A cultura popular segundo emanuele cristina siebert

It is customary to hold school exhibitions in Portuguese schools. In this context, we aim to investigate how the emergence of these expositions occurred inside and outside the formal Portuguese school context. In order to do so, through bibliographical research, we have identified historical aspects that influenced the adoption of school exposition as a pedagogical practice, which may allow us to look at the present in a critical way. As a result of historical events, they are not neutral and were, of course, adapting to new needs. Keywords: school exhibitions/artistic education / history of education / art education. E habitual a realizacao de exposicoes escolares nas escolas portuguesas. Nesse contexto, objetivamos investigar como se deu o surgimento dessas exposicoes dentro e fora do contexto escolar formal portugues. Para tanto, por meio de pesquisa bibliografica, identificamos aspectos historicos que influenciaram a adocao da exposicao escolar como pratica pedagogica, o que podera possibilitar olhar o presente de uma forma critica. Resultado de acontecimentos historicos, elas nao sao neutras e foram, naturalmente, se adaptando as novas necessidades. Palavras chave: exposicoes escolares / educacao artistica / historia da educacao / ensino da arte.

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The evaluative forms emerge from the need to evaluate the practical work done by the students in the art classes, based on objective criteria and thus avoiding that the evaluation was veiled or based on the teacher's personal tastes. The narrative dialogues with Hernandez (2000), who approaches the evaluation in the teaching of the visual arts and with Bourdieu (2007) that reinforces the importance of art in school and the accomplishment of practical works. The report contextualizes the school scenario in which the proposal was experienced and how the form was structured, and all items arose from needs observed in the classroom, some items of organizational, disciplinary and other characteristics reinforcing the contents studied. The evaluative forms made evaluations faster and more objective, facilitating the dialogue between teacher and students, guiding and enabling the work could be corrected or redone if the student chooses. Keywords: art education/evaluation/ pedagogical practice/ experience report. As fichas avaliativas surgem da necessidade de avaliar os trabalhos praticos realizados pelos estudantes nas aulas de artes, tendo por base criterios objetivos e evitando assim que a avaliacao fosse velada ou baseada em gostos pessoais do professor. O relato dialoga com Hernandez (2000), que aborda a avaliacao no ensino das artes visuais e com Bourdieu (2007) que reforca a importancia da arte na escola e a realizacao de trabalhos praticos. O relato contextualiza o cenario escolar em que a proposta foi experienciada e como a ficha foi estruturada, sendo que todos os itens surgiram por necessidades observadas em sala de aula, sendo alguns itens de caracteres organizacionais, disciplinares e outros que reforcavam os conteudos estudados. As fichas tornaram as avaliacoes mais rapidas e objetivas, facilitando o dialogo entre professor e alunos, orientando e possibilitando que os trabalhos pudessem ser corrigidos ou refeitos, se assim o aluno opta-se. Palavras-chave: educacao artistica / avaliacao / pratica pedagogica / relato de experiencia.

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A cultura popular segundo emanuele cristina siebert

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