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture 1967,

iv, 55 p. 28 cm (U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Economie Re search Service, ERS-301)

Great Plains Agricultural Council. Publication no. 26. Cover title. "Selected references" : p. 48-50.

1. Dry farming --Research, 2. Farm management-Great Plains. 2. Farm organization - Great Plains, 3. Agriculture and stateGreat Plains. 3. Agricultural policies and programs Great Plains, 1. Title. (Series)

Agr 67-156 U.S. Nat'l Agr. Libr.

A281.9Ag83E no. 301

Bailey, William Andrew, 1921 joint author see Cathey, Henry Marcellus, 1928

Indoor gardens for decorative plants. Washington, Govt. Print. off., 1967

Bailey, William Andrew, 1921 joint author

see Cathey, Henry Marcellus, 1928- Indoor gardens for decorative plants. Washington, Dept. of Agriculture (1970,

Bailey, Viola.

Medieval life by, Viola Bailey and Ella Wise. London, Longman, 1968.

49 p. Illus, 2 coats of arms, facsims., map. 25 cm. (Focus on history) 5/6

B 09-18350 1. Civilization, Medieval-Juvenlle literature. I. Wise, Ella, joint author. II. Title. CB353.B35


78-587007 ISBXO-582-18233-6


Bailey, Wellesley Crosby, 1846

see Leprosy Mission, Fifty years' work for lepers, 1874-1924 ... London, 1924,

Bailey, William Andrew, 1921 joint author

see Cathey, Henry Marcellus, 1928Indoor gardens with controlled lighting. Washington, Dept. of Agriculture 1971,

Bailey, William Edwin.

Silent witness, New York, Vantage Press (1966)

159 po 21 cm,

1. Christian life Stories, L Title, ААР


Bailey, Wilfred M

Awakened worship; involving laymen in creative worship by, Wilfred M. Bailey. Nashville, Abingdon Press 11972,

157 p. 20 cm. $2.85 Bibliography : p. 157.

1. Public worship. I. Title. BV15.B34


78-185543 ISBN 0-687-02338-6


Bailey, Walter Denis,

The co-operative movement of socialist Germany through the eyes of a British co-operator. Berlin, Verband Deutscher Konsumgenossenschaften, 1966)

54 p. illus. (part col.) 23 cm,

1. Co-operative societies-Germany (Democratic Republic, 1949 ) I, Verband Deutscher Konsumgenossenschaft. II. Title. CSt-H


Bailey, William Jay, 1929

Student perceived behavioral changes occuring in secondary school faculty as a result of a human relations in-service workshop. East Lansing, Mich. , 1967.

ix, 159 l. illus. Microfilm copy. Thesis-Michigan State University. Bibliography: leaves 111-117.

1. Teachers. 2. Interpersonal relations. 1. Title. OrU


Bailey, Wilfred M

Christ's suburban body by, Wilfred M. Bailey & William K. McElvaney. Nashville, Abingdon Press (1970,

208 p. 21 cm. 4.95 Includes bibliographical references,

1. Vission of the church. 2. Suburban churches. L. McElvaney. William K., 1928 Joint author. 11. Title. BV637.7.B3


79-109672 ISBN 0-687-078.58-X


Bailey, William Robert, 1917–

Diagnostic microbiology; a textbook for the isolation and identification of pathogenic microorganisms (by, W. Robert Bailey (and, Elvyn G. Scott. 3d ed. Saint Louis, C. V. Mosby Co., 1970,

X, 385 p. lllus. 27 cm. Includes bibliographical references

1. Microbiology-iaboratory manuals, 2. Micro-organisms, Pathogenic. 1. Scott, Elvyn G., Joint author. IL Title. QR63.B2 1970


70-102126 SBN 8016-0419-2


Bailey, William Thomas,

A study of group reaction to and productivity on a mathematical task involving productive thinking. Buffalo, 1971,

135 1.

Thesis (Ed.D.)-State University of New York at Buffalo,

1. Creative thinking (Education) 2. Group guidance in education, I. Title. NBuU


Bailey, Wilfrid C., 1918 joint author

see Kaufman, Harold Frederick. Levels of community analysis ... Mississippi State University, 1965.

Bailey Lembcke, Jorge, 1891–

Recuerdos de un diplomático peruano, 1917-1954. Prólogo: Francisco Tudela y Varela. Lima, Editorial Librería J. Mejía Baca, 1959. 267 p.

25 cm. 1. Diplomats-Correspondence, reminiscences ,etc. L Title F3448.B3 A3


Bailie, Avelyn, joint author

see Bailie, Sam. Elementary school gymnastics. St. Louis, Atlas Athletic Equipment Co.,1969 ?,

Page 10

Baille, S

Le monde actuel, histoire et civilisations; classes terminales, propédeutique, classes préparatoires aux grandes écoles par, S. Baille, F. Braudel et, R. Philippe. Paris, Librairie classique E. Belin 1963,

541 p. lllus., facsims., mape, ports. 28 cm. (Collection Robert Philippe)

Bibliographical references included in "Notes et documents." "Filmographie" : p. 536 541. 1. History, Modern-20th century. 2. Social history-20th cen-

1. Braudel, Fernand, joint author. 1. Philippe, Robert, agrégé d'histoire, joint author. III. Title. 1421.B24

73-243476 OrU

Bailleu, Paul, 1853-1922, ed.

Preussen und Frankreich von 1795 bis 1807. Diplomatische Correspondenzen. Neudruck der Ausg. 1881-87. Osnabrück, Zeller, 1965–

v. 24 cru. (Publicationen aus den K. Preussischen Staatsarchiren, Bd. 29)

Bibliographical footnotes.

CONTENT. — 2. T. (1800-1807.) DM 75.- (ODB 60-A42-256)

1. Prussia-For. rel.-France. 2. France-For. rel.-Prussia. 3. Prussia-Hist.- Frederick William iii, 1797-1840. 4. France Hist.1789-1815. 1. Title. (Series: Prussia. Archivverwaltung. Publikationen aus den Preussischen Staatsarchiven. Neudruck, Bd. 29) DD+20.B33

68-101430 NcD

Baillie, Hugh, 1890

High tension; the recollections of Hugh Baillie. London, W. Laurie (1960, c1959,

X, 300 po ports. 22 cm.

1. Journalists-Correspondence, reminiscences, etc. 2. World politics, L Title, CLSU


Baillie, Hugh, 1890-1966.

High tension; the recollections of Hugh Baillie. Freeport, N. Y., Books for Libraries Press (1970, *1959.

X, 300 p. illus, ports. 23 cm. (Essay Index reprint series)

1. Journalists---Correspondence, reminiscences, etc. 2. World polltics-20th cent. L Title. PN4874.B24 A3 1970


79-90604 SBN 8360-15-43-7


Baillie, Neil Benjamin Edmonstone, 1799–1883.

A digest of Moohummdan įsic, law; compiled and translated from authorities in the original Arabic, with an introd. and explanatory notes, by Neil B. E. Baille. Lahore, Premier Book House (1965,

2 v. 20 cm. v.1: R$25; v. 2: R$12 Bibliogranblcal footnotes,

CONTENTS: 1, The doctrines of the Hanifeea code of jurisprudence, rev., with some additions to the text, nd a supplement on sale, loan, and mortgage, etc.--2 The doctrines of the Imameen code of jurisprudence on the most important of the same subjects.

1. Islamic law. I. Title. KMK GU CU MH-L

SA 67-3053 rer

PL 480: P-E-1108

Baillien, Henry, comp.

see Stadsarchief Tongeren. Inventaris... Brussel ( Algemeen Rijksarchief 1967

Baillie, Neil Benjamin Edmonstone, 1799–1883.

A digest of Moohummudan law on the subjects to which it is usually applied by British courts of justice in India. Compiled and translated from authorities in the original Arabic, with an introduction and explanatory notes ... By Neil B. E. Baillie, M. R. A. S. London, Smith, Elder, & co., 1869-75 v. 2, 1869,

2 v. 23 cm.

CONTENTS: pt. 1 The doctrines of the Hanifeea code of Juris prudence. 2d ed., rev., with some additions to the text, and a supplement on sale, loan, and mortgage. - pt. 2. The doctrines of the Imamees code of jurisprudence on the most important of the same subjects. 1. Islamic law.

36-25131 rev

Baillière's atlas of female anatomy, by Katharine F. Arm

strong. Coloured plates by Douglas J. Kidd. 7th ed. London, Baillière, Tindall and Cassell (1969, 32 p. Illus., col. plates. 44 cm.

Bo.. 1. Woman-Anatomy and physiology. 1. Armstrong, Katharine Fairlie, 1892 I. Title : Atlas of female anatomy. (QM26]


72-497372 SBN 7020-0297-6


Baillod, Marc,

Eléments de parasitologie végétale, à l'usage des écoles d'agriculture ipar, Mare Baillod. Bernard Delley, Eric Joseph. Publié par l'Association suisse des ingénieurs agronomes. Lausanne, Payot, (1966) 112 p mus., 8 plates, 31 cm str 20.

(Sx 16-4-1188) "Diffusion en France: La Maison rustique, Paris" Bibliography: p. ,110,

1. Plant diseases. 2. Agricultural pests. I Delley. Berperd, Joint author. 11. Joseph, Eric, Joint author. III. Schweizerisceber Verband der Lehrer an Landwirtschaftlichen Schulen und der Itgenieur-Agronomen, IV. Title (SB601)


68-900134/SC DNAL-Shared Catalog

Ing WU

Baillie, Nell Benjamin Edmonstone, 1799-1883

see al-Fatawa al-'Alamgiriyah. English. Selections, The land tax of India, according to the Moohummudan law... 2d ed. London, Smith, Elder, 1873.

Baillods, Jules.

Images. Neuchâtel, Éditions de la Baconnière , 1942, 198 p.

illus.. ports. 19 cm. 1. Art-Themes, motives, etc. 1. Title. N7438.B3


Baillière's atlas of male anatomy. 5th ed. revised by Kath

erine F. Armstrong; coloured plates by Douglas J. Kidd; foreword by Sir Cecil Wakeley. London, Baillière, Tindall & Cassell, 1967. 34 p. 7 plates, 80 illus. (incl. 30 col.) 44 cm. 20/

(B 68-01061) Text tipped in on lining paper, plates on right.

1. Anatomy, Human-Atlases. 1. Armstrong, Katherine Fairlie, 1892 11. Title: Atlas of male anatomy.

NLM:1. Anatomy-atlases, QS 17 B157 1967, (QM25]


68-69730/SC NLM-Shared Cataloging ctY-M Ort Wat CNOS MiEM

Baillot, Alexandre.

Chimères, poèmes. Paris, Éditions de la Revue moderne, 1969. 19 cm.

7.00 1. Title. PQ2603.A243C5

70-519119 ICU

Baillie, Neil Benjamin Edmonstone, 1799-1883, tr.

see al-Fatawa al-'Alamgiriyah. English, Selections. The Moohummudan law of sale, according to the Huneefeea code... London, Smith, Elder, 1850.

Baillie, Pearl M

The Samoyed (New Zealand) by Pearl M. Baillie and Valerie E. P. Auckram. New Zealand, Cliff Press, 1961,

245 p. illus. OCIW


Baillière's handbook of first aid : an elementary and advanced

course of training. 6th ed.; edited by Stanley Miles. London, l'aillière, Tindall & Cassell, 1970. vill, 336 p. illus. 19 cm. index. 20/

B 70-18819 First-5th eds, by A. D. Belilios, D. K. Mulvany and K. F. Armstrong, published under title: A handbook of first aid and bandaging.

1. First aid in illness and injury. 2. Fractures. 3. Wounds. 1. Miles, Stanley, ed. II. Belilios, Arthur David. A handbook of first aid and bandaging.

DNLM: 1. First Ald. WA 292 B157 1970 (RC87.B38 1970]


74451987 ISBN 0-702040334-4

MARC Shared Cataloging with


Bailloud, Gérard.

Les gisements paléolithiques de Melka-
Kontoure. (Addis-Abeba, 1965,

37 p. illus. (Cahiers de l'Institut ethiopien d'archéologie, 1)

1. Melka-kontoure, Ethiopia Antiq. MH


Bailly, Alexandre

see Grammaire générale et raisonnée de PortRoyal, Genève, Slatkine Reprints, 1968,

Baillie, Robert A

Development and production of oil from the Athabasca tar sands, by R.A. Baillie and T.S. Mertes, Philadelphia (1968,


1. Bituminous sand-Athabasca. I. Mertes, Thomas 8. 01.Sun Oil Company. Research and Engineering Dept. 01. Title. IV.Title: Athabasca tar sands, PPSOPR


Baillière's nurses' dictionary. 17th ed.; revised by Barbara F. Cape. London, Baillière, Tindall & Cassell, 1968.

XX, 144p 8 plates, illus. 14 cm 8/6 SRX 7020 0271-2

(B 68-22367) First published in 1912 under title : The Nurses' complete medical dictionary

1. Nurses and nursing-Dictionaries. 2. Medicine Dictionaries 1. Care. Barbara F., ed. 11. Title: Nurses' dictionary.

DXLM: 1. Dictionaries, Medical, 2. Nursing-dict. W 13 B157 1948 (RT21)


75-360073 Shared Cataloging with


Bailly, Anatole, 1833-1911.

Dictionnaire grec français; rédigé avec le concours de E. Egger. Ed. revue par L. Séchan et P. Chantraine. Avec, en appendice de nouvelles notices de mythologie et religion par L. Séchan.

Paris, Hachette (1965, c1950) xxxi, 2230 p.

1. Greek language-Dict. - French, I. Séchan, Louis. II. Chantraine, Pierre, 1899NNC


Bailly, Antoine.

Mon carnet de conjugaison, Caluire (Rhone) 1967)

64 p. 21 cm. (Mes carnets) Cover title.

1. French language-Verb. I. Title. IaU

NU C71-27805

Baillie, Stuart

see Wisdom, Aline Crowley, Evaluation of undergraduate library science training in California junior colleges...

Azusa, Calif. (1963,

Baillière's pocket book of ward information; by Marjorie

Houghton. 12th ed., revised by L. Ann Jee. London, Baillière, Tindall and Cassell, 1971. 16. 192 p. Illus, 14 cm. index, €0.50

B 71-15862 First ed.. by H. L. Heimann and Dora Wilson, published in 1933 uniler title: The Nurses' pharmacopoeia.

1 Vurses and nursing --Handbooks, manuals, etc. 1. Houghton, Marjorie. II. Jee. L. Ann. III. Title: Pocket book of ward Information. DXLS: 1. Nursing care.

WY100 H1838b 1971, (RT65.B35 1971)


70-501979 ISBN 0-70-210-03.31-4

MARC Shared Cataloging with


Bailly, Antoine see Claval, Françoise, comp.

Problemes d'urbanisation dans la région de Belfort-Montbéliard. Paris, Les belles lettres, 1967.

Baillie, William M 1940

ed. A critical edition of Gratiae theatrales. in.p., 1967.

320 1. Thesis (Ph.D. Univ. of Chicago.

I. Title. ICU


Baillie-Grohman, William Adolph, 1851-1921.

Sport in art; an iconography of sport during four hundre

years from the beginning of th fifteenth to the end of the eighteenth centuries. New York, B. Blom ,1969, €1925,

xxiii, 422 p. Illus 84 cm. Bibliographical footnotes.

1. Sports in art. 2. Sporting prints. L Title. N8250.B3 1969




Baillinou, Juan Bautista.

La telaraña; cuentos. Santa Cruz, Tall. Gráf. del Ministerio de Desarrollo y Servicio Civil de la Pcia. de Santa Cruz, 1968, (56) P. Illus, 21 cm. $3.00

LACAP 69-2424 CONTENTS.--La medalla.--E1 rata.-El ropero.-El pescador. El gato. La linea.--Seis de enero.

1. Title. PQ7798.12.A47T4


Bailly, Charles François, 1800-1862.

Souveau manuel complet de physique; ou, Élémers abrégés de cette science, mis à la portée des gens du monde et des étudians ... Par C. Bailly. Nouv. ed., rer. et annette Paris, Librairie encyclopédique de Roret, 1841.

411 p. 8 fold. plates, 15 cm. (Manuels-Rorel)

1. Physics. QC23.811 1811

Bailly, René, 1910–

Dictionnaire des synonymes de la langue française, par René Bailly sous la direction de Michel de Toro. Paris, Larousse (1971)

xii, 626 p. 20 cm. On cover: Synonymes.

1. French language--Synonyms and antonyms, I. Title. II. Title : Synonymes. PC2591.B3 1971


Bailly, Jean Claude, 1931–

Etude des réactions d'échange isotopique homomoléculaire sur les oxydes métalliques ... Gif-sur Yvette, Service de documentation du C. E. A., Centre d'études nucléaires de Saclay, 1967.

20 p. 27 cm. (Bibliographie CEA no 104) unpriced

2 sujet de thèse." Bibliography: p. 17-20.

1. Metallic oxides. 2. Oxygen-Isotopes & Exchange reactions, L Title (Series: France. Commissariat à l'énergie atomique Série "Bibliographies," no 104) QD181.01B25


73 417151

Bailov, Filip.

Проучване на пазарите на селскостопанската продук дия в света. (Обзор. (Ред. с. Добрева). София, ЦнтииСГС, 1971. 130 p. with tables. 21 cm, 2.00 lv

Bu 71-802 At head of title: Център за научно-техническа и икономическа информация по селско и горско стопанство при ACH.

Summary also in Russian and English. Bibliography: p. 126 -120. 1. Produce trade. 1. Title.

Title romanizel: Prouch rane na pazarite na

selskostopanskata produktsila v sveta. HD9000.5.B25


Bailly, Robert.

Avignon hors les murs. Avignon, impr. F. Orta, 1967. 180 p. plates. 24 cm, 24 F

(7 684641) Bibliographical footnotes.

1. Avignon--Suburbs and environs. 1. Title. DC801. A96B33


68-108048 CSt WU

Bailly, Maurice.

Thermodynamic technique par, M. Bailly. Paris, Bordas ,1971

illus. 23 cm. (Collection Etudes, 46 Serle bleue) 65.00F (v. 1)

pes (v.1) CONTENTS: 1. Chaleur, principes, gaz et vapeurs.

1. Thermodynamics. 2. Fluid dynamics. 1. Title TJ265.B16


Bailly, Robert.

Les Chapelles rurales en Provence. Avignon, Impr. F. Orta, 1969.

202 p. Illus, plates 25 cm. 38.00 Bibliography: p. (1907-200

1. Rural churches-Provence, 2. Church architecture-Provence. 1. Title. NA5549.P7B3

79- 407642

Bailov, Filip.

Гавнище и съотношение на изкупните цени на селскостопанските произведения. . Изследване. (Orr. PeA. Тотю Ангарски). София, БАН, 1970. 232 p. with tables 21 cm 1.80

Bu 70-902 At head of title: Академия на селскостопанските науки. Институт по икономика и организация на селското стопанство.

. Added t. p. in French ; summary in Russian and French,

1. Produce trade-Bulgaria. 2. Agricultural pricey-Bulgaria. 1. Title,

Title romanised: Ravnishte 1 sdotnoshe

nie na Izkupnite tsent. HD2015.B82B32


Bailly, Michel, 1937

Aspect statistique des comparaisons financières interentreprises. Paris, S. A. B. R. I., 1969.

197 p. illus. 24 cm. (Université, entreprise) 40.00 Bibliography: p. 1191,-192.

1. Ratio analysis. 2. Financial statements. 1. Title. HF568 1.R25B3

74 406282

Bailly, Paul.

Glossary of terms concerning the construction, upkeep and management of buildings for the use of members of the real estate professions. English edition. Paris, (36) Fédération internationale des professions immobilières, 68, rue des Archives, in, d.; VI, 74 p. plates. 27 cm. unpriced

F 69 4250 on cover: Real estate glossary. 1. Real estate business Dictionaries

1. International Real Estate Federation, 11. Title. m. Title: Real estate glossary. HD1375.825




Bails, Dale see Kent, Calvin A

State taxation of cooperative enterprises. Vermillion, University of South Dakota , 1970,

Bailly, Rosa.

Victoire sur le cancer. (Avant-propos de Maryse Choisy. Genève,) Editions du Mont-Blanc, (1969). 160 p. 20 cm. 11.00

Sw 60-A-5971 1. Cancer. 1. Title. RC263.B29


Bails, Jerry G., joint author see Overstreet, Robert M

The comic book price guide... Cleveland, Tenn. (1970,

Bailly, Paul.

Vingt ans de vie internationale. Twenty years of international life ... FIABCI, 1948–1968. Paris, FIABCI (1969,

100 p. illos, 27 cm In English, Added titles in German and Spanish,

1. International Real Estate Federation. 1. Title. II, Title: Twenty years of International life. HD251.I 66B3


Bailly, V

Dictionnaire orthographique par, V. Bailly. Anvers, Éditions Plantyn, (1968). 56 p. 25 cm. unpriced

(Be) 1. French language Orthography and spelling. 1. Title PC2146.13


74 367883

Bailum, Henry.

Skøjere og skarnsfolk. Kulturhistoriske skildringer. Trasnit af forfatteren. København, Aros, (D. B. K.), 1971. 56 p. lllus. 12 cm. kr18.75

D 72-4 1. Jutland-Social life and customs, I. Title DI 271.J8B34

72-322392 ISBN 87-7003-197-5

Baily, Walter, 1528 or 9-1592.

A short discourse of the three kindes of peppers in common vse, and certaine special medicines made of the same, tending to the preseruation of health. London?, 1588. Amsterdam, Theatrum Orbis Terrarum; New York, Da Capo Press, 1972

1 v. (unpaged) 16 cm. (The English experience, its record in early printed books published in facsimile, no. 425)

On cover: A short discourse of peppers S. T. C. no. 1199.

1. Pepper (Spice)-Therapeutic tise. 2. Medicine 15th-18th centuries. I. Title. II. Title: A short discourse of peppers III. Series RM666.P38B34 1588a


77-38145 ISBN 90-221-0425-7


Baily, Peter J

H Design of stock control systems and records by, Peter Baily & Gerard Tavernier. London, Gower Press, 1970.

XI, 137 p. lllus., forms 26 cm. index. £8.75 B 71-02000

1. Inventory control. 1. Tavernler, Gerard, Joint author. II. Title HD55.126


70-583302 ISBN 0-7161-00400


Bailur, Ambalini, 1938

Studies on availability of amino acids from selected proteins. Ithaca, N.Y., 1967.

x, 135 1. diagrs., tables, 29 cm. Thesis (Ph.D.)-Cornell University.

1. Amino acids. 2. Protein metabolism. I. Title, NIC

NUC 71-64925

Bailyev, Kh., joint author

see Azimov, Pigam. Turkmen dilinin grammatikasy. Ashgabat, Turkmenistan dovlet okuv -pedagogik neshirsty, 1963

Baily, Peter J

н Managing materials in industry, by, Peter Baily and David Farmer. London, Gower Press, 1972.

xv. 341, 112, p. illus., forms. 25 cm. index. £5.75 B 72-10948 Bibliography: p. 333.

1. Materials management. I. Farmer, David H., Joint author, II. Title. TS161.B33


72-185743 ISBN 0-7161-0113 0


Baily, Albert L

Dramatizations from the life of Jesus, by Albert L. Baily. New York, Exposition Press, 1964,

123 p. 21 cm.

1. Jesus Christ-Drama. 1. Title, OKentc


Bailyn, Bernard.

Education in the forming of American society: needs and opportunities for study. Now York, Norton (1972, c1960,

all, 147 p. 20 cm. (The Norton library, N643) $1.45

Original ed. issued in series : Needs and opportunities for studs series.

Bibliography: p. 117-136.

1. Education United States History. 1. Title II. Series: Needs and opportunities for study series (LA206.B3 1972)


72-4622 ISBN 0-388-00643-8


Baily, Everett Minnich,

Steady-state harmonic analysis of nonlinear networks. Stanford, Calif., 1968.

viii, 167 1. illus, Thesis (Ph. D. Stanford University.

Bibliography: leaves 166-167.

1. Electronic data processing Electric engineering. 2. Electric networks, I. Title. CSt


Bailyn, Bernard.

The ideological origins of the American Revolution. Cambridge, Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1967. xill, 335 p.

9 cm An enl. version of the General introduction, in the anthor's Pam. phlets of the American Revolution, F. 1. published in 195

1. Political science-Hist. U.S. 2. U. S.-Hist. Revolution 1. Title JA84.U5B3



Baily, Peter J

H Purchasing principles and techniques by, Peter Baily and David Farmer. London, Pitman for the Institute of Purchasing and Supply, 1968.

x1, 321 pillus, forms. 23 cm. 42/- SBN 273-402506-3

(B 69 00027) Bibliography: p. 317.

1. Industrial procurement. 1. Farmer, David H., joint author. It, Institute of l'urchasing and Supply 1. Title. HD52.5.B29



Baily, Francis, 1774–1844.

Journal of a tour in unsettled parts of North America, in 1796 & 1797. Edited by Jack D. L. Holmes. Foreword by John Francis McDermott. Carbondale, Southern Illinois University (1969, XIVÍ, 336 p. Illus, map (on lining papers), ports.

22 cm. (Travels on the western waters) 15.00

Original ed, published in 1856.

Bibliographical references Included in "Notes" (p. 207,-315) BILliography: p. 316,-323.

1. Ohio Valley-Description and travel. 2. Mississippi ValleyDescription and travel L Holmes, Jack David Lazarus, 1930ed. 11. Title. F516.B15 1969


68-21414 SBN 8093 0380-2


Bailyn, Bernard.

The origins of American politics. New York, Knopf, 1968.

II, 161, xil p. 22 cm. (The Charles K. Colver lectures, Brown University, 1965)

1. U. S.-Pol. & govt-Colonial period. 1 Title (Series: The Colrer lectures, 1965) JK54.B3



Baily, Peter J H

Successful stock control by manual systems, by, Peter Baily. London, Grower Press, 1971. Il, 187 p. Illug 23 cm. index £3.75

B 71-18676 Bibliography: p. 162-163.

1. Inventory control 1. Title. HF5681.S8B28


76-863857 ISBN 0-7161-0080-0


Bailyn, Bernard.

Religion and revolution; three biographical studies. Cambridge, 1970,

85-169 p.

Offprint from Perspectives in American history, vol. 4, 1970.

Studies of Andrew Eliot, Stephen Johnson, and Jonathan Mayhew.

1. Mayhew, Jonathan, 1720-1766. 2. Johnson, Stephen, 1724-1786. 3. Eliot, Andrew, 17181778. 4.U.S.--Hist. -1775-1783-Biog. I. Title, MH MHi

NUC 71-63885

Baily, Henry Heaton, 1888

Specialized accounting systems, including construction and installation. 2d ed. New York, Wiley (1957, c1951,

xii, 579 p. illus. 24 cm. (A Wiley publication in accounting)

1. Accounting. I. Title. KyU


Bailyn, Bernard, joint author

see Fleming, Donald Harnish, 1923The intellectual migration... Cambridge, Belknap Press of Harvard Univ. Press, 1969.

Bailyn, Bernard, ed. see Keayne, Robert, 1595-1656.

The apologia of Robert Kaeyne... Gloucester, Mass., P. Smith, 1970 c1964,

Baily, James Thomas Herbert, 1865–1914, comp.

The Connoisseur Christmas annual 1914, ed. by J. T. Herbert Baily

London, The Connoisseur /1914, 39 p. plates (part col., part mounted) 42 cm. Some of the plates are printed on both sides.

1. Art-Yearbooks. 1. The Connoisseur (London, 1901 ) N9.B3

16-19023 rev

Baily, Sharon.

A study of unemployment in the Montana counties of Deer Lodge and Silver Bow. A project report presented to the Inter-County Development Corporation of Southwestern Monta na and the Economic Development Internship Program. Boulder, Colo., Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education, 1969.

48 p. tables. 28 cm.

Cover title: Unemployment in Deer Lodge and Silver Bow counties.

1. Unemployed-Montana. 1. Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education. II. Title. III. Title: Unemployment in Deer Lodge and Silver Bow counties. OrU


Baily, Mel.

see Walters, Bill. The Spiro T, Agnew coloring book, New York, Grosset & Dunlap (1969,

Bailyn, Lotte

see The uses of television. Ann Arbor, Mich., Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues, 1962.

Page 11