Which of the following is not part of the apa principles for conducting ethical research?

Informed consent requires that research staff and participants should be given appropriate (a) information about the research (b) in a comprehensible manner (c) without duress or inappropriate inducement.

The information should include: the research procedure, the purposes, risks and anticipated benefits, alternative procedures (where therapy is involved), and a statement offering the participant the opportunity to ask questions and to withdraw at any time from the research. Where a person is not receiving treatment but is a pure volunteer, the standard of disclosure may be expected to be higher. The extent and nature of information should be such that persons, knowing that the procedure is neither necessary for their care nor perhaps fully understood, can decide whether they wish to participate in the furthering of knowledge. Even when some direct benefit to them is anticipated, the participants should understand clearly the range of risk and the voluntary nature of participation.

Comprehension entails that the manner and context in which information is conveyed is as important as the information itself. For example, presenting information too quickly or in a format that is confusing may adversely affect a participant's ability to make an informed choice. Because a participant's ability to understand is a function of intelligence, rationality, maturity and language, it is necessary to adapt the presentation of the information to the participant’s capacities. Investigators are responsible for ascertaining that the participant has comprehended the information.

Special provision may need to be made when comprehension is severely limited – for example, by conditions of immaturity or mental disability (e.g., infants and young children or those with mentally disabilities). Participants must have the opportunity to choose to the extent they are able, whether or not to participate in research. This situation also requires seeking the permission of other parties in order to protect the participants from harm and represent their best interests.

Voluntariness requires that a participant make their decision without duress or other undue influence. Coercion occurs when an overt threat of harm is intentionally presented by one person to another in order to obtain compliance. Undue influence, by contrast, occurs through an offer of an excessive, unwarranted, inappropriate or improper reward or other overture in order to obtain compliance. Also, inducements that would ordinarily be acceptable may become undue influences if the participant is especially vulnerable. Unjustifiable pressures usually occur when persons in positions of authority or commanding influence – especially where possible sanctions are involved – urge a course of action for a participant.

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Who is responsible for approving research conducted on humans?

Possible Answers:

Association for Research Approval (ARA)

You do not need approval to conduct research on humans

Institutional Review Board (IRB)

National Institute of Health (NIH)

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

Correct answer:

Institutional Review Board (IRB)


An institutional review board (IRB) is a committee that reviews, approves, and monitors biomedical and behavioral research conducted on humans. Its purpose is to assure that participants' rights are protected during the course of research. 

Which of the following is not considered an ethical reason for deception of subjects in a study?

Possible Answers:

Subjects will be told of the deception afterwards, and allowed to learn the truth behind the research and methods

They would be upset if they knew the truth

Deception in this study could provide researchers with new and valuable insights

The study could not be completed without deciving the subjects

All of these are acceptable reasons for deception in a psychological study

Correct answer:

They would be upset if they knew the truth


Deception may be necessary to study subjects' true behavior, as people may behave differently if they know they are under observation or know the exact purpose of the study being performed. However, deceiving subjects simply because they might be upset if they knew the truth is not a valid ethical reason to do so.

Which of the following is necessary for informed consent in pyschological research?

Possible Answers:

Subject is informed of purpose and expected duration of the study

Subject is told of any potential limits to confidentiality

Subject is told of potential research benefits of the study

Subject is allowed to withdraw from the study at any time

All of these are necessary for a subject to give informed consent

Correct answer:

All of these are necessary for a subject to give informed consent


Informed consent in psychological research means the subject is given enough information on the study to make an informed decision on his/her participation. This includes informing the subject that s/he can withdraw consent and leave the study at anytime.

Which of the following are requirements for psychological studies that include animal testing?

Possible Answers:

The animals have to be acquired legally

There must be a clear scientific purpose

Animals must be treated in a humane manner

Correct answer:

All of these


The American Psychological Association (APA) has certain ethical guidelines when it comes to using animals for research. Experiments must be designed for the most minimal amount of suffering possible and the animals must be treated in a humane way. They have to have been acquired from a legal source, and it must be made clear why it is that animals must be used for this particular scientific end.

In human research, what is informed consent?

Possible Answers:

Participants know they are involved in a study, but do not have to give written consent

Participants don't have to know that what they are doing is for research, but they must give written consent

Participants must know they are involved in a study and give written consent

Participants go into the study blindly

Correct answer:

Participants must know they are involved in a study and give written consent


A requirement by the American Psychological Association (APA) is that the participant in a human study must give informed consent. That is, they must know they are involved in a study and give written consent. There can't be any extreme deception about the study; the participant must have an understanding of the expectations and premise of the study.

What is the guideline for confidentiality in a psychological study?

Possible Answers:

If the participant did not sign the appropriate papers, the identity of the participant can be revealed in the results

The identity of the participant can be revealed in the results, only with informed consent

No participant's identity can be revealed in the results of the study

If the participant's identity is vital to the results of the study, then the researcher can reveal the identity of the participant

Correct answer:

No participant's identity can be revealed in the results of the study


Once the research is completed, the identity of the people involved in the study, under absolutely no condition, may be revealed. The identity of the participant will never be made an integral part of the study, and there are no forms that allow for this.

Which of the following is an APA guideline for human participation in a study?

Possible Answers:

The participant cannot be placed under significant mental or physical risk

The participant cannot reveal to anyone else that they were a participant in a study

The researcher cannot ask the participant about their ethnic or familial background

Correct answer:

The participant cannot be placed under significant mental or physical risk


According to American Psychological Association (APA) guidelines, a participant in a study cannot be placed under significant mental or physical risk. There are no forms that the participant can sign that would allow for these conditions in a study.

What are the debriefing procedures for participants involved in a psychological study?

Possible Answers:

The participants are told the end goal of the study and ways to attain the results after the experiment is completed

After the experiment, the participants do not have to be told the end goal of the study but are given ways to attain the results

The participants are told the end goal of the study and ways to attain the results before the experiment begins

After the experiment, the participants are told the end goal of the study but do not have access to the end results

Correct answer:

The participants are told the end goal of the study and ways to attain the results after the experiment is completed


The debriefing procedures according to American Psychological Association (APA) guidelines are such that after the experiment, participants are told the end goal of the study and ways to attain the results. Doing so before the experiment could affect the results in an undesirable way, and so this information is provided to the participant after the experiment is completed.

Can there be involuntary participants in a psychological study according to APA guidelines?

Possible Answers:

No, with certain exceptions, especially when field work is being done

Yes, but only in a controlled setting

No, and under no exception

No, but with the exception that the involuntary participants will be put under no mental or physical stress

Correct answer:

No, and under no exception


The American Psychological Association (APA) guidelines for participation in a psychological study are such that there may be no involuntary partcipants or coercion involved in the study. The participants must provide clear and written informed consent before participating in the study.

Which of the following is not an aspect of an ethical study?

Possible Answers:


Informed consent, confidentiality, anonymity, and debriefing are all aspects of an ethical study. Informed consent means that all subjects were given the necessary information for them to decide whether they wanted to participate in the study, or not. Confidentiality means that the experimenters will not release any information about subjects without their consent. Anonymity means that the experimenter does not know the identity of the subjects. Debriefing is when an experimenter tells the subject more information about the study's purpose and procedures after the study is completed.

Coercion means persuasion via threat or force, so coercion is NOT a feature of an ethical study.

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